The Republic is so violent

Chapter 88 The First Own Dragon Battle

Chapter 88 The Second Own Dragon Battle (3)
Seeing Shi Jiuguang eating happily, the young man watched with a smile on his face, and ordered two more hot dishes, so that Lao Shi could eat well.Now that he knew that this person was his alumni, Shi Jiuguang was so determined that he would not treat him badly at all. He ate a fat belly, choked, and squinted at the young man: What period are you in?

The young man said: The first issue.

Shi Jiuguang was taken aback: It turns out that you are a senior brother, you look so young.You produced the most talents in the first phase, Wu Luzhen from the Sixth Town, Lan Tianwei from the Northeast, Yan Xishan from Shanxi, and the three famous non-commissioned officers. The next few phases are obviously not enough. If it weren't for people like Cheng Qian and Li Liejun Hold on, the signboard of the Non-commissioned Officer Academy will be smashed.

The young man laughed: You are talking about outstanding people, but your old history is not bad, it's just that you lack opportunities.

Shi Jiuguang curled his lips, and said to himself: I can't see this guy, he is really scheming, I haven't persuaded him to revolution, but he set me up first.He said that I lack opportunities, I nodded, and he immediately gave me a chance to become an official, wouldn't it make it difficult for me then?Don't agree, the friendship of old school friends can't be justified.Promise, how can there be revolution after that?No, I have to act first and persuade him to revolutionize first. If he refuses, the face of the old schoolmate will not be wiped off. If he does not refuse, hahaha, if he does not refuse, help me take Nanjing. Wouldn’t it be a great contribution to the revolution? ?
So Shi Jiuguang turned his face back and said: Brother, we are old schoolmates, which can be called brotherhood, so there is a saying, I can't help but say to you: You should remember how we were welcomed by the Japanese when we were studying in Japan. discriminate?They all laughed at us for dragging the big scorpion over our heads, which made us lose face.The Chinese are looked down upon by the Japanese. Even sleeping with a Japanese maid will be blackmailed by others. The less serious will lose money, and the more serious will be expelled from the school. Why is this so?Isn't it because our country is weak and people look down on us?

The young man nodded: You're right, but about sleeping with the maid... You said you didn't study hard when you went to Japan, so why sleep with the maid!
Shi Jiuguang said: "I'm just making an analogy. Look at the current situation. The revolution has become a climate. Although Li Yuanhong in Wuchang is a little fatter, he commands the mountains and rivers and directs well, and the whole country responds."Besides, our non-commissioned officer graduates, Wu Luzhen served as the governor of the Yan-Jin coalition army, Li Liejun served as the governor of Anhui, Cheng Qian went to Wuchang to fight for Li Yuanhong, Yan Xishan revolutionized in Shanxi, Lan Tianwei revolutionized in the Northeast, and even the most unpromising I, Shi Jiuguang, They have all come to this place of death and life in Nanjing, throwing their heads and spilling blood, what are we planning?Don't you just want the country to be strong?Those of us alumni of the non-commissioned officer school are sacrificing ourselves for the country, but what are you doing?Take a look at yourself, you are raised with delicate skin and tender meat, you eat delicacies from mountains and seas, and you are surrounded by beautiful women. With your worthless appearance, are you worthy of us old alumni?

Young man: Old Shi, what you said makes sense, but there is one thing you forgot. Trees have roots, water has sources, and as a human being, you must never forget your roots.Don't talk about others, just talk about your old history, you can go to the Japanese military academy for further study, who gave you the opportunity?It is the Aixinjueluo Emperor who gave you money from the national treasury to help you become talented. You spent the royal money, even if you don’t want to thank you, you can’t turn your back on it.
Shi Jiuguang took the case: Throwing your head, violently destroying your brain, feuding with the Manchurians, galloping with your public enemy Aixinjue Luo in the hail of bullets, resurrecting from the dead, reviving the soul, leaving the 33th floor of hell, and ascending to [-] heavens ...

The young man suddenly changed color: Revolutionary Army!
Shi Jiuguang sat down slowly: That's right, it's "Revolutionary Army" by Zou Rong.

The young man was silent for a while: Old Shi, you want to persuade me to make a revolution too, right?
Shi Jiuguang: Although I am blunt in quality and intelligence, I am no match for Li Liejun or Yan Xishan, but I can make a revolution, why can't you?

Young Man: I really can't.

Shi Jiuguang: The reason?

Young man: Because I am Tieliang.

With a plop, Shi Jiuguang sat down on the ground.

General Ninghan Tieliang, the most outstanding member of the Aixinjueluo royal family, this man is persevering, wise and decisive, and is the most feared nemesis of the Revolutionary Party.If he is here, the possibility of the success of the revolution will never be any hope.

But the words can't be too absolute. If Tie Liang is there, there may be no hope for the revolution.But when another person entered the city of Nanjing, the success of the revolution was no longer a hope, but a necessity.

The person who influenced and eventually dominated the war situation in China was in Zhang Xun's room at this time.

(10) Hidden dangers of the empire
When someone came into the room, Zhang Xun had already knelt down on the ground: "Master, my disciple Zhang Xun is polite."

The visitor walked to the chair in the middle, sat down, looked at Zhang Xun, and said nothing.

Zhang Xun asked: Teacher, the state affairs are heavy, how can you still have time to come to Nanjing City?

The other party only had a cold sentence: If I don't come, you will die.

Zhang Xun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly howled loudly.

Zhang Xun is wronged, he is too wronged.At first he thought he had been abandoned by this world, like a dog, dying in the darkest and coldest alley in Nanjing.This is also the way of death he chose for himself, seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence, he has no complaints.It's just that he couldn't express the grievance in his heart, and only when he saw the only person in this world who cared about him, he couldn't help but howl.

As early as a gunshot in Wuchang, he knew that his death was coming.

He is a typical old-age soldier, with his own beliefs and principles of being a man.The gunshots from Wuchang pushed Greater China to a crossroads, and it was outstanding soldiers like Zhang Xun who bore the brunt.For Zhang Xun, one step forward is death, and one step backward is also death.Either die, or die.Real soldiers will not choose to die.Living like a walking dead, the soul no longer exists, leaving only a body, this kind of shame is not acceptable to Zhang Xun.

So Zhang Xun chose to die.

He just wondered why he is still alive.

Only now did he know that it was his honorary mentor, Minister of Military Aircraft Xu Shichang, who protected him.

Xu Shichang secretly left Beijing and came to Nanjing City quietly, just to save the life of his incompetent disciple.

Under the city of Nanjing, the rebels were clamoring, and they were marching from all directions. Zhang Xun didn't pay attention to such scabies.

Because he is from Beiyang.

In Beiyang, he may not be ranked high, and he is not valued by others.But after leaving Beiyang, looking around the world, who is his opponent?

Beiyang recruited all the talents from all over the world, even to the point where there were almost no omissions.If there is anyone in China who dares to look directly at Beiyang, perhaps only Li Dafat Li Yuanhong is the only one.Li Yuanhong is only the coordinator of the new army of the sixth town in Hubei, but he can command the mountains and rivers, stirring up the surrounding sky cold, so that the heroes of the world follow his orders to rise up in all directions and raise flags in all directions, which is worthy of driving the Qing Empire to a precarious state. dead end.

But even for a hero like Li Yuanhong, Beiyang can take out Feng Guozhang casually, which is enough to settle.

And Xu Shaozhen under the city of Nanjing is even more unbearable to mention. If Zhang Xun let go of his hands and feet and took the initiative to attack, how can the mob gathered in Zhenjiang be able to withstand the gravity blow of his 5 Jiang defense army?
However, Ji's troubles lie within the Xiao Wall.The reason why Zhang Xun didn't dare to attack was because the coalition army with few troops was eager to try, kicking and beating.That's just because Zhang Xun is facing an enemy far more terrifying than Xu Shaozhen:


It is this powerful Beiyang that poses the most terrifying threat to the empire.

Zhang Xun, who was in Beiyang, knew this huge military group best. He had long been restless in hiding under the shadow of the empire, and was eager to expand his political ideals.This political ideal is intricate and messy, you can find anything from it, the only thing missing is loyalty to the empire.

Zhang Xun's tragic fate is that he, who is the most capable, is the only one in Beiyang who has loyalty to the empire.It is precisely because of his lack of ability that he regards loyalty as his spiritual pillar.Without this kind of spiritual power based on loyalty, Zhang Xun would no longer be Zhang Xun.

Here, finally constituted the fatal conflict between Zhang Xun and Beiyang.

(11) From now on, we will never live together

In Nanjing, Zhang Xun watched Feng Guozhang advance and retreat outside Wuchang City, taking care of himself.In the telegraph room, he listened to one after another Beiyang calls, ordering him to return to the capital immediately.Moreover, Zhang Xun knew that Yuan Shikai sent at least seven telegrams to Feng Guozhang to prevent Feng Guozhang from attacking Wuchang.The telegram said:
Without Hanyang, it is not enough to win the spirit of the people's army.Not losing Nanjing is not enough for the courage of the Qing army!

Yuan Shikai had already set Nanjing as the sphere of influence of the Southern Revolutionary Party.Therefore, Zhang Xun knew that once he was ordered to leave, the revolutionaries would rush into this ancient city immediately and plunder the last glory of the soldiers of the old era.At that time, Beiyang's strategic layout will be completed, and the river will be ruled. The confrontation between the Northern Emperor and the Southern Revolution will highlight the absolute strength of the Beiyang warriors.

Everyone will lose everything, not even a pair of shorts left.

Only Beiyang will win.

Zhang Xun, an old soldier, unexpectedly became the last patron, the last guardian, and the last barrier of the empire.

He is here, Nanjing is here, and the empire is here.

If he dies, Nanjing will die, and the empire will die.

So Beiyang forced him to leave, and if he refused, Beiyang would let him die.

The hearts and minds of the revolutionaries are far from enough. Passion and blood obscure their vision. They cannot see the figure of Beiyang hidden under the huge shadow of the empire. They cannot see the terrifyingly accurate strategy that comes from the mind of the wise master. The layout, not seeing Zhang Xun's life and death, has constituted the last key to the peril of the empire.If the revolutionaries realize this, they only need to drop a bomb on Zhang Xun, and the empire will disintegrate immediately with Zhang Xun's death.

However, the revolutionaries did not have such a political strategy, so they were still reluctant to drop bombs on Zhang Xun.

The revolutionaries are reluctant, but Beiyang is willing.

There are too many talents in Beiyang. Killing Zhang Xun is tantamount to strangling a bug.

At first, Zhang Xun pinned his hopes on the old benevolent Yuan Shikai.In the hearts of Beiyang soldiers, Yuan Shikai is like a majestic and simple father, controlling them with a sharp wrist, while turning a blind eye to their minor mistakes.Zhang Xun is weaker in Beiyang, and the heart of his parents has always been to love the unpromising children the most-promising children will take care of themselves, but the unpromising children need more care and attention from their parents. caring.

Therefore, Zhang Xun could disobey and refused to throw Nanjing to the revolutionaries.He can disobey once, disobey twice.Even, you can disobey three times.

But every time he disobeyed, Yuan Shikai's emotional balance towards him would gradually shift from his father's position to the other end.

On the other end, is the enemy.

Every time Zhang Xun refused Beiyang's order, he would prick up his ears and listen to the movement outside the door: Has the killer sent by Beiyang arrived?

A few days ago, Beiyang's telegrams were very frequent, but when Xu Shaozhen led the coalition forces to attack, there was no sound from Beiyang.

Patience is exhausted.

Yuan Shikai's role has completely shifted from the father's position to the enemy's position.

From now on, we will never live together!

So Zhang Xun knew that his last moment had come. He put on his best clothes, ordered his servants to make the best tea, and bid farewell to his most beloved woman, Xiao Maozi Wang Keqin, and sat down patiently. Waiting for his last moment, waiting for the arrival of the killer.

finally come.

It was his teacher, Xu Shichang, who came.

Minister of Military Aircraft Xu Shichang couldn't bear to see his most unpromising disciple killed by Beiyang, so he set off secretly to go to Nanjing in person.

This is the reason why Zhang Xun let out howl when he saw Xu Shichang.

(12) There is still time to breathe or to be able to breathe

After ordering the kitchen to serve two delicate dishes, Zhang Xun knelt on the ground, walked forward, poured wine for teacher Xu Shichang, then lowered his eyebrows and said nothing.When Xu Shichang came, there would be no more killers in Beiyang. The kindness of saving lives was tantamount to reinventing parents, so Zhang Xun was extremely grateful and humble.

In fact, Zhang Xun's appearance is just very handsome, with a little bit of stability in his brows and eyes, but he is not more beautiful than women as Xu Shaozhen said. If so, Zhang Xun can still take advantage of it.His temperament has always lacked the solemnity and stability of an adult, and he is a little frivolous, a typical good-for-nothing.

But he happened to be a bit promising, at least more promising than the revolutionaries.It's just that the contrast between appearance and appearance constituted the biggest obstacle to Zhang Xun's achievements in life. It was for this reason that Xu Shichang, the military minister who had served as Hanlin Lang, made an exception and accepted Zhang Xun as his disciple. There is finally something to rely on in this lonely world.

As Zhang Xun knew, he repeatedly disobeyed orders and refused to withdraw from Nanjing, which became the biggest obstacle for Beiyang to complete the national strategic layout.It aroused the great anger of the Beiyang warriors, and the discussion was clamorous, forcing Yuan Shikai to issue a secret killing order, and even the assassins were ready.At this time Xu Shichang went to Yuan Shikai and said: Don't hurt my disciples, I will go to Nanjing for you.

Yuan Shikai threw his pen on the ground at that time, feeling relieved.

The assassination of Zhang Xun, whom he personally cultivated, made Yuan Shikai even more reluctant and painful.Fortunately, there is Xu Shichang who has the foresight, otherwise this dangerous situation will not be resolved.

Xu Shichang took a sip of his wine and said, "Zhang Xun, do you remember the first sentence my teacher said to you?"
Zhang Xun: Remember it forever, how dare you forget it?The mentor told Zhang Xun, a man of lofty ideals, who kills himself to achieve benevolence, does not live to harm benevolence, a gentleman is evil?Gentlemen are evil!
Xu Shichang: What the teacher said was the words of the most sage teacher, Confucius, who once said: The state has the way, and the valley.Bang Wudao, hidden.

Zhang Xun looked at Xu Shichang's face in surprise, and saw a line of tears streaming down his face. Zhang Xun suddenly realized: Teacher, so you are just like me...

Xu Shichang shook his head: No, the teacher is different from you. The teacher's heart is more painful than yours!What do you do when you read sage books?Establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the living and the people, inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations.This is the teaching that every sage and sage does not dare or forget in his life, and it is the lifelong expectation of every scholar.But the vast majority of scholars, living their lives in vain, never waited for this opportunity, but when we waited for this opportunity, we realized that the talents and learning in our hearts were not enough to fulfill the teachings of the sages.

Zhang Xun tilted his head, thought for a long time, and finally got a little bit of Xu Shichang's words out of the way: Could it be that the teacher also thinks that the court is going to die... No, no, no, the teacher means that Li Yuanhong can really become a climate ?
Xu Shichang said: Li Yuanhong has been suppressed for too long.The Wuchang rebellious party pushed him out, which is considered to be the right person.Only he can command the mountains and rivers, command all directions, and set up orders in Shaanxi, Hunan, Shanxi, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, Anqing, Anhui, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi. It is not because of his orders.Who would have expected such a small alliance to do such amazing things?It is only to blame that Zhang Zhidong was too loyal to the emperor in the early years, and more than 4000 million yuan was stored in Wuchang just for money.With so much money, plus Li's long-sleeved skills, what can't be done?

Zhang Xun said: "Although Li Yuanhong is amazing, it's not something to worry about."If Feng Guozhang urges his teachers to come in, little Wuchang will eventually be a tiny place, vulnerable to a single blow.

With a snap, Xu Shichang threw the cup on the ground, scaring Zhang Xun into a shudder.Just listen to Xu Shichang's sad voice: If this is the case, then China will be completely over.The reason why the empire is so weak is because of the chaos caused by Hong Xiuquan and Yang Xiuqing.These two people ruled the mountains and rivers, corrupted the world, and the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River was reduced to a ghostland on earth. Although Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang's ingenious talents calmed it down, the vitality of the empire could not be calmed down ever since.It has been 60 years since the Hongyang Rebellion, and there are still 10 years in which the people have been devastated and weeping like blood. Over the past 60 years of bleak management, endure humiliation, and build an empire, there are only difficulties and difficulties.But today's situation is repeating Hong Yang's time. If Beiyang urged the masters to enter, the Li clan would inevitably go south, and the party members would continue to wreak havoc, and the Western powers would be able to take advantage of the opportunity to enter, and then the world would be in chaos.At this moment, even though Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang, great talents, have recovered in ten years, China will no longer exist after the party chaos disappears.

Speaking of this, Xu Shichang let out a mournful voice: 10 years, give China another 10 years to recuperate! After 10 years, the chaos will be chaotic. At that time, there will still be some remnants or remnants.If there is chaos today, China will no longer exist in the world!
Because China has no capital and cannot afford the cost of chaos.

Xu Shichang cried, Zhang Xun also cried with tears all over his face, and kept beating his chest, hating himself for being incompetent and unable to save the situation.

While howling, Xu Shichang suddenly stopped crying, and stopped crying, his face was as calm as usual, as if he had never lost his temper and cried.

He said: Send him back to Beijing as a teacher.

(End of this chapter)

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