The Republic is so violent

Chapter 90 A Dog's Passionate Years

Chapter 90 A Dog's Passionate Years (2)
Let the daredevils sleep enough, eat enough, drink well, carry enough ammunition, and climb the mountain again.There was still intense gunfire and flickering flames, making noise for a whole night.After dawn, the two death squads came back to eat dejectedly.

The Zhejiang army suddenly became anxious. This won't work. It won't work once, and it will fail twice. This is the third time. How can there be no progress at all?The Death Squad also has endless grievances: the road on the mountain is really difficult, the night is dark, the branches scratch your face and your eyes are pierced, if you are not careful, your head will hit the rock with a bang, the brothers of the Death Squad, your head is full It's a big bruised blood bag.If things go on like this, this loyal and brave death squad does not need Jiang Fangjun to shoot, just being hit by a rock on the night road will kill him alive.

Finally woke up, there is a problem with the attack plan.Everyone is not familiar with this mountain, and if they walk in the dark, there is no hope of success.

For the fourth attack, the time was chosen in the afternoon, when it was getting dark, and the jungle at the foot of the mountain was used to evacuate the death squads to a suitable place, and then act in unison.

This time it was on the right path, there was no need to rush in the dark, at least the Death Squad knew which direction to attack, and they wouldn't be scratched in the face by branches.Unfortunately, at this time, it began to rain suddenly on the mountain, which drenched the Death Squadron. As a result, the battle was delayed until around 4 o'clock in the middle of the night, and the Death Squadron finally rushed to the enemy camp.

set fire!

The first is setting fires, which is actually the entire mission of The Expendables.As long as the fire is shining, the guards will be chilled, and the troops at the foot of the mountain will take advantage of the situation to attack, and the victory will be assured.

Sure enough, the defenders were in disarray, and more than 200 people raised white flags and demanded to surrender.Yang Yunke, the battalion commander of the town army who participated in the attack, was not afraid of fraud, so he led the crowd forward, but the group of surrendered soldiers suddenly raised their guns again, and a dense volley of bullets came. More than 100 people from Yang Yunke's department, including the company commander and platoon leader, were on the spot was killed.

Why did Jiang Fangjun in Tianbao City pretend to surrender?
They were planning to slow down the troops, and counting the time, the reinforcements in Nanjing should have arrived. You must know that the Jiangfang Army was four times larger than the Allied Forces. As long as they sent a few thousand people to outflank the Allied Forces from the foot of the mountain, they would make dumplings for the Allied Forces.The coalition forces paid no attention to their heads and ignored their backs, they only knew that they had already put themselves in a doomed situation by attacking Tianbao City blindly.

But who would have expected that Zhang Xun was abducted by Minister of Military Aircraft Xu Shichang, the Jiangfang Army lost its leader, and the dragons had no leader. They all sat on the tower stupidly, watching the lively fighting in Tianbao City, but Because there was no order to help, the coalition forces were lucky enough to succeed.

The defenders of Tianbao City feigned surrender, instead of waiting for reinforcements, they angered the coalition forces. The artillery bombarded them, surrounded them on all sides, and fired salvos.

In this battle, Ye Yanggao, the most loyal and brave man, died in battle on the top of the mountain, and there are still inscriptions on the mountain.

After taking Tianbao City, they first dragged the eight old mountain cannons brought by the vanguard of the Shanghai Army to the mountain, set up the muzzles, and aimed at Nanjing City condescendingly.


(7) Running wild

The cannons roared in Tianbao City, and the chickens and dogs jumped in the city of Nanjing.As soon as the city gate opened, a strange man came out: blond, blue-eyed, wearing a top hat, with an oversized belly: Hello, auntie, what a big fat belly, who is your commander? Can we talk?
The strange man who came was Anderson, the boss of the Mobil Oil Company. He spoke Chinese well, so the U.S. Consulate in Nanjing invited him to negotiate with the coalition forces.

The coalition asked this American pot belly: What do you want to talk about?
Big Belly said: Your shelling will hurt civilians. We strongly protest.

The Lianjun said: Just kidding, you think we are happy to bomb the city, but if they don't surrender, what can we do?
Big belly said: If you are willing to stop the shelling, I can surrender on their behalf.

The Lianjun said: Come on, who knows who you are? To surrender, Zhang Xun, Tie Liang, and Zhang Renjun must come out holding a white flag.

The big belly said: "Your request is very strange. The three people you mentioned are not in Nanjing City, so how can you let them come out with a white flag?"

The coalition army was overjoyed: Wow, all three of them ran away.

The situation was like this, the coalition forces stormed Tianbao City four times, and fought fiercely for two days and three nights, but the river defense army in the city remained indifferent. Tie Liang urgently told Zhang Xun to come to help, and only after this call did he find that Zhang Xun was missing.At that time, the surprise in Tie Liang's heart had reached its peak.He wanted to take over the command again, but the Beiyang Army trained Yuan Shikai so hard that he only recognized his own general, and it was useless for anyone but the general to come.Tie Liang didn't move, so he boarded the Japanese warship with Zhang Renjun and left Nanjing with full of surprise and doubts.

Guess where these two go?
Shanghai Concession!

General Tieliang of Ning and Han, Governor of Liangjiang Zhang Renjun, Admiral of the Qing Navy Sa Zhenbing, and former Governor of Huguang Ruizhang joined forces in the concession. Tie Haoliang barely killed the hapless Ruizan.

Nanjing City, this is considered conquered.

The liaison staff officer Shi Jiuguang, who was fed tender and fat by his old school friend Tie Liang with good wine and fat, rushed to the tower and waved the battle flag.

So all the armies cheered and rushed into the city. At this time, the Chaoyang Gate in Nanjing was sealed with earth and stones because of the attack by the coalition forces, making it impossible to enter.So the coalition army chose the way to Taiping Gate and lined up. The team officer rode on the horse and held the red flag in his hand. The soldiers lined up behind the horse's buttocks. The order of the battalions of horse-bugong and luggage marched into the city in a mighty manner.As they were walking, they heard an earth-shattering bang, and the troops in front flew into the air with their horses and men. Amidst the billowing smoke, there was a sudden and fierce gunshot.All the people who were marching called out to their mothers together, turned around and fled.

However, most of the war horses that the generals ride are battle-tested and are still sensitive to the sound of guns and guns. As long as they hear the sound of guns and guns, they will turn around and flee in an instant.Otherwise, I can't keep my own life.And the generals on horseback were holding the flag with both hands, majestic and looking forward to their glory, but unexpectedly they got off their horses and suddenly turned around and ran wildly. The soldiers stomped over with their big feet, leaving footprints all over their faces.

It was not bad for the soldiers to trample on them, but some generals fell off their horses and were immediately pressed to the ground by the soldiers and beat them violently. I don't know why the soldiers got so angry.

Collapse without a fight, run wildly.On Xiaolingwei Avenue, there was a crowd of fleeing crowds. The follow-up troops were unknown, so when they were attacked by soldiers fleeing in front, they also screamed in terror, turned around and ran at a faster speed.The marching pots, rice, food, luggage, and ammunition all over the road were thrown away. Those who were knocked down had no chance to get up again. They could only hold their heads tightly and cry loudly. Some injured people crawled to the side of the road. , just crawling in the direction of the crowd running wildly, leaving glaring blood behind.

What happened in the end?

Don't ask, let's run and talk first.

Thousands of people rushed to a cemetery. Among the densely packed grave mounds, there was an old tree. Under the old tree sat two girls, smiling to themselves as they watched these running weirdos.

These two girls are sisters Yin Ruizhi and Yin Weijun, the only two outstanding female figures left in the Restoration Society.They led the Shanghai Second Death Squad to join the battle.Theoretically speaking, Jiang Zhiqing, a student studying in Japan, should also be present. After killing Tao Chengzhang, he should come to Nanjing to pretend nothing happened, so as not to make others suspect him.

Seeing the Yin sisters, the running people suddenly realized: It turned out that you two threw the bomb!
(8) Copycat Bomb Oolong Army
At this time, I carefully recalled the explosion in the city. The sound was hoarse and dull, obviously it was a counterfeit bomb.

Jiang Fangjun would never use this kind of counterfeit bomb, it's too embarrassing.Jiang Fangjun's weapons are all famous brands.Only the revolutionaries, who are poor in financial resources and have no choice, make some counterfeit bombs and throw them around.As for the explosion in the city, it was definitely a soil bomb made by Yin Ruizhi and Yin Weijun.Although many revolutionaries are also making counterfeit bombs, the bombs made by different people have different styles, which can be heard just from the sound of the explosion.

Since the Yin sisters came to the Nanjing battlefield, they have dropped a lot of bombs, and everyone is familiar with it.At this time, I suddenly saw the two of them on the side of the road, and suddenly realized: the loud noise just now was definitely the style of the Yin sisters.

But why did the Yin sisters drop bombs on everyone?
This matter? It's awkward to say.In fact, the Yin sisters would not drop bombs to blow up everyone. The bomb that went off just now was made by the Yin sisters and distributed to members of the death squad.One of the death squads marched into the city with the bomb just now.After entering the city, the bomb fell on the ground without paying attention.Pick it up quickly if it falls on the ground, it's a bomb.

But the daredevil team members didn't pick it up, maybe they didn't take it seriously.For the rest of your life in the battlefield, dropping a bomb on the ground is a common thing, and you don't have to pick it up when you see a bomb.So the bomb was thrown on the road, no one cared and no one asked.At this time, the mighty and majestic army entered the city, and they were looking at the world with disdain, looking forward to their glory. A horse kicked the bomb with one hoof, kicked the bomb into the air, hit a stone with a bang, and then bang. , exploded.

As soon as the bomb rang, the troops who had already entered the city thought that a large number of enemies were coming, and immediately opened fire violently. This is the origin of the gunshots after the loud noise of the bomb.The marching troops didn't know what was going on, and they trampled on each other, which led to the bombing of the camp. This is the most common thing on the battlefield.

The troops that bombed the battalion were mainly the Zhejiang army. After a false alarm, they cleaned up the leftovers. The more they thought about it, the angrier they became, and the more they felt that they had lost face.So the Zhejiang army swarmed into the city again, and shot when they entered the city. They went straight to Xu Shaozhen's headquarters, surrounded the headquarters, and shot inside.

Xu Shaozhen was stunned, and asked: Brothers, if you have something to say, if you have something to say, why did you shoot me?

Zhe Jun said angrily: You know it yourself, and you still have the face to ask us?
Xu Shaozhen was even more at a loss: Brothers, brothers, I really don't know what's going on, please explain clearly, please?

Zhe Jun said: Don't pretend to be confused, release our commander Zhu Rui immediately!

Xu Shaozhen: Release Zhu Rui?Who caught him?

Zhe Jun: Why do you ask others about what you did yourself?Let people go or not?If you don't let go, you will shoot.

Xu Shaozhen: Brothers, wait, don't shoot... I can't catch Zhu Rui, why should I catch Zhu Rui, there must be a reason, right?
Zhejiang Army: The reason?Isn't the reason obvious, you want to annex our Zhejiang Army.

Xu Shaozhen: ...How is this possible, brothers, there is really no such thing, my sincerity to the brother army, only God can show, do you want to cut my heart out for you to see, do you want to... …

Xu Shaozhen was really wronged. In fact, when the Zhejiang army entered the city and bombed the camp, everyone ran around. Zhu Rui didn't know where he went. Now they don't know what proof they have. He insisted that Xu Shaozhen had arrested Zhu Rui, making Xu Shaozhen cry aggrievedly, but he still couldn't explain.

While he was making a scene, Zhu Rui came. He didn't know that there was a scene because of him, and he was still waving: Hello, brothers, you have worked hard.

When Zhe Jun saw him coming, he immediately lowered his head, turned around with his gun in his hand, and slipped away quickly against the wall.Zhu Rui was confused: Hey, brothers, what are you running, wait for me...

This inexplicable chaos finally came to an end. Outside the command post, a large number of mighty people came again, making loud noises and saying that they only wanted to ask Xu Shaozhen for an explanation.

(9) Who should this woman belong to?

It is said that although Nanjing was conquered, it was Anderson, the big brother of Mobil Oil Company, who surrendered for the Nanjing defenders in his own name, but Jiang Fangjun did not recognize this foreign devil.Therefore, the coalition forces here have entered the city in mighty force. Some brave Jiangfang troops displayed a fearless counter-revolutionary spirit.

However, the coalition troops entering the city ignored these miscellaneous things, and instead took the way of Diaoyu Lane, running forward and running faster and faster, and finally ran wildly. The first army rushed to a vermilion beast ring gate in Diaoyu Lane, Just about to rush in, the second army has already rushed in, followed by the third, and the fourth, followed by an endless stream. Countless coalition forces have squeezed into this narrow alley, look at me, I Looking at you, they all have livid faces, but no one said a word.

All the people were in a stalemate like this, there was only the sound of heavy breathing, the atmosphere was oppressive and heavy, and the strong sense of tension had reached the point of breaking out.

But the strange thing is, all the people are staring at others viciously, the anger in their eyes is getting more and more intense, but no one speaks.

(End of this chapter)

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