Chapter 80
(1) Marry only rich and beautiful boys
Speaking of Jiang Zhiqing, an unborn hero, has a long history and is confusing.

It is said that in the early years, west of Xikou, the hometown of Yue Opera, in Gezhu County, Sheng County, there lived a gentle and affectionate girl named Wang Caiyu. When she was 19 years old, she was shy and married a villager named Yu as his wife. While the candles were still on and the bridal chamber was warm, her husband died inexplicably.Die is dead, but immediately after, Wang Caiyu's father-in-law also died inexplicably.In other words, after Wang Caiyu got married, all the men in her husband's family died. Poor Caiyu was a girl who couldn't carry her on her shoulders or her hands. What will happen to her future life?

Speaking of the girl Wang Caiyu, she is really a rare talented woman, she is a talented woman, skilled in poetry and prose, and also has a kind heart, but these advantages are not used in making a living.In desperation, Wang Caiyu went to Gezhu nunnery, took her hair to practice, and ate a meal.

There is a Yutai salt shop in the local area, and there is a shopkeeper surnamed Wang who often comes to visit the nunnery. When he saw the young and beautiful Wang Caiyu, he said to her: Caiyu, you are so young, how can you live in this deserted place with peace of mind? life?If you want me to introduce you to a boyfriend, just be vulgar.

Wang Caiyu: Brother Wang, you see that I practice with hair, so you should understand my thoughts. It’s just that although I, Wang Caiyu, have mediocre qualifications, I have been studying since childhood. , do you understand what I mean?
Mate Wang: ... I don't understand, what do you mean?
Wang Caiyu: What else do you mean?The person I want to remarry must be young and rich. He can neither let down my youth, nor let me live a poor life in fear.

Mr. Wang said: If you want to be young, you can have it, and if you want to have a lot of money, you can also have it.But you need to be young and have a lot of money... Caiyu, can we be more rational, think about it, young people have not had time to make money, how can they be rich?People with a lot of money have earned that money over the years, and by the time they earn money, they are probably already old.

Wang Caiyu: I don't care, anyway, if I can't meet these two conditions, I'd rather not marry.

Buddy Wang: Look at you girl, you are so stubborn, let me help you find someone.

Not long after, Mr. Wang came to the nunnery again excitedly: Caiyu, Caiyu, the young and rich man you want to marry, I found it.

Wang Caiyu: Really?

Mr. Wang: I have already brought him, you can peek through the crack of the door and look out.

Wang Caiyu pawed at the crack of the door, peeped out, and immediately blushed.I saw a young man standing outside the door, handsome, youthful and handsome, wearing a gorgeous long gown, holding a folding fan, enjoying himself at ease, he looked like a son of a wealthy family.When Wang Caiyu looked at it, his heart broke immediately.Mr. Wang introduced on one side: Caiyu, the beautiful young man outside is the young owner of the Yutai Salt Shop where I work. His name is Jiang Zhaocong, his name is Su'an, his nickname is Minghuo, he is smart and capable. Ah, I don't know if you like it or not?

Look at what this stupid guy asked, how could Wang Caiyu not be happy about this?
(2) Marriage Deception
So the young widow Wang Caiyu once again ushered in the spring of her life and married the young owner of Yutai Salt Shop as his wife.After the wedding banquet, Xi Niang withdrew, the door of the bridal chamber was closed, and a footstep came slowly towards her, making Wang Caiyu blush up to her ears.

One hand pulled off the red hijab covering her head, so Wang Caiyu was surprised to see a strange old man with wrinkled face like dried orange peel.At that time, Wang Caiyu was shocked: old man, what are you doing in my bridal chamber?
The old man salivated with a smile: Miss, this is not your bridal chamber, it's our two's bridal chamber.I am your husband, so is Jiang Zhaocong, the owner of Yutai Salt Store.

impossible!Wang Caiyu was so frightened that she couldn't care less about the bride's reserve, she jumped up: What nonsense are you talking about, then Jiang Zhaoming is obviously a young and rich young man, I have seen it with my own eyes.

Yes, you have seen it with your own eyes.The old man Jiang Zhaocong laughed and said: But what you saw was a martial artist hired by me from the theater troupe.You, you, Caiyu, I’m not talking about you for your husband’s sake. If you suffer a loss, you’ll suffer a loss. You’ve never done business. The most important thing in business is to look at the goods. You have to let customers see your goods and want to buy them, but they buy them. Yes, it is definitely different from what I saw at the beginning.

Wang Caiyu was stunned, and it took him a while to react, and asked the strange old man blankly: Why did you lie to me?

Why?The strange old man laughed: Caiyu, why are you so stupid to ask this question?Isn't the reason too simple, because you are knowledgeable, gentle and kind, and you are a well-known female talent in all directions.And our Jiang family has worked hard for several generations to accumulate such a small salt shop.How can it go on like this? This kind of development is too slow, and time is running out.To keep pace with the times, the Jiang family must have the best offspring. Only the best offspring can bring glory to our Jiang family.But Caiyu, apart from such an excellent woman as you, who can give birth to the best offspring for our Jiang family?Good wife, don't be shy, let's come quickly... ouch, ouch...

It's strange that the old man spoke happily, but Wang Caiyu was so devastated when he heard it.In grief and indignation, he picked up the copper ruler on the table, and couldn't help but knock it down on the old man's head: Bad old man, you are a big villain, you cheated me, you cheated me all your life, I will beat you to death... It's no wonder that the old man Jiang Zhaocong's miserable howling sounded like a cloud.

If there are words, it will be long, and if there are no words, it will be short.In the blink of an eye, the unlucky strange old man Jiang Zhaocong was brutally beaten by Wang Caiyu for ten months. In the next year—the exact time was October 1887, 10, Wang Caiyu gave birth to a fat boy for the Jiang family.According to the genealogy, he was named Jiang Zhoutai, and his scientific name was Jiang Zhiqing.

Just as the strange old man Jiang Zhaocong judged, Jiang Zhiqing was born extraordinary, and he was already famous in the world when he was 7 years old.

A 7-year-old kid, dare to be famous?

dare!There is nothing such a poor child dare not do!
(3) Alien Jiang Zhiqing
In the year when Jiang Zhiqing was 7 years old, party members roamed the rivers and lakes, gangsters made waves, and from time to time, Qiu Jin, a heroine from Jianhu in the Restoration Association, came across the sea from Japan to take over Datong Normal Middle School and contacted Jiandong. The leader of the rivers and lakes is planning to make a big move.Zhu Shaokang, the leader of the Jiandong Longhua Association, known as Niu Dawang, was hired as a counselor by Datong Normal School, so Zhu Shaokang led his brothers to settle in the school, practicing day and night, and preparing for action.While Niu Dawang and Qiu Jin traveled in the rivers and lakes, secretly contacting other gangs in Jiandong.

One day, Zhu Shaokang and Qiu Jin passed through Sheng County, tied their horses to a tree by the roadside, and went to drink tea in a teahouse. Sheng, jumped forward, aimed at the horse's head, and yelled: "Don't go and watch the punches."With a bang, it hit the horse's head.

That horse has been with Zhu Shaokang for a long time and is used to wandering around the rivers and lakes. It has long been human.He was eating grass in a good manner, and got punched by the child for no reason, and felt angry, wanting to give the child a severe compensation, but the reins were tied to the tree, so he had to take a step back.

I didn't want the child to see the horse cowering, became more vicious, stepped forward and kicked the horse's mouth again, the horse felt even more wronged, and could only take another step back.

If the child presses forward again, he still needs to be beaten.Now that horse became angry, and said in his heart that you are a bad boy, my horse doesn't show off its power, you treat me like a sick cat?With a lift of its front hoof, it knocked the child down with a bang sound. Before the child got up, the horse took a step forward, stepped on the child's back with its front hoof, lowered its head, and took a bite on the child's back, biting the child until it hurt. Cheating his heart and lungs, he involuntarily opened his mouth wide and howled loudly.

Hearing the child's screams, Niu Dawang Zhu Shaokang was startled, and rushed over to rescue the child from under the horse's mouth, saying: Whose child are you?Why are you so annoying?My horse is quite human, if you punch him for no reason, he doesn't care about you, so that's all.You want to kick him again, but he doesn't mind, so you should give up, right?But you still want to hit him, look, now that you have provoked him, you regret it by biting you like this?

Helping the unlucky child up, King Niu asked carefully: "Son, what's your name?"Where do you live?

The child replied: My name is Jiang Zhiqing and I live in Xikou.

Niu Dawang patted Jiang Zhiqing on the head: the name is good, but the mind is not enough, hurry up and go home.

Not long after Jiang Zhiqing returned home, his grandfather and father passed away one after another, and he was sent to a private school by his mother Wang Caiyu to study. In the blink of an eye, he was 13 years old. He was holding the book in his hand, reading vigorously, when suddenly there was a bang, I saw a few ferocious county government servants kicking open the door of the private school. After hearing a sound, I couldn't help but say that an iron chain had been locked on Jiang Zhiqing's delicate neck.

Jiang Zhiqing was stunned: mother thin skin, why lock me?I didn't break the law?

Even if you don't break the law, you have to lock it.The yamen servant said, "Do you know, there is a tenant in your family who ran away because he didn't pay the rent owed to the county government."

Jiang Zhiqing said: "The tenant has escaped, so what does it matter to me?"

Why is it none of your business?The yamen servant said angrily: "Your tenant ran away. You are the young master, so of course you have to take the blame. Such a simple truth, do you have to ask me to explain it for you?"
You are simply... Jiang Zhiqing was so angry that his seven orifices were full of smoke. Before he could say it, he was pulled away by the yamen servants.

Just like that, Jiang Zhiqing was just 13 years old when he was sent to prison by the government for no reason.Thanks to mother Wang Caiyu's many twists and turns, she was able to rescue this little thing from the prison.

Not long after he was released from prison, Jiang Zhiqing was 14 years old. One day his 19-year-old cousin Mao Fumei came to visit the house. Jiang Zhiqing happened to see him. So Jiang Zhiqing stopped in front of his cousin and said loudly: Cousin, are you busy? ?

Cousin Mao Fumei said: "Don't be busy, what's the matter with you, brother?"

Jiang Zhiqing said: If you are not busy, cousin, you can marry me.

What?After Mao Fumei heard this, she was shocked: you are such a little thing, who taught you... turned her head and ran away covering her blushing cheeks.

Jiang Zhiqing's mother, Wang Caiyu, heard clearly from the door, and was also taken aback by her son's boldness, thinking that this child is so fucking weird, if he knows he wants to marry a wife at such a young age, it will be okay when he grows up?

(4) Mr. Strange Teacher
Wang Caiyu hesitated for a few days, but seeing his son Jiang Zhiqing's attitude was very firm, he decided to marry his cousin.So Wang Caiyu thought, aunts, cousins, relatives, broken bones and tendons, Zhiqing's little cousin is smart, sensible, and good at work, since Zhiqing wants to marry her, then ask someone to ask her mean...

So I entrusted a matchmaker and went to make a marriage proposal.As usual, Jiang Zhiqing's little cousin shied away symbolically, and finally agreed with a blushing face. Therefore, when Jiang Zhiqing was 14 years old, his bridal chamber wedding night was ushered in.During the worship, Jiang Zhiqing was held by the bridesmaid on both sides, and followed Li Sheng's orders.Li Sheng shouted: "Bow——Jiang Zhiqing didn't bow down, but how could he let this happen?"The bridesmaids on both sides gritted their teeth and forced Jiang Zhiqing down.Li Sheng shouted: Sheng——Jiang Zhiqing lay on the ground and refused to get up, and the bridesmaids on both sides forced him to stand up, and went on like this awkwardly, and finally heard Li Sheng shout: Send the bride and groom into the bridal chamber—this time The best man can no longer hold Jiang Zhiqing hostage, he can only let go.Unexpectedly, as soon as everyone let go, Jiang Zhiqing rushed out the door with a whoosh, took off the red-tasseled watermelon hat on his head with one hand, threw it into the air with a whoosh, and ran to the street, playing with the children.

Wang Caiyu stared at her son dumbfounded, feeling awkward in her heart: You say you bastard, since you don't like getting married, why do you have to cry and cry to marry your cousin?Aren't you a scammer?

The paradox of this matter lies here. When Jiang Zhiqing expressed his attitude and asked to marry his cousin Mao Fumei, he acted very mature and manly.However, on the day Mao Fumei came to visit, Jiang Zhiqing suddenly recovered his naughty nature. This sudden retreat in character forged Mao's future tragic fate.But why Jiang Zhiqing's personality suddenly shrank, and he recovered his childish nature from a little man, is a mystery that no one can figure out anymore.

Afterwards, Jiang Zhiqing continued to study in Fenglu Academy, which mainly taught "Book of Rites" and "Zhou Li", and Jiang Zhiqing expressed dissatisfaction with this.He didn't know who told him that the current schools were teaching Western arithmetic and English, so he asked the teacher to teach them.But how does the old master of Fenglu Academy understand this?The teacher can't speak, but the students want to learn. How to solve this problem?

It's easy, just expel this troublesome student.

So the annoying Jiang Zhiqing was expelled from Fenglu Academy, and the old masters continued to talk about their "Zhou Li" leisurely.

When Jiang Zhiqing returned home from school, he was depressed. At this time, his uncle heard about this and said, "Zhiqing, don't you want to learn Western arithmetic and English?"Okay, then you go to the Jianjin Academy in Ningbo.I heard that there is a Mr. Gu Qinglian in the Arrow Gold School. It is amazing. He not only understands Western arithmetic, but also speaks English in seven or eight countries.

After Jiang Zhiqing heard this, he strongly demanded to study in Ningbo.But now he has a family, and if he wants to leave, he has to bring his wife, Mrs. Mao.So the husband and wife went to Ningbo to rent a house, and Mao did needlework and clothes for cooking at home, while Jiang Zhiqing took his books and went to school excitedly.

When I was in class, I saw a strange person coming from outside the door, and Jiang Zhiqing managed to avoid screaming in fright.

The man was dressed, and there was nothing strange about it. It was nothing more than a suit and leather shoes, a top hat, a mustache, a civilized stick, and a big cigar in his mouth.But this dress, compared with the countrymen Jiang Zhiqing had seen before, with long robes and jackets, was very different, enough to make Jiang Zhiqing scream loudly.

This Western eccentric is Gu Qinglian, the gentleman Jiang Zhiqing came here for.

Mr. Gu walked up to the podium, took the thick cigar from his lips, and puffed out a thick puff of smoke: "Fuck you, I bow down, you son of a bitch."I greeted the students first in English and then in Japanese.The other students were okay, but poor Jiang Zhiqing's eyes were straightened.

After greetings, Mr. Gu took out a strange book from his pocket, the cover was painted in green and green, and the words on it were twisted and crooked, none of them were in shape.Seeing Mr. Gu holding up the book, he said: Today I want to introduce a wonderful book to you. This book is written by a strange person, and what is written in the book is a world-class hero who is so strange.Students, do you want to read this book?
think.The students answered in unison.

If you want to, you have to study hard, and you can't do nothing.Mr. Gu said: Let me tell you the truth quietly. The name of this book is "33 Years Dream". Lone Ranger, this person traveled the rivers and lakes and met a great hero. Guess who this hero is?

The students answered in unison: I can't guess.

If you can't guess it, you're right.Mr. Gu said: Speaking of this great hero, his surname is Sun and his name is Wen. This man is the reincarnation of Kui Mulang from the Upper Realm. He is the descendant of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty.Take a look at this paragraph. It says that when Mr. Sun Wen was in London, he was secretly captured by the court’s eagle minions.The pigeon flew straight to the hands of the Queen of England. The emperor of England is called Aunt Lisa. She is a peerless beauty. As the saying goes, the lotus is like a face and a willow is like an eyebrow. Immediately after receiving Sun Wen's edict to escort him, he immediately dispatched [-] troops to fight against the imperial court's minions on the streets of London.

Hearing what Mr. Gu said, we will know that Mr. Gu's Japanese level is really a bit so-so.What he was talking about was the historical event of Sun Wen’s suffering in London. This history was found in Tozo Miyazaki’s "33 Years Dream". The book said that when Sun Wen was in London, England, he was lured and captured by secret agents of the Qing court. , locked in a dark room.Fortunately, Sun Wen was quick-witted and wrote a distress message on a business card, which triggered the British to protest to the Qing court and was finally rescued.But this story is purely isolated, and no one has been able to find relevant evidence in the UK.Moreover, Mr. Gu mixed this story with elements of Chinese characteristics, which sounded more refreshing. Jiang Zhiqing was dumbfounded and dumbfounded when he heard it. He admired Mr. Sun Wen's heroic deeds to the extreme.

Husband has ambitions all over the world, and thousands of miles are neighbors.

In this life, I only wish to see the face of the great hero Mr. Sun Wen, that is enough.

When this idea came to Jiang Zhiqing's mind, history was doomed.

(5) Journey to the east to burn the world with fire
In April 1906, young Jiang Zhiqing went to Japan.

For this trip to the East, Jiang Zhiqing got the money from Huxiu's mother and wife selling their family property. At that time, the imperial court had funds for students studying in Japan, and those who passed the exam could go abroad publicly.But obviously, Jiang Zhiqing's test scores are a little unreliable, which can only make his mother and wife suffer.

On the ship, the fellow Chinese students spitting everywhere and were criticized by the crew.The crew said: Spitting everywhere is a bad habit of the Chinese. The Japanese are not so vulgar. The Japanese will spit on the handkerchief and wash or throw it away after returning home.

Jiang Zhiqing was dumbfounded, and hurriedly wrote the matter in his diary.

When he arrived in Japan, Jiang Zhiqing found that the Japanese he met, from the farmer who hoeed the ground to the three-fold lady, held two books in their hands.

What book is this?Jiang Zhiqing asked the Japanese.

The Japanese told him: These two books were written by our great thinkers in China. This one is called "Pictures of Sea Countries" and it was written by Mr. Wei Yuan.This book is called "Biography and Xilu", which was written by Mr. Wang Yangming in the Ming Dynasty.

Jiang Zhiqing was confused: Aren't you Japanese? How can you say you are Chinese?

The Japanese glared at him: Did you make a mistake?Japan has been China's sacred and inalienable territory since ancient times. Since the Tang Dynasty, we have often sent people to the mainland to study and visit.Later, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the barbarians and the Manchu Qing perished the Ming Dynasty, leaving only our Japan in the Ming Dynasty, hanging alone overseas, but thinking about restoring China and returning our land.

Jiang Zhiqing was stunned: Then Wei Yuan, and Wang Yangming who wrote this book, are both thinkers on the Japanese island, right?

(End of this chapter)

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