Chapter 83
When the two of them left, Lu Rongting, the former deputy governor, was elated, and quickly put his butt on the throne of the governor.

After the independence of Guangxi, party member Zhao Hengxi called the students of the Army Primary School to form the Guangxi North Expedition Student Death Squad. All the students who participated in the trip were responsible for their own travel expenses. Zhang, a black wool coat, kettle, lunch box and chopsticks, via Quanzhou and Yongzhou, walked to Wuchang to help Li Yuanhong, the big fat man, to fight Beiyang Feng Guozhang.Li Liejun mentioned this team in the previous article, and expressed his sincere admiration for the machine gun in Zhao Hengxi's hand.

The student Bai Chongxi participated in the Northern Expedition. Before departure, his family searched everywhere, trying to arrest him and go home. The boy changed into plain clothes and left the city from the west gate. Join the large forces outside the north gate.

This student armed force changed to a civilian ship in Yongzhou, took the waterway through Qiyang, Hengyang, Xiangtan and other places, and changed to a steamer when it arrived in Changsha.When he arrived in Wuchang, Bai Chongxi only felt that the flesh on his body was very itchy. He reached into his clothes and then stretched out his hand again. Wow, he actually caught a lot of white, tender and fat lice.

I haven't bathed for a long time, and it's normal to have lice on my body.

Bai Chongxi was very excited at the time, and said, it's so exciting.

The young students felt excited and stimulated by the passion of the revolution, while Shen Bingkun, who had old arms and legs, only felt exhausted.

Revolution is, after all, the cause of young people.

(14) If you are unemployed, you will start a revolution
Guangxi's independence is due to the young people getting rid of the old man Shen Bingkun, which is in line with the objective laws of social development.However, the results of the revolution in Fujian turned against the law. It was the old man Chunxuan who drove away the young man Peng Shousong.

The reason why Fujian's revolution appeared to be anomalous to the law was that in the former Guangzhou battle, at the foot of Huanghuagang, more than [-] Fujianese martyrs were buried in their bones.The Guangzhou Uprising not only sacrificed the elites of the Restoration Society, but also the revolutionaries in Fujian.

Therefore, the revolutionary movement in Fujian had to be led by Peng Shousong, a native of Hunan, and it turned out to be a big mess.In the end, Lao Ling reappeared and usurped the fruits of the revolutionary victory in Fujian Province.

It is said that Ling Chunxuan was originally a high official in the Qing Dynasty, and was once deeply trusted and appreciated by the Empress Dowager Cixi.Some time ago Ling Chunxuan served as the governor of Hunan. Unfortunately, he met Jiao Dafeng, a big brother of the Gelaohui, who planned the rice robbing incident in Changsha, Hunan. dismissed from his position.

But during Lao Ling's tenure, there was a famous employee under him, Peng Shousong. This person's father was originally a servant of Zuo Zongtang, the minister of Zhongxing in the Qing Dynasty. He once stayed in Fujian for a period of time, so Peng Shousong had a deep affection for Fujian.However, the reason why he had feelings for the revolution was that on New Year's Day one year, during New Year's greetings, he quarreled with a friend for some reason, and Peng Shousong knocked the brother down and beat him violently.Afterwards, the buddy complained to the chief secretary crying, but Peng Shousong was dismissed.

Peng Shousong lost his job and was unemployed, so he thought, what kind of job should I find?Why don't we just make a revolution.

Since then, Peng Shousong has often expressed his revolutionary views, and he has been looking for allies everywhere to join the group.But because all the members of Fujian Tongmenghui went to Guangzhou to revolt, Lao Peng searched for it for a long time, but couldn't get in.

At this time, there happened to be Chen Bufu, a student from Fujian who was studying in Japan. After finishing his studies, he returned to China. Halfway through the boat, for some unknown reason, he fell into the sea with a plop.However, his name was also called Chen Bufu, neither floating nor floating, but in the end he really did not surface again, and just drowned inexplicably.

Chen Bufu fell into the sea and died. The party members were overjoyed, and they caught another sharp arrow aimed at the Qing Dynasty, and they published articles one after another, insisting that Chen Bufu committed suicide by throwing himself into the sea to wake up the people for the sake of revolution.For this reason, the party members held a grand and grand memorial service for Chen Bufu, so Peng Shousong arrived, wrote the elegiac couplet himself, cut off his hair on the spot, and hung it on the elegiac couplet, to show that he was incompatible with the Qing dynasty. .

Now the Tongmenghui finally noticed Peng Shousong and invited him into the association.Less than half a year after joining the association, there was an uprising in Wuchang.So Peng Shousong went to Wuchang first, got in touch with Zhang Zhenwu, the leader of the First Uprising, and then went back to Fujian to find the Tenth Town—the eighth town was in Wuchang, and there was a commotion, and the ninth town was in Nanjing, and there was also a commotion, and the tenth town was hiding in Fujian ——Peng Shousong came to the Tenth Town, looking for the governor Sun Daoren, and asked everyone to make a revolution together.

It is said that the tenth town of the New Army is under the command of Sun Daoren, and Xu Chongzhi, who graduated from the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer Academy, is the co-commander.Originally, these two people had no opinion on the imperial court, but due to the rise of the revolutionary party and the full-scale revolution, the bannerman in Fujian, Zhong Kai, organized a "Han Killing Group", expressing that he would kill all the Han people as a show of resistance .

The group of bannermen who killed the Han group believed that the country that the Qing Dynasty had built with iron could not be shaken by the Revolutionary Party.So they had no fear, they arrested Wu Hexuan, an employee of the Institute of Craftsmanship, cut off his head, cut open his stomach, and demonstrated with his dead body, threatening to treat all Han Chinese in the same way.

Let the Hantuan do this, Sun Daoren, Xu Chongzhi will have to.You can't sit in the house and wait for someone to kill you, right?

So a classic battle of the Han banner broke out in Fujian. The Han army, dominated by Sun Daoren's tenth town, grabbed the commanding heights of Yushan, and shot down at the banner soldiers at the foot of the mountain. Organized death squads to attack the Tenth Town, while Peng Shousong led the Revolutionary Party and Jianghuhui Party, and acted as a cheerleading team to cheer for both sides.

The shelling started in the morning and continued until noon. The government office at the foot of the mountain was battered to pieces, and the flag soldiers charged several times, but to no avail.In desperation, Qiying was forced to hang up a white flag and wrote: the general is leaving, a truce and a peace negotiation.The Han army in the tenth town thought that the eight characters were written too ugly, so they continued to shell.

The flag soldiers were helpless, and erected another oversized white flag, which read: Request a ceasefire, all sacrifice weapons and beg for surrender.The Han army still ignored them and continued to bombard them.While everyone was buzzing, Xu Chongzhi, the former commander-in-chief of the enemy, came out to inspect the enemy's situation. He took a look through the binoculars and found that the bannermen had surrendered long ago, and immediately ordered a ceasefire.

After the surrender, the bannermen were very miserable. Dingxuan, the leader of the Xianghuang Banner Association, hanged himself at home.Zhenglan Banner ginseng tie Changzhi, survived after throwing himself into the well, climbed out by himself, went to the temple to shave his hair and become a monk.Three brothers, Lang Le'e, Guan Lang, and a whole family of more than a dozen members of the Jiesheng Battalion soaked the quilts in kerosene, covered them, and set fire to themselves. He Zhitian, an interpreter, also threw himself into a well and died.

Since then, Fujian has fallen into chaos.

(15) Revolutionary killers make trouble in Fujian
It is said that Fujian fell into chaos after the recovery, mainly referring to the assassination of Jiang Huang.Jiang here, named Jiang Yun, styled Zizun, is a veteran member of the Tongmenghui in Fujian Province, but later the court fooled him: don't make revolution, okay?If you don’t want to make a revolution, you will be allowed to go to the Public School of Law and Politics to become an official.Lao Jiang was overjoyed, so he gave up the revolution and became a leader ever since.

At this time Fujian was restored, Lao Jiang saw Peng Shousong of the League, and immediately shook his head: Is there a mistake?This old Peng joined the League just a few months ago, his qualifications are too low, and his prestige is not enough. Besides, he is from Hunan.In my opinion, I should work harder and grasp the revolutionary work in Fujian.

So Jiang Yun asked to be an official, but Peng Shousong refused.Jiang Yun was angry, so he carried a wooden platform by himself, and put it where there were many people, and stood on the platform to give a speech: Folks, compatriots, recovery and revolution, we in Fujian should rule Fujian, what is that? Peng Shousong, he should go back to his hometown in Hunan, what kind of chaos is causing us here, everyone thinks, right?

For Peng Shousong, the slogan of Fujian people governing Fujian is very lethal.

Peng Shousong was very angry, so he found a Jianghu brother named Chen Xigua, gave him a knife, and said: Xiao Chen, the organization has entrusted you with an honorable task. You have made great contributions to the revolution. Of course, if you perform special tasks, financial allowances are indispensable.

Seeing that Qian's eyes were wide open, Chen Xigua took a watermelon knife and went to kill Jiang Yun. In such a strange place as Jianhe Que in Yushan, he blocked Lao Jiang, and he was easy to chop. It's all gone.

This incident is Jiang Yun's assassination case.

After Jiang Yun was killed, another Huang Jiachen came.This person was originally Peng Shousong's confidant, a hot-tempered iron-blooded revolutionary.But during the uprising in the Tenth Town of the Fujian New Army, when the Han army bombarded the flag soldiers, he happened to ask for leave to go home. After the victory of the revolution, he happened to come back. When he came back, he asked Peng Shousong for reimbursement of his travel expenses, but Peng Shousong was annoyed that he ran away at a critical moment. , will not be reimbursed.

Huang Jiachen was annoyed when he didn't pay the debt, so he said to his girlfriend: Damn, Lao Peng bullied me and dared not to pay him, so I can only be rude and kill him.

It is said that the revolutionary atmosphere in Fujian is relatively strong, especially after the liberation, the majority of young women are proud to join the revolutionary party. Huang Jiachen's girlfriend is a female revolutionary party, and Peng Shousong's wife is also a female revolutionary party. A group of female revolutionary parties gathers in Cangqian Mountain every day The Women's Revolutionary Club discusses the current situation of the revolution, and what is discussed is nothing more than whose woman stole the man, whose daughter got pregnant before she got married.All the old ladies were quarrelsome, Peng Shousong's wife was the most popular at the women's association because of her husband's strength, so she laughed at Huang Jiachen's girlfriend for being too ugly, so she had to marry Huang Jiachen who couldn't find a wife.Huang Jiachen's girlfriend was humiliated, how could she give up?Immediately contradicted: What kind of good thing do you think you are?Hmph, let me tell you, within a day or two at most, my boyfriend will kill your husband, and you won't know how powerful my boyfriend is until you become a widow!

Hearing what Huang Jiachen's girlfriend said, Peng Shousong's wife immediately went home and reported to her husband: Husband, I have solved a huge conspiracy, Huang Jiachen wants to assassinate you, you have to take action immediately!

Peng Shousong: What action to take?
The wife said: Of course, Huang Jiachen was killed first, the first strike is the strongest, and the second strikes the victim. I don't even understand this principle, and I still lead the revolution. Pooh!

Peng Shousong wiped the saliva off his face, and said: Then it's up to you.

So Peng Shousong sent a whole team of revolutionary killers to kill Huang Jiachen along the street.And Huang Jiachen's words were just out of anger, but Peng Shousong took it seriously. Unexpectedly, he was chased by all the killers and ran all over the street. Fortunately, he was familiar with the terrain, and was able to escape several times in the face of danger. get your life.

In order to save his life, Huang Jiachen humbly begged his friend to come forward, take him to Peng Shousong, apologize and say good things, finally Peng Shousong calmed down and promised to spare his life.

Feeling relieved, Huang Jiachen walked out of Peng Shousong's house, and saw the group of killers coming, all brandishing long knives.But it turned out that although Peng Shousong promised not to kill Huang Jiachen, he hadn't had time to withdraw the killing order. As a result, Huang Jiachen was rushed up by all the killers and hacked to pieces.

Huang Jiachen could not die, but was hacked to death in the end, which marked that the Fujian revolution had entered a fucking stage.

(16) Only then did I know that the emperor was good

It is said that there is a newspaper in Fujian called "Qun Bao". The editor of the newspaper is Su Miaogong, who witnessed the process of Huang Jiachen, a revolutionary, being chased and hacked by his comrades along the long street, and finally chopped into pieces.Su Miaogong was very excited, so he wrote a long documentary literature, reporting in detail on this partisan hunt.

When Peng Shousong read the newspaper, he was furious. He immediately brought his party members to the newspaper office, smashed the newspaper office to pieces, and then arrested the main writer, Su Miaogong, and tortured him: Su Miaogong, are you convicted?
Su Miaogong: My name is Su Miaogong, which means I am blind in both eyes. How can I know if I am guilty or not if I am blind?
Peng Shousong threw the newspaper in Su Miaogong's face: The evidence is solid, how dare you deny it?
Su Miaogong smiled and said: I would like to ask, is there a sentence in this report that is not true?
Peng Shousong: What a motherfucker, you dare to slander our revolutionary party, even if the country is like an iron barrel in the Qing Dynasty, you can't be shaken by our revolutionary party members, so why are you afraid of you, a little Mr. Su Miao?Left and right, I stripped off this guy's pants and smashed his ass!

The party members on the left and right suppressed their laughter, and they couldn't help but push Su Miaogong down, took off his pants, and slapped his buttocks with a big board.The beating made Su Miaogong howl loudly:

Your Majesty, now Caomin knows how good you are. When you are here, Xiaomin scolds you whenever he wants, but you never care about him.But now that the Revolutionary Party has come, they are not even allowed to say a word.Your Majesty, you gave Xiaomin freedom of speech, but Xiaomin blindly scolded you...

The "Group News" was smashed, Mr. Su Miao's butt was beaten to pieces, and the Fujian squire immediately went into an uproar.

In the former case, Peng Shousong hacked Jiang Yun and killed Huang Jiachen. Fujian people didn't feel much, because those who were killed and those who murdered were all revolutionaries.Revolutionaries want to kill each other, and if they don't kill each other, what are they called revolutionaries?But Peng Shousong dared to smash the newspaper office and beat the reporter, which is outrageous.

So Fujian villagers gathered to discuss and solve Peng Shousong's trouble.A man named Chen Yan defended Peng Shousong, and almost escaped being beaten to death on the spot.The meeting finally decided to send someone to hold Xie Yi to find Ling Chunxuan who was idle at home, and ask him to come forward and get rid of Peng Shousong.

Why are you looking for Ling Chunxuan?
It's very simple, Ling Chunxuan is Peng Shousong's old superior and old leader, so he should have a way to control this revolutionary boy.

When Ling Chunxuan saw the visitor, he declined and said: Although there is a revolution now, the emperor is still there, and the emperor's law is still there.The old man is a criminal official, and he treats the body of a crime. Without an imperial decree, he can no longer enter the famous capital county.

The visitor begged, "You are always right, and you are reasonable everywhere, but what about the elders in Fujian?"Peng Shousong had already smashed the newspaper office and injured the reporter. God knows what terrible things he could do next.

Ling Chunxuan said: "Since that's the case, the old man should go for a while."

So Ling Chunxuan led his disciples, only a few dozen people, to come in a mighty way. If he didn't enter the city, he stationed in Majiang, and first ordered someone to send a letter to Peng Shousong.When Peng Shousong opened it, he saw a large piece of white paper, dripping with ink, and wrote an extra-large word:

(17) Carry out the revolution to the end
After reading the letter, Peng Shousong was puzzled: What does the rolling character mean?

The messenger told Peng Shousong: This word means to let you pack a small package, take your wife, and leave Fujian. You can go wherever you like. Anyway, Fujian will not allow you to be a disaster.

Peng Shousong laughed: Gu Chunxuan, why should he, this old man is not afraid that I will take his life?
The messenger said: "Then come, I don't know who killed whom in the end."

So Peng Shousong summoned party members to get rid of Lao Ling's life.Unexpectedly, when the order was issued, very few people came.It turns out that when Jiang Yun and Huang Jiachen were beheaded before, the other party was just one person, easy to behead and easy to kill.But now Ling Chunxuan has a lot of people and powerful people, and the party members are not lacking in foresight, so of course they don't want to confront Lao Ling head-on.

When the party members didn't arrive, Peng Shousong couldn't do anything alone, so he went to the governor Sun Daoren in a hurry, and said, "Governor, Ji Chunxuan is here. This man is full of Qing minions and opposes the revolution. We must not spare him this time."

Sun Daoren asked in surprise: Did Ling Chunxuan oppose the revolution?It seems not?
Peng Shousong was in a hurry: He has already declared a challenge to me, and wants to expel me from Fujian!

Sun Daoren laughed: But what does this have to do with revolution?What Ling Chunxuan drove away was you, not the revolution.

Peng Shousong was speechless: You...

When he came back, Peng Shousong looked at his wife and cursed: "It's all your fault, you bastard. It wasn't you who caused trouble. How could you cause such a thing as Huang Jiachen?"If it wasn't because of Huang Jiachen, how could there be such a thing as "Group Daily"?How could Ling Chunxuan come to her without the matter of "Group Daily"?
The wife retorted: You are worthless yourself, why blame me?You don't have the confidence to make me suffer from others outside. If you have the ability, you can kill Ling Chunxuan. What kind of ability is it to beat your wife at home?While cursing, scratching his face, he bumped into Peng Shousong.

Peng Shousong was not wary of his wife's move, and was knocked to the ground.Seeing that my wife refused to give up and continued to make trouble, I hurriedly yelled: "Stop making trouble, pack up your things and go right away. From now on, you can follow me and go begging along the street!"

His wife refused, so she called and rolled, crying and yelling, but whatever she called, Peng Shousong also knew that he could not kill Ling Chunxuan, so he remained unmoved.When his wife was tired from crying and fussing, he made a small bundle himself, carried it on his shoulders, and went out. At this time, his wife realized that the matter was serious. Fearing that her husband would really abandon her, she screamed and chased after him.

The husband and wife walked out of the house with disheartened and hopeless faces, not knowing which direction to go.At this time, I saw the place where the smoke and dust started in the distance, and a rider came like flying.Nearby, the person who jumped off the horse turned out to be Chen Zifan, a member of the Revolutionary Party of the Tongmenghui.

The headquarters of the Tongmenghui issued an order: Peng Shousong cannot leave Fujian, and the revolution must be carried through to the end.

Peng Shousong was confused: What what?What's the meaning?
Chen Zifan took a step forward and explained: "Old Peng, I don't believe you can't understand."Our Tongmenghui took Fujian with great difficulty. As long as you are here, Fujian will be our territory. If you leave, Fujian will definitely be occupied by the Junxian faction, and we will lose Fujian as a province.So you can't go, you have to stay and persist in the revolution.

Peng Shousong said blankly: But, if I don't leave, Ling Chunxuan will really kill me.

Chen Zifan was furious: Peng Shousong, who do you think you are?You are a revolutionary party!Have you forgotten what the purpose of revolution is?The revolution advances but never retreats, there is death but not life, what kind of revolutionary party are you if you are afraid of death?

Stay and fight with Ling Chunxuan!Protect Greater Fujian for the Tongmenghui!
Chopped Ling Chunxuan for a dog day!
(18) Send away the plague god of revolution

Forced by the order of the League, and because of Chen Zifan's arrival, Peng Shousong's blood was aroused, and he immediately threw the small bundle into the ground: throw away his mother!I won't leave, I'll stay here, and Ling Chunxuan, that old man, will see a real story, and try my best to smash this Fujian into pieces, and I will never let Ling Chunxuan get his wish!

It is said that the revolutionary boy Peng Shousong has changed his mind and is not leaving. He would rather corrupt Fujian than fight Ling Chunxuan to the death.The Fujian gentry and elders were all terrified, and another emergency meeting was held.

(End of this chapter)

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