The Republic is so violent

Chapter 89 A Dog's Passionate Years

Chapter 89 A Dog's Passionate Years (1)
(1) Virtual dialogue and real history
Zhang Xun left the Jiang Fang Army in Nanjing, and only brought a few personal followers. He disguised himself as a businessman and quietly escorted Xu Shichang back to Beijing.When he arrived in Beijing, Xu Shichang locked him up, threw him a few yellowed old books, and never allowed him to step out of the room.

Zhang Xun was secretly abducted by the military minister Xu Shichang. The Ninghan general Tieliang who was guarding Nanjing didn't know about it, nor did the Jiangfang Army, and it was even more impossible for the revolutionaries who attacked the city to know about it.

In and out of the city, probably only the little boy Wang Keqin felt that something was wrong, woke up in the middle of the night and touched his side, but there was nothing: Hey, where did Lao Zhang, the bastard, go?

Therefore, the siege of Nanjing is still in full swing.

It just so happened that at this time the party members came to reinforce them again. It was the second team of the Shanghai Death Squad, that is, the death squad led by Yin Ruizhi and Yin Weijun, the heroine of the Restoration Society.After this death squad took down Hangzhou, all the Zhejiang troops went to Nanjing. The death squad returned to Shanghai, and together with Chen Qimei hunted down the Qing officials, and killed a lot of people. Seeing that the killing was almost done, they ran to Nanjing again.

Sisters Yin Ruizhi and Yin Weijun came, but Jiang Zhiqing, a student studying in Japan, did not come.

Guess what Jiang Zhiqing did?
He stayed in Shanghai.

What are you doing in Shanghai?
As I have said, the Chinese political stage at that time could only accommodate three people at most: Li Yuanhong from Wuchang, Yuan Shikai from Beiyang, and a great revolutionary leader.At present, Tao Chengzhang has undisputedly occupied the role of the great revolutionary leader with the blood of the Restoration Society.However, there is also a Tongmenghui, and there is also a Sun Yat-sen.

In order for Sun Yat-sen to enter the political stage, Tao Chengzhang must first be pushed off the stage.

Jiang Zhiqing, he will undertake this important historical mission.

When the Yin sisters rushed to the Nanjing battlefield with enthusiasm, Chen Qimei, the governor of Shanghai, called the third younger brother Jiang Zhiqing and gave him a pistol.There was bound to be a conversation between the two when the pistol was handed over.However, this conversation has been lost in the dust of history, and no one can dig out a single word.

History is lost here.

All that remains is the black hole.

If it is a novelist, one can imagine the dialogue between Chen and Jiang.Perhaps Chen Qimei would say something like this: Third child, the organization entrusts you with a glorious and sacred mission, go to Guangci Hospital and kill Tao Chengzhang!

Then Jiang Zhiqing would be horrified: Mother is skinny, am I mistaken, Tao Chengzhang is the great leader of the revolution.

Chen Qimei might say: It is precisely because Tao Chengzhang is the leader of the revolution that he was killed.People who are not members of the Revolutionary Party are unlikely to share the fruits of victory with the Tongmenghui, except for Tao Chengzhang, the Guangfuhui.I don’t mention the third one, you should know that the achievements of the Chinese revolution today can be said to be entirely due to the bloodshed and sacrifice of the Liberation Society.Wu Yue who bombed the five ministers, Xu Xilin who killed Enming, and Jianhu heroine Qiu Jin were all Tao Chengzhang's subordinates.Therefore, if Tao Chengzhang is there, there must be two branches of the revolution, which means that the prestige of Sun Yat-sen we follow will be severely weakened.Since then, China's revolution has relied on Sun Yat-sen's high prestige that cannot be questioned in the slightest, so...

This conceived dialogue is certainly well-balanced here, and it seems to be able to explain something clearly.But the problem is, such a conversation may not have happened at all.

What really happened was that young Jiang Zhiqing entered the hospital in the dark with a gun, put his gun on Tao Chengzhang's head, and shot at the man who had led Wu Yue, Xu Xilin and Qiu Jin.

...On the night of November 25th, 1927, Tao Chengzhang (named Huanqing), one of the great leaders of the revolution, was stabbed to death in Shanghai Guangci Hospital.Who is the assassin?How to assassinate?Many people say that Chen Qimei ordered Chiang Kai-shek to stab him to death.All kinds of records, most of them are pushed to others, and they are taken off from themselves.In any case, it is always a great misfortune for the revolution as a whole.I keep my diary seriously.According to my diary: On June 6, 3, Cao Muguan, the principal of Shanghai Chengzhong Middle School, a native of Zhejiang, had a chat with me.Cao said: I was lying in Guangci Hospital with Min Yuan's illness. One evening, Chiang Kai-shek came to talk. Before leaving, he said: We will do a big thing tonight.In the middle of the night, when gunshots were heard, Tao Huanqing was shot in the other room and died.Someone who knew the secret told me: Chen Qimei ordered Chiang Kai-shek to assassinate Tao Huanqing, and Chiang hired Wang Zhuqing, a traitor from the Restoration Society, to execute it.Huanqing thought that Zhuqing was his own, and invited him into the house, and was stabbed to death.The Restoration Society finally assassinated Wang Zhuqing again.Tao Huanqing's alias Ji Shi is on the membership list of the Tongmenghui in my collection. (Huang Yanpei: "The Facts of the [-] Revolution I Experienced Personally")
This is the first shot of Jiang Zhiqing's revolution.

It is a revolution of the young against the old.

It is also the revolution of the young revolutionaries against the revolutionaries of the older generation.

Although Jiang Zhiqing hadn't changed his name to Chiang Kai-shek at this time, his era had already begun.

(2) The prelude to the storm
After Tao Chengzhang was killed, the next one was Li Xiehe, the number two figure in the Restoration Society.

On this day, Li Xiehe, the governor of Wusongkou, was walking on the road when suddenly a gunshot sounded behind him, and the hat on his head was shot off by a bullet.I don’t know if the assassin’s marksmanship was too accurate, he intended to warn, or his marksmanship was too bad, and he only knocked off his hat when he wanted to hit his head. No matter what the situation was, in short, Li Xie and his horrified left Nanyang that day, and never asked China again. A thing of revolution.

Tao Chengzhang was assassinated by Jiang Zhiqing, and the Restoration Society, which once dominated history, became gloomy and silent.

At the same time, what has gone silent is the Chinese people's normal value judgments of right and wrong, black and white.The fate of China in the next hundred years will be shrouded in the curse of revolution.

Before Jiang Zhiqing pulled the trigger, the Chinese people's values ​​of right and wrong, good and evil, were still universal, and they were no different from the life and social values ​​of panting creatures anywhere in the world.The composition of its behavioral value system is nothing more than two points:

First: what a person does is what he is.When you do good deeds, you are a good person.When you do bad things, you are bad people.

Second: Good deeds are things that are kind to others and beneficial to others.Bad things are things that are evil to others and cause obvious harm to others.

The above two are the Chinese behavior value system before Jiang Zhiqing pulled the trigger.

But when Jiang Zhiqing flicked his index finger and Tao Chengzhang died, this system of values, behaviors and concepts immediately fell into a state of collapse, and since then it has turned to revolution as the core.The revolution has become the sacred religion in the hearts of the Chinese people, and the value behavior evaluation system that measures everything.

The previous criteria for judging right and wrong, good and evil, no longer have meaning.A person who does good deeds, helps the old and the young, and helps the orphans and widows is not necessarily a good person. Only a revolutionist is a good person.A person who commits evil deeds, commits adultery with his wife, and robs others of his wealth is not necessarily a wicked person.Only non-revolutionaries or those who have been revolutionized are bad people and evil people.

The era of the Great Revolution has come so slowly, but the Chinese are still not fully prepared.

At least, the Chinese have not yet obtained a precise definition of revolution—revolutionaries are naturally correct, but you will never know what a revolution is.Only the victors are revolutionaries, so everything the victors do belongs to the category of revolution—but under the storm of the Great Revolution, all these have been ignored by the times.

(3) Aftertaste of Hong Yang's Troubled Times
When the strong revolutionary storm hit, the Yin sisters charged forward on the battlefield, while Jiang Zhiqing, a big man, hid behind to carry out assassinations and take advantage of it.

Besides, when the Yin sisters came to the battlefield under the city of Nanjing, the Death Squadrons were all partisans, playing with heartbeats and fighting for their lives. Since the fight was going smoothly these days, they always thought that the battle was just like this, and they didn't care about the tactics at all. They don't know the rules, and they don't know what a team is. When they arrive at the front line, they order to blow the charge.

I don't understand, is it okay to blow the front horn indiscriminately?

As soon as the charging horn sounded, all the trumpeters behind the front line, on the left and right flanks, panicked, and hurriedly took out their bugles and blew them indiscriminately.All of a sudden, the front line was filled with the sound of charging horns, which stimulated the artillerymen to be so excited that they fired desperately.

The flames in turn stimulated the Zhe Army. With the sound of shouts soaring into the sky, the soldiers on the whole line began to charge. This charge was not a big deal.All the team officers held their command sabers high and ran around like crazy, trying to find the lost subordinates.

How can such a chaotic scene be found?

Ge Jingen, the detachment leader of the Zhejiang Army, ran the most joyously. Holding his command knife, he ran madly past the burning street of Xiaolingwei, and rushed under the suspension bridge of Chaoyangmen, until he found that Jiang Fang was standing in front of him and behind him. Only then did he realize that he was inattentive and ran into the enemy camp.

Get down and play dead.

The Jiang Fang army rushed into the city and closed the city gate.Ge Jingen lay on the ground thinking: Those brothers who ran faster than me, you are miserable, you all ran into the city with them.

What do you say you are running so fast?
It's all due to the death squads blowing their horns indiscriminately. The troops charge in a targeted and orderly manner. If they are afraid that the formation will break up and the formation will be chaotic, it will become a chaotic army.Fortunately, because the charge has no formation and no target, the charge has become a long-distance race. Those who run behind are lucky to say that those who run ahead, because they will run past the enemy's position, have lost contact with the troops since then.

All of Ge Jingen's subordinates ran away, except his elder brother.

When it was dark and the shadows below could not be seen on the tower, Ge Jingen slowly got up, walked back, and suddenly his body flickered for a while. There was a bang, and he passed out.

He stumbled into a deep ditch and fell unconscious.

Guess who dug this ditch?

Even if you were killed, you wouldn't guess that it was Hong Xiuquan!
During the Xianfeng period, Hong Xiuquan, a Pujie boy in Guangdong, was in disharmony, rioted in mass incidents, blatantly armed separatist regimes, and established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.It has been 60 years, and the people of Nanjing, who are not strong enough, did not talk about filling these trenches, but Ge Jingen fell miserably.

After being in a coma for an unknown amount of time, Ge Jingen woke up leisurely, and opened his eyes to see endless darkness.In the darkness, a pair of round strange eyes stared at him without blinking.

Ge Jingen let out a loud cry.

(4) Dangerous places that must be contested by military strategists
Those strange eyes in the dark are Ge Jingen's No.30 five-standard veteran, who participated in the battle of Hangzhou recovery and the revolutionary hero of various battles under the city of Nanjing:

That fat dog with black spots, white flowers and blue nose.

When the charge horn sounded, the dog also rushed towards the madness with the crowd, and the fastest Zhe army rushed into the city in one breath, but this dog was not stupid, he lay in ambush outside the city, waiting for him The large troops came up, and suddenly saw the detachment leader Ge Jingen fall into the ditch, the dog jumped down hastily, performed first aid on the battlefield, and kept licking Ge Jingen's face with its tongue, licking Lao Ge awake.

Seeing this dog, Ge Jingen's heart was settled: I order me up first.

The dog stepped forward and bit Ge Jingen's clothes with its mouth, dragging him up.Ge Jingen first checked his injuries. Fortunately, his limbs were bruised and his wrists hurt, but he was still whole.Looking at Kong Kong's hands, Ge Jingen said: Where's my command knife?Hurry up and get back the commander's command knife.

The dog led Ge Jingen to walk in the trench, and stopped after walking for a while.Ge Jingen looked down, and saw a cold light reflected by the moonlight under the ground, it really was his precious command knife.

Picking up the knife and waving it, Ge Jingen touched his waist: Well, where is my pistol, hurry up and get my pistol back.

The dog walked in front depressedly, and Ge Jingen followed behind. After searching for a long time, he finally found the pistol. Ge Jingen patted the dog's head: "It's doing well. I'll cook braised pork for you when we arrive in Nanjing City."Then one person and one dog climbed out of the trench, and the dog still led the way, walking cautiously in the dark, when suddenly a human voice came from the front, Ge Jingen listened carefully, it turned out to be Zhu Rui, the leader of the Zhejiang Army. in one breath.

With Zhu Rui, there is also the artillery company commander. It is very strange that the infantry is charging, but all his artillery have disappeared, and they are looking for them at this time.

But where can I find it in the middle of the night?

At this moment, on a slightly raised hill in the northwest corner of Zijin Mountain, there was a flash of fire, and with a whoosh, a cannonball hit.

Zhu Rui said: It's outrageous, it's really outrageous, the fort on the hill keeps firing at us, even though it's far away, it doesn't affect much, but someone shoots at you Non-stop, this taste is uncomfortable.

Send someone to inquire, what is that place?
They sent someone to ask, but they came back after a long time, and reported, "That little hill has a very long history. As early as the Ming Dynasty, fierce battles often broke out on the hill."After the Hongyang Rebellion and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period, the fighting on Xiaoshanbao became even more severe.When the Hunan Army stormed the small hill, the Taiping Army on the hill smashed it with stones. Later, the two sides fought hand-to-hand. You strangled my neck and I plucked your eyes.Just to compete for that small mountain, the people on both sides strangled to death were stacked higher than that small mountain.

It is an extremely dangerous place where every strategist must contend.

But what is that place?

That small hill has a beautiful name: Tianbao City.

After listening to the report, Zhu Rui was silent for a while, and asked: Does anyone know what the combat mission assigned to our Zhejiang Army by the General Command is?

Ge Jingen thought for a while: It seems to be... attacking Tianbao City.

Zhu Rui: So what are we doing here?
(5) Creative Push Responsibility
Obviously, either there was something wrong with Xu Shaozhen of the general headquarters, or there was something wrong with Zhu Rui of the Zhejiang Army, or there was something wrong with both of these aspects.

The current situation is that the Zhejiang Army has never been able to figure out where it is, but only knows that there is a trench in front of it, and there is a city with the Jiangfang Army in the city.Every morning, the Jiangfang army opened the city gate, came out to fight with the brothers of the Zhejiang army, and went back to rest at night.But what kind of city is this city? This question is still a problem for the Zhejiang Army.

But the Zhejiang army still made a breakthrough. At least, they finally figured out what Tianbao City is.God knows, it's obviously a small hill, but it wants to call the city, isn't this deliberately booing.

Lay down Tianbao City and liberate Nanjing City!
But this Tianbao City is indeed a bit difficult to fight. The troublesome thing about this city is that there is no city, it is just a small hill with lush trees on the hillside, and the mountain is steep and rugged.Locals who are not familiar with the path, even if they want to climb up the mountain, they will get lost and do not know where they have climbed.The most irritating thing is that there are many tents lined up like a chessboard at the foot of Tianbao City. Outside the tents are cold shorts and socks, which turned out to be the garrison of Jiang Fangjun.

If you want to capture Tianbao City, you must first approach this small hill, which means that the Zhejiang Army must first fight the Jiangfang Army stationed at the foot of the mountain to the death.Even if they win by luck, they have to start from the foot of the mountain and attack upwards. It is estimated that before the brothers attack halfway up the mountain, they will be stoned to death.

In the early years when the Hunan Army fought the Taiping Army, in order to capture this Tianbao City, they paid for the war dead who were piled up to the size of a small mountain bag.However, the Zhejiang Army only has 3000 people, and the number of staff has been severely reduced.It's hard enough to take down this small mountain bag.

What should I do if I can't hold it?
Why don't we have a small meeting to discuss?

So Zhu Rui convened a meeting with everyone, and the meeting decided to select strong soldiers from mountain people to form a death squad and let them touch Tianbao City at night.If you can touch it, everyone will celebrate the victory, if you can't touch it, then hold a meeting to discuss it.

The Death Squad set off at night, and came back after dawn. When they left, they were dressed neatly, but when they came back, their clothes were all torn, and their faces and bodies were covered with scars from tree branches.The whole night, the death squad struggled in the bushes, not knowing which direction to go, and they didn't know if they were going in the right direction. Their faces were scratched and their hands were scratched. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was difficult to move an inch.

We had to continue the meeting.

At the meeting, Ge Jingen, the leader of the 35th Target, holding the life-saving pet dog, put forward four original military insights of his:

[-]. This mountain must be captured within the shortest few days without any relaxation.

[-]. Many troops are not needed to attack the mountain, but the task is very difficult and dangerous, so all of them are recruited voluntarily, and they are also called death squads.

[-]. The number of people only needs to be several hundred, and they are divided into several teams. Each team does not need to climb separately at the same time. It can choose a certain number of routes as the focus, or they can overlap each other to support and echo each other.

[-]. All applicants will be given heavy rewards, and the officials will also increase the rewards.

Ge Jingen's four proposals were well received by everyone.Fortunately, where is it?

Fortunately, this plan rescued the Zhejiang army from the danger of death.It is obvious that the Zhejiang army does not have the strength to win this natural moat, but if you want to say that you will not fight, or that you have difficulties, this is too shameless, and it will make people look down on the Zhejiang army.But Ge Jingen's death squad recruiting plan, especially the fourth item, the death squad has a heavy reward, it is obvious that this job is pushed to Shanghai Metropolitan Chen Qimei, where does the Zhejiang army get the money from?If you want to pay, you have to go to the Shanghai Navy Government.

Facing trouble requires creative thinking.

Or, creative trouble-shooting.

Or, creatively pass the trouble on to others.

(6) Put to death

The Death Squad to attack Tianbao City was recruited from the whole army, covering Shanghai. Two generals in the Zhejiang Army, Ye Yanggao and Zhang Zhaochen, were willing to apply and took the initiative to assume the responsibility of the death squad leader.So Zhu Rui asked the two to form a death squad, and after eating and drinking enough, they set off.

Not long after the Death Squad climbed the mountain, gunshots rang out. The brothers down the mountain could do nothing but listen to the intense gunshots and watch the flashes of bullets flash in the darkness from time to time.After such a noisy night, after dawn, the two death squads came back in a panic.

This is the second time the attack has failed.

Come again for the third time.

(End of this chapter)

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