Chapter 82
The society is in chaos, the first one to be unlucky seems to be my turn first, who will let me be nothing more than a powerless common people?The common people are the most pitiful. When the society is good, the distribution of benefits is always out of reach. When the society is chaotic, they have to bear the brunt of all the efforts and costs.

After the Shanghai Manufacturing Bureau was conquered, the citizens finally came to their senses: No, the imperial court will not let this kind of thing go away. You can only buy it in cash.

As a result, people's hearts no longer think about chaos, and when they are already in chaos, they change their minds about fleeing.Shanghai residents dragged their families along, rushing towards the concession like a tide.Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Shanghai's local self-government chambers of commerce, business associations, fire fighting associations and other strange organizations couldn't sit still, so they discussed holding a small meeting.

The meeting was held at the Hailian Office. The people present at the meeting included the main figures of the Junxian School, the Tongmenghui and the Restoration Association, and many citizens came to watch.At the beginning, everyone didn't know what the topic of the meeting was, but they all thought that the administrative organization should be restored first, so they elected candidates for civil affairs, police affairs, justice, and finance. It is the old team of old Shanghai.

Then everyone began to vote for candidates for the military, and they all believed that a military government should be formed like Wuchang did.The participants, including Huang Yu and other students studying in Japan, strongly recommended Chen Qimei as the military and political chief, and the resolution was passed.

Seeing that the leaders of all walks of life in the military, government and finance have been elected, everyone is excited and is about to announce the end of the meeting when a person walks in.

Yimiao Boxer, Commander of the Fuzi Battalion, Captain of the Death Squad when attacking the Manufacturing Bureau, Liu Fubiao.

When Liu Fubiao came in, he held two bombs in one hand and left the other hand empty.Ignoring everyone's surprised gazes, he strode up to the rostrum, slapped a pistol on the table, and said loudly: "Everyone, I have a message. Would you like to hear it?"
Listen...No...Looking at the pistol on the table and the bomb in Liu Fubiao's hand, whether to listen or not, there will be no second answer to this question.

So Liu Fubiao said loudly: "Nong knows, Mr. Alabai, let me just gossip, the situation in Shanghai is closely related to the overall situation of China."During the Wuchang Uprising, Li Yuanhong, the commander-in-chief of the Hubei Army, was elected. It is said that he is a big fat man with a great reputation and great influence. Today, all the heroes in the world follow the orders of Li Da Fatty. This makes us Shanghainese very embarrassed. .Let's talk about our old Chen, Chen Qimei, compared with Fatty Li, he can be called a good-looking talent, the jade tree faces the wind, as the saying goes, Lv Bu among men, red rabbit among horses, hibiscus like faces and willows like eyebrows, how can you not shed tears for this.The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, is widely known.Moreover, when attacking the manufacturing bureau, old Chen Shesheng risked his life, rode through the barrier alone, lobbied Zhang Chubao, and suffered a lot, but now everyone gave old Chen a military and political chief.It's not fair, it's too unfair to Lao Chen. Moreover, a mere military and political chief is far from enough to affect the national war situation, let alone compare with Fatty Li. This makes us Shanghainese, how embarrassing, ah , how embarrassing!

Li Xiehe of the Restoration Association glared at Liu Fubiao with his eyes about to burst into flames: Liu Fubiao, what do you mean?
Liu Fubiao sneered: What I mean is clear and plain. If we want to affect the national war situation and surpass Li Dafatty in Wuchang, then we must elect a governor's office today, and elect a governor who can command the whole country. There is no such thing as a major governor, so why should we compete with people from Hubei?

In fact, what Liu Fubiao said was exactly what everyone thought.Everyone wants to elect the governor of Shanghai, so that Shanghai can be in the political upper reaches of ordering the world.But the trouble with the problem is that the only person who is really suitable for this governor is Tao Chengzhang of the Restoration Society, who is qualified for generalization. Tao Chengzhang is the only leader who can compete with Sun Yat-sen.Among other things, just talking about Xu Xilin and Qiu Jin who sacrificed for the country in the Restoration Conference made Tao Chengzhang not the second choice.

But it is precisely because Tao Chengzhang is the only one who is suitable to be the governor, so today's meeting intentionally avoided the matter of voting for the governor.

Because, in this room, the most powerful person is not Tao Chengzhang.

It was Chen Qimei.

(10) Who should be pushed down?

Although Chen Qimei was a big boss of the Youth Gang, the Youth Gang at that time was not a big deal. Its members were a mixed bag, mostly ignorant and ignorant people who lacked the ability to organize and act. No effect.

But when a large number of students studying in Japan returned to China, the situation immediately reversed.Among the students studying in Japan, in addition to Huang Yu and Jiang Zhiqing who supported Chen Qimei, He Yingqin, Zhang Qun, Wang Boling and others all served Chen Qimei's orders, and Chen Qimei's eldest brother, Chen Qicai, was originally a graduate of the first batch of the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer Academy. , which made almost all students studying in Japan follow Chen Qimei.

It is precisely because of having so many followers that Chen Qimei went straight to the manufacturing situation alone in order to build her own leadership capital and prestige.

But even with so many followers, Chen Qimei still has no possibility to compete with Tao Chengzhang.Therefore, in order to completely defeat the Guangfu Society's involvement in the Shanghai naval regime, Liu Fubiao, the captain of Chen Qimei's death squad, openly threatened him with bombs and pistols, forcing everyone to immediately elect Chen Qimei as the governor of Shanghai.

In fact, although Tao Chengzhang had the highest prestige among all the people present, Tao Chengzhang had no intention of competing for a small governor of Shanghai.What Tao Chengzhang wanted to compete for was the position of revolutionary leader who was comparable to Sun Wen and Sun Yat-sen. Therefore, in Tao Chengzhang's heart, he wanted Li Xiehe, the third figure in the Restoration Society, to be the governor of Shanghai.

But among the people present, no one dared to recommend Li Xiehe, the consequences would be too serious, and the gang from the Tongmenghui were vicious, they would really drop bombs.

Therefore, Chen Qimei won the title of Shanghai Metropolitan Governor as he wished, and he also has a nickname for this Metropolitan Governor: Yitied Governor.It means that he was tied up in the manufacturing bureau overnight in exchange for such a big governor. Although this is not so kind, it is more or less true.

Li Xiehe of the Restoration Society had no choice but to become the governor of Wusongkou.

But Li Xie and the governor are not good enough.We must know that the revolution is just a struggle for the allocation of resources. The more sacred the slogan of the revolution, the more intense the power struggle will be.As far as the current distribution of power in the country is concerned, Li Yuanhong occupies the moral resources of Wuchang Shouyi, which determines his power allocation in the future era. If you have great ability and great credit, there is no way to compete with Li Yuanhong .Regardless of whether the Junxian faction chooses Li Yuanhong as their spokesperson, Fatty Li has already won.

On the side of the Revolutionary Party, Huang Xing of the Tongmenghui rushed to Wuchang. If he could defeat Feng Guozhang and defeat Feng Guozhang, even if he just fought a few decent battles, it would be enough to form the capital of the Tongmenghui to aspire to the world.However, Huang Xing's military ability was insufficient, and he was defeated again and again, which made the entire alliance feel depressed.

On the other hand, Tao Chengzhang's Restoration Conference was inspired by Wu Yue, Xu Xilin, and Qiu Jin, and now Yin Ruizhi and Yin Weijun are leading the way.This exquisite combination further highlights Tao Chengzhang's majesty as a leader.All of this is seen in the eyes of the world. When the power is allocated, Tao Chengzhang, the Restoration Society will undoubtedly become the spokesperson of the radical revolution.Even if Sun Yat-sen returned from overseas, he would not be able to shake Tao Chengzhang's status.

The worst thing for the Tongmenghui is that Sun Yat-sen has been hiding overseas for a long time, and the stage of history is being set up, and all kinds of people are sweating hard.When the historical stage was set, Sun Yat-sen suddenly came and said that he wanted to play the leading role, which was basically impossible.

The current stage can only accommodate a maximum of three people. Fatty Li occupies Wuchang, Yuan Shikai holds Beiyang, and Tao Chengzhang waves the holy flag of revolution. There is no room for anyone else.

If anyone wants to squeeze onto the stage of history, he must push one of these three people down.

Who to push?
Li Yuanhong is too fat, you can't push it.

Yuan Shikai is too strong, you can't afford it.

Both Li Yuanhong and Yuan Shikai won the world by relying on their strength, and they are destined to be irreplaceable.The only one who can be pushed down on the stage of history is the great revolutionary leader Tao Chengzhang—all that is needed on the stage is a great revolutionary leader. Not necessarily so picky.

Then push it!

The revolutionary leader Tao Chengzhang knew this better than anyone else, and knew that he was in danger, so he immediately disappeared and hid.

(11) The uprising only uses counterfeit goods
There are also two outstanding female disciples in the Restoration Society: Yin Ruizhi and sister Yin Weijun.

These two women, whose hearts are as pure as crystal, do not see the cloud of power struggle hanging over them at all.They formed a death squad, took the earth bombs they made, and went to recover Hangzhou.Jiang Zhiqing, a student studying in Japan, was also a member of the Death Squad. Those who participated in the Death Squad thought that they would die on this trip, so they took a portrait of each of them and then sent it out.

And the Shanghai Death Squad's aid to Zhejiang is also the repeated request of the Zhejiang Revolutionaries.Speaking of Great Zhejiang, since the Wuchang Uprising, the independence of Hunan, the independence of Shaanxi, the independence of Jiangsu, the independence of Jiangxi, and the independence of Shanghai, the military circles in Zhejiang have held meetings one after another. At the meeting, everyone unanimously passed the resolution of the uprising and recovery.Although the resolution was passed, there was only one thing that made the Zhejiang military circle unable to act.

What's the matter?
This matter is that the party troops in Zhejiang who want to revolt have guns and cannons, but no home-made bombs. Therefore, the military circles in Zhejiang agree that it is inappropriate and irregular to use the guns and cannons of the regular army for the uprising. Yes, it should be like other provinces, if there is an uprising, earth bombs should be used.Therefore, Zhejiang asked Shanghai to send death squads to revolt with their own counterfeit bombs.

This passage sounds like a joke, but it is an absolutely true fact. Ge Jingen, the head of the Zhejiang Army Detachment, recorded the scene at that time and wrote:
... Another thing is that the Zhejiang Army has always had only regular guns. In view of the fact that the Wuchang Uprising relied heavily on bomb pistols, we felt that we had to have them when we went into action.I can't make bombs myself, and I can't release them. There are very few pistols, all of which are old-fashioned and unusable, so I asked the Shanghai Party for help.

It can be seen that the Zhejiang army is not strong enough.Soon this strange army will be drawn to the battlefield to attack Nanjing, making more jokes, let's not mention it.

After the death squad led by the Yin sisters arrived, the Zhejiang army immediately moved into action and captured all the yamen along the way, but only attacked the gate of the banner camp. The company commander Chen Guojie who led the team rushed too fast. When he got inside, he was shot by a guard, and a bullet wounded his forehead.The insurgents were horrified and immediately made a noise.

In any case, Hangzhou is now recovered.

(12) Leaders preempt revolution
Many political forces in Shanghai are competing with each other, and far away in Guangxi, the party members are aggressive and intend to make a big move.The students of the Army Elementary School brazenly organized an army and went to attack the provincial capital. If they hadn't encountered a river on the way, the river was rushing, maybe these students would really make a scene.

After that, at three o'clock, tens of thousands of people will gather, and they will march towards the provincial capital in an endless stream from all directions.

So the Guangxi Advisory Bureau held a meeting, and the important leaders attending the meeting included Governor Shen Bingkun, Feudal Secretary Wang Zhixiang and so on.

Question from the Advisory Council: Two leaders, the current domestic situation is very good, and it is getting better and better.But there are also some disharmonious voices. For example, there is a fat man in Wuchang who is entangled with people who don't know the truth and engages in mass incidents. The mood of the people in Wuchang is unstable.Influenced by Fatty Li, Jiujiang, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Shanxi, Yunnan, Anhui, Shanghai, Guizhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places have also declared their independence, and they are no longer in line with the imperial court. If this continues, how can it be achieved? .Two leaders, you are farsighted, are you going to give us an important speech on this matter?
Governor Shen Bingkun coughed twice, and said: "This matter, ah, this matter, um, Lao Wang, you are a feudal secretary and the commander of our Guangxi Middle Route Army. Can you talk about it first?"
Wang Zhixiang said: Okay, let me tell you something. First of all, at all times, we must remain consistent with the court, obey the leadership of the court, be firm politically, and never waver in the slightest. This is my political attitude.Secondly, let’s talk about our Guangxi. Guangxi is poor, and it is a frontier area. The economy is underdeveloped, and the fiscal and tax revenues are insufficient. Thanks to the support of Hunan and Hubei, the salaries of civil servants are barely paid.But at present, Hunan and Hubei are not in line with the imperial court. Will they send money to us for wages?This is my first question.Again, there will be a lot of trouble at three o'clock, these people can't be provoked at the three o'clock meeting.It is said that tens of thousands of people who are entangled in the [-] o'clock meeting and do not know the truth are heading towards Guilin. We have fallen into an isolated city, how can we protect ourselves?This is my second question.Finally, the elders and elders in Guangxi are afraid of war. If the revolutionaries collude with the three-point meeting and swarm in, Guangxi will inevitably be corrupted. How can we explain to the people?This is my third question.My words are over, please correct me if I am wrong.

After Wang Zhixiang finished speaking, members of the Advisory Council nodded repeatedly and said: What the two leaders said is too important, we must study hard to understand the spirit of the leaders' speeches.How do you see us doing this?We also immediately declared our independence, and Governor Shen was changed to the Metropolitan Governor. Wang Fansi first served as the Deputy Governor, and Lu Rongting also became the Deputy Governor. Don't forget, this old Lu is from the three o'clock meeting.We are all independent. If Hunan and Hubei don’t want to send money to support our wages, would they be ashamed?Also, aren't the people at the three o'clock meeting fierce?Let the Revolutionary Party lead them to Hubei and find Fatty Li. Wouldn't this be a one-shot and the best of all three?

Governor Shen Bingkun said: Well, your suggestion is very reasonable, very reasonable, let the governor think about it again, well, think about it.

Humanity of the Advisory Bureau: Governor Shen, you have already called yourself the Governor, what else are you thinking about?

Metropolitan Governor Shen Bingkun said: "Independence is a big thing. Why don't we find some literate people and write some slogans?"
The members of the Advisory Council were moved and said: Governor Shen deserves to be our good leader. Even such a small detail has been considered.

So the governor's yamen was changed to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and two students were found at the Excellent Normal School, and the two children were asked to write a slogan all night: Long live the independence of Guangxi!Long live the Republic of China!Long live the League!Long live the governor of Shenyang!Closely unite around the Governor of Shenda, Deputy Governor of Wang, and Deputy Governor of Lu, and boost Guangxi's economy!After such slogans were written, they were posted all over the streets at dawn.

Independence, all the revolutionary parties ran out excitedly, held public activities, and demanded that an independence celebration meeting be held immediately, which was approved by Governor Shen Bingkun.

On the night when the celebration meeting was held, the people of Guangxi put on new clothes, sang and danced, and went out of their homes. While praising the great situation in Guangxi, they gathered towards the venue.At this moment, fierce gunshots rang out suddenly, and several students fell down in a pool of blood.

All of a sudden, the city of Guilin screamed in horror. People threw away the lanterns in their hands, trampled on each other, and ran for their lives crying in all directions.

More than a hundred Qing soldiers with thick hair and thick hair appeared on the street, unhurriedly and methodically fired at the crowd, and quickly surrounded Shen Bingkun's Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.

Shen Bingkun picked up a sharp axe and sighed: The revolutionary party is an egg, and my old Shen is the one who really abandoned his family and career for the sake of revolution.

After speaking, the governor Shen Bingkun broke through the back wall with a sharp axe and escaped into the night.

(13) The leaders finished the revolution
On the night of celebration, Qing soldiers who appeared on the streets of Guilin and brutally killed many revolutionary masses, none of them were Han Chinese.

These soldiers were all from Hunan in the patrol battalion. They had been away from home for a long time and missed their hometown. At first, they planned to start a revolution and take advantage of the revolutionary war to grab some valuables and flee back to their hometown.I never thought that leaders at all levels would be faster than them and take the lead in the revolution.The leaders played too wicked a game, seizing the commanding heights of the revolution, so that the unlucky Hunan soldiers would never be ordered to revolutionize again.

The leader gave up his life, not to mention leaving some for the soldiers. It's really shameful to eat so much and occupy so much.

So these soldiers discussed and said: There is no way, the leadership is too ruthless, it seems that we can only revolutionize.

What is a revolutionary revolution?

It is the life of revolutionaries!
So on the night of Independence Day celebrations, these Hunan soldiers suddenly screamed: Long live my emperor!Kill the chaotic party!Kill the rebel!And fired in volleys, and went out of the barracks. As long as they saw the people who had cut their heads, they shouted to kill the rebellious party, shot indiscriminately, killed and injured many revolutionary people, from the gate of the Advisory Bureau to the library , There are dead bodies everywhere along the way.Then some of these rebels rushed into the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and some went to attack the treasury. However, due to the tight defense of the treasury, the rebels attacked and saw no effect, so they withdrew.

After dawn, some rebels robbed enough things, walked through Lize Gate, crossed Jiashan, left Guangxi, and embarked on the long journey home.

There are also some rebels who returned to the barracks after murder and arson, and slept in bed as if nothing had happened.Wang Zhixiang, the deputy governor, was afraid that he would be prosecuted, and the mutiny would be provoked again, so he gave each of these Hunan soldiers a travel fee and asked them to go home by themselves.

After this happened, Shen Bingkun and Wang Zhixiang sighed to each other, saying: This revolution is really not fun.If you don't make a revolution, others will kill you.You revolutionize it, others revolutionize it, or revolutionize your life.You said who did we provoke, why are we always being revolutionized by others?

Disappointed, the two resigned successively.

(End of this chapter)

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