The Republic is so violent

Chapter 93 The Wonderful Puppet Show

Chapter 93 The Wonderful Puppet Show (2)
However, Yuan Shikai and Fatty Li flirted with each other and communicated with the tune secretly. Only the two of them and the messenger knew about this secret, and no one else knew about it.

So in Xiyin Hall, No. 10, Nanyang Road, Shanghai, in the house of Mrs. Zhao Fengchang and Zhao Zhujun, the first wife of Zhang Zhidong, the former governor of the two lakes, there was a strange cry of surprise.

Weird, but weird!Standing in front of the map with a pencil in his hand, Zhao Fengchang looked at Feng Guozhang's formation map that he had just drawn: "Lao Ma, Xiao Huang and Xiao Zhang, come and have a look, three of you, something serious has happened.

Zhang Liangma Xiangbo, Zhang Jian, Zhang Jizhi, and Huang Yanpei hurried forward, carefully looking at the map of Wuchang's military confrontation, and then listened to Zhao Fengchang's pointing out: "Look, come and see, what a strange thing, Feng Guozhang takes a step forward, and Fatty Li takes a step back." .Feng Guozhang took a step back, Fatty Li took a step forward.Feng Guozhang goes to the left, Fatty Li goes to the right, Feng Guozhang goes to the right, Fatty Li goes to the left... You can see clearly, what is the trajectory of the two of them moving forward and backward?That is the most typical Spanish tango dance steps.

Ma Xiangbo, Zhang Jian and Huang Yanpei met each other.This is really the case, no wonder Zhao Fengchang has to yell, this is really a strange thing, Beiyang Feng Guozhang and Hubei Li Dafat, two big men, what kind of tango dance are they doing?
So weird, so weird.Zhao Fengchang said: This standard tango dance tells us that something that we don't know is going on in secret.There is a problem with Yuan Shikai and Yuan Gongbao.

But what problems will Yuan Shikai have?

Zhao Fengchang fell into deep thought: Zhang Jian, what has happened to Yuan Shikai since he came out?
Zhang Jian: ...I didn't hear that there was any movement, but that Zhang Yiling, the most capable civil servant in the Shanghai Metropolitan Government's Mansion, was poached away.The salary offered by Lao Yuan is high, so I can't blame Xiao Zhang for changing jobs.

Zhang Yiling?Zhao Fengchang frowned: Did this Zhang Yiling you speak of ever serve as Yuan Shikai's secretary, writing memorials for Yuan Shikai, and at the same time secretly soliciting private work outside? The Zhang Yiling that Lao Yuan was embarrassed in front of the old lady Cixi?
Zhang Jian: Of course.

Zhao Fengchang frowned: According to this, this Zhang Yiling lacked sufficient professionalism, and actually submitted two submissions for one draft. Why did Yuan Shikai want to poach him?

Zhang Jian: That can't be helped, Xiao Zhang can do it.This kid is an administrative genius. You don't need to change a word of all the memorials, documents, and circulars that have passed through his hands, just send them out.With this ability, does he still need professionalism?

Zhao Fengchang: No professionalism is the best, Xiao Zhang, you can send Zhang Yiling a call right away, and ask him to send us one manuscript and two submissions, the manuscript fee is favorable, and ask why Yuan Shikai asked Feng Guozhang to dance the tango.

OK!Zhang Jian and Huang Yanpei immediately lay down on the small table, wrote a telegram, and sent it to Zhang Yiling.After a while, Zhang Yiling's reply came: I have already asked the boss Yuan Shikai face to face about your question, and his original answer to me is as follows:

Do you know how to pull a tree?A tree that is hundreds of years old requires a lot of force. Although it is broken, the roots cannot be removed.There is only one way to shake left and right.Shaking, shaking, shaking endlessly, the roots loosened, and the whole root rose up.My army advances and retreats suddenly, just a way of shaking.

After reading this telegram, everyone in Xiyin Hall met each other face to face.Yuan Shikai wanted to poke the tree, poke the tree... Who is this guy going to poke... Suddenly everyone came to their senses and exclaimed in unison:

Damn, it's terrible, Fatty Yuan wants to make a revolution, hurry up!Hurry up and lead him!
(6) So handsome that he shocked the court

When Xiyintang found out that Yuan Shikai wanted to overthrow the Qing court and immediately made the decision to lead him, a young man was sitting cross-legged in a gloomy prison in Beijing, crying bitterly.

This young man is handsome in appearance, with a graceful appearance, especially his pair of eyes, which are as pure and penetrating as a baby, which makes people look away and all thoughts of dust disappear.This person is the most famous beautiful talent in the Republic of China era, Wang Zhaoming and Wang Jingwei are also.He was originally a handsome scholar who wrote a thousand words, but the revolutionaries were weak and lacked talents for assassination, so he took the risk and went to Beijing to assassinate the regent Zaifeng. He was captured by mistake and imprisoned here.

At this time he was crying, not because he was blinded by the wind, but because he had just heard that his best friend Hu Hanmin died in battle during the Guangzhou Uprising at the beginning of the year.So Wang Jingwei seized this opportunity and wrote three poems, among which there is a famous sentence: How can two people's blood not be shed for a while... The poems are well written, the only awkward thing is that the death of Hu Hanmin in battle is fake According to news, he has actually become the governor of Guangdong.So these three good poems by Wang Jingwei were written in vain.

This handsome young man has been like this all his life, doing meaningless and unnecessary things like getting under the covers and covering his ass.

While reciting a poem, there was a sudden crash, and the cell door was smashed open. A dozen armed policemen stood at the door, looking at him with malicious eyes: Wang Zhaoming, come out!

Wang Jingwei was imprisoned, with little news, not knowing that the national revolution was raging, and seeing so many policemen, he felt tense, thinking that the final deadline had come.I couldn't help but get a sore nose: I think of me, Wang Jingwei, who is so handsome that I am so handsome that I am so handsome. He took his arm and dragged him out the door.Ordinarily at this time Wang Jingwei should take his time and compose a poem in order to push his handsome style to the extreme.But because he was too sad, his thoughts were blocked, his inspiration disappeared, and he couldn't recite any poems. In desperation, he shouted: 20 years later, he will be a handsome man again!
boom!boom!He was hit hard on the head twice, and then he heard the police scold him: Howl again?Howl again and beat your face into your ass!

He is not afraid of death, but if his face is smashed and he is no longer handsome, then Wang Jingwei would never want to, so he shut his mouth wisely.

He was dragged out of the cell, walked along a dark path, out the back door of the prison, and was escorted into a car.Then the car started and stopped shortly thereafter. The policeman kicked him out of the car. When he got up, he saw a strange building in front of him. Lifted up the building.boom!A door opens, bang!He was thrown into the house, before he got up, wow!The door closed again.

Getting up resentfully, Wang Jingwei obediently squatted against the leg of the bed according to the rules in the prison: Hmph, isn't it just a change of prison, why make such a big noise.

Then he squatted in that position, slept a few times, and finally dawned, and heard the bustling outside, the sound of people, and the continuous flow of vehicles.Wang Jingwei is in a good mood, um, this new environment is good, and he can write two more handsome poems.

Finally, he recited two poems. It was already past the breakfast time, but the guards did not bring in the food. Wang Jingwei's mood began to turn bad.In the blink of an eye, it was noon, and the guard still didn't bring the food. At this time, Wang Jingwei was so hungry that he finally walked to the door angrily, and knocked on the door: Hey, bring the food, hurry up and bring the food!
A young man in white clothes appeared in front of the door: Sir, what's the matter?

Wang Jingwei: I'm hungry, why didn't I bring food?You are abusing prisoners, I want to complain!
The young man said: "Sir, if you want to eat, you can call to order takeaway, or you can go downstairs to eat in the restaurant by yourself."Of course, if you tip, I can also go to the restaurant and deliver the food for you.

Wang Jingwei was stunned for a moment: What kind of prison are you? Prisoners can order their own food. It's so strange.

The young man said: We are not a prison here, but a hotel. Sir, are you sleepy?

Wang Jingwei was surprised: What what?This is not a prison but a hotel?Make no mistake, you send me to jail quickly, please, please!
The waiter hurriedly backed away: You are crazy, you can't live in such a high-end hotel, and you are going to jail?
Wang Jingwei: You know what a shoveler, I don’t have any money on me, except for the free board and lodging provided by the prison, I have nothing to eat when I come out!
(7) Prodigal Bitch Chen Bijun

The party member Wang Jingwei was released in this way. How did he know that this was one of the conditions negotiated with the court before Yuan Shikai came out of the mountain.Now he only knows that after leaving the prison that provides free board and lodging, he has to find a way to eat by himself again.

How can I have a meal?I was thinking hard, when suddenly the door opened, and a woman with disheveled hair rushed in: Xiao Ming, my baby Xiao Ming, I finally saw you again... With a bang, she had already slammed into her head, Wang Jingwei hugged tightly.

Wang Jingwei panicked: Aunt, Aunt, let go, we don't know each other, you are so enthusiastic, if your son sees...

The woman said: Xiao Ming, you really don't recognize me?I am Ah Jun.

Wang Jingwei said: "Auntie, to be honest, I know a Jun, my comrade-in-arms Chen Bijun, but she is a young and beautiful girl. On the eve of my assassination of the Regent, she dedicated her body to me."That is the sacred love legend between me and her, but you are already so old, aunt, so don't mix it up, okay?

The woman cried: Xiao Ming, I am Chen Bijun. The reason why I am so haggard and lonely is because I miss you.

What?Are you really Ajun?Wang Jingwei was horrified, and hurriedly pushed the woman away for a while, and took a closer look, it was as expected.It turned out that the young girl full of vitality had been tormented by longing until she was so shattered that her face was beyond recognition.

Speaking of Chen Bijun's pain and trauma, it can be called a shocking love legend.Ever since Wang Jingwei was imprisoned, she has gone crazy, begging everywhere, raising funds to redeem Wang Jingwei.At that time, in their assassination team, besides the arrested Wang Jingwei, there were party members Yu Peilun and Li Zhongshi.So Chen Bijun scolded Yu Peilun and beat Li Zhongshi, trying to force the two of them to fish out Wang Jingwei.Yu Peilun was so angry that he went to participate in the Guangzhou Uprising and died in battle.But Li Zhongshi was so beaten up by Chen Bijun that he couldn't help crying, so he ran to the revolutionary party who was buying weapons and asked for a kickback, hoping to use the money to get Wang Jingwei out.

Wu Yuzhang, a proletarian revolutionist of the older generation, mentioned this matter in his anthology about Li Zhongshi asking for kickbacks for Wang Jingwei, and expressed his extreme depression:

... When I started buying arms in Japan, Li Zhongshi also came.But he didn't come to buy arms, but to ask for kickbacks.As soon as he saw me, he said: Give me the kickback, I'm going to save Wang Jingwei.I said: I bought arms for the revolution, and I have never received a kickback, and I am ashamed of taking the kickback.Now that you want to save Wang Jingwei, let's take it...

Mr. Wu went on to say later: He gave Li Zhongshi 3000 yuan, because Mr. Wu's ammunition handed over totaled 6 yuan, and he got a kickback of 5.00%, so it was 3000 yuan.

The older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, with their vivid facts and precise statistical data, told us that the history of rebates is longer than that of revolution.No revolution, still kickbacks.But without rebates, there would be no revolution.

In this way, a new problem arose, how did Chen Bijun spend the money when he got it?
Regarding this financial expenditure, in the book "Hu Hanmin's Autobiography", there is a troubling account:

...Bi Jun occasionally said: If you don’t have a lot of money, things will be more difficult. Recently, there is no way to raise funds. I heard that there are people who get rich by winning. We will not put all our eggs in one basket.Yu Daran said, that is to say, he will go to the Macao Expo with a letter to the Lord Bi.Shi Bijun cut off a manly outfit, and pretended to be a young couple with Pei Shu. He took a hundred gold as a desperate blow, missed, and staggered back. The so-called stupidity...

Oh my god, look at Chen Bijun, this prodigal old woman, she actually took some of the hard-earned money she managed to get to the gambling table, and she lost everything with a snap.Moreover, she pretended to be a man and pretended to be husband and wife with Li Peishu, another party member. This made Wang Jingwei, who was reciting poems in prison, feel so embarrassing.

In any case, Wang Jingwei and Chen Bijun, a pair of beauties, finally met again after experiencing so many hardships.From then on, they will stick to it for the rest of their lives, never leave, and no force will be able to separate them.Just as they were hugging each other and crying, telling each other about their divorce, and whispering love words, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a head poked in from the door: You two, have you been affectionate enough?Let me introduce, my name is Yuan Keding, and Yuan Shikai is my father. My father asked me to ask you if you are busy now. If you are not busy, what do you think of us brothers?

It's a big spoiler, this Yuan Keding really has no vision.

(8) The first time the big girl opened a house

Yuan Shikai came out of the mountain, Wang Jingwei was released from prison, Zhu Fuhuang stepped on the two boats of the Tongmenghui and Beiyang, and Liu Chengen, Yuan Shikai, and Li Yuanhong all had personal friendships.

With such a large group of weirdos gathered together, it is impossible to fight even if you want to.

So Yuan Shikai called his close buddy Tang Shaoyi: Xiao Tang, you are the first batch of Chinese children studying in the United States, and you were carried to the United States while breastfeeding.Later, the two of us met in North Korea. You held a shell gun in each hand and covered me from being chased by the Five Masters of Japan.No amount of money can buy such a deep friendship.So you can do things, I don't worry, now I hire you as Beiyang's business representative to negotiate with Li Yuanhong, the big fat man, and you can set the price for the salary you want.

Tang Shaoyi said: "Is there any mistake? I don't even know what's going on between you two. How can I talk about this sentence?"
Yuan Shikai said: Xiao Tang, we are creating history, we are doing a great cause unprecedented in history.You don't know how to talk about it, and neither do I, and the revolutionary army's eyes are even darker.Listen to me, that's right, no one knows how to do it anyway, so let's just pretend we know and we're guaranteed to win.

Tang Shaoyi said: "Old Yuan, you're here to fool me again. If you don't know, you just don't know. Can you pretend this kind of thing?"Even pretending not to understand.

Yuan Shikai said: "Then it's better to do this. After you get there, you will listen to Zhang Jian. Whatever he tells you to do, you will do it. You will always do it?"
Tang Shaoyi said: I heard that Zhang Jian is Zhao Fengchang's pony...

Yuan Shikai said: Then you are Zhao Fengchang's pony.

So Tang Shaoyi went to Wuchang, and saw Li Yuanhong cupping his hands: I have heard the name of being fat for a long time, and I can see it today.

Li Yuanhong was full of unspeakable depression: Tell me, which province do you want to be the governor of?How much does it cost?

Tang Shaoyi said: "Old Li, you had a great time. You appointed this one as the governor today, and paid that one tomorrow. But this situation will eventually come to an end, right?"I don't know what you think about this?
Li Yuanhong said: The bastard only knows about this. We are going to build the Republic of China, to build a country.Just like when a big girl and a handsome brother open a room, for the first time, they don't even have a clue. I really hope that someone who understands can give me some pointers.

Tang Shaoyi was overjoyed: Lao Li, once I heard you speak, I knew you were a real person.This really got you talking, it's the first time for everyone to create a country, who the hell is doing nothing, building a country every day?If you want to solve this problem, you have to find an expert. Let me recommend a young child studying in the United States, Wu Tingfang, who has the same experience as me.I don’t tell you, you know that Xiao Wu had a good life some time ago, and he was an ambassador in Mexico. At that time, Mexico was anti-Chinese. Guess how Xiao Wu dealt with it?Even if you guessed it out of your head, Xiao Wu immediately declared war on Mexico, frightened Mexico, and obediently canceled the Chinese exclusion draft.In fact, our Qing Dynasty is incapable of declaring war on any country, but Mexico is a stupid country that doesn't know about Han, no matter Wei and Jin, let alone this matter, so Xiao Wu took advantage of it.But later what Xiao Wu did was reported by the sharp-eyed people. As a result, Xiao Wu was fired, and now he is hiding in the concession in Shanghai and sulking. Lao Li, please invite him out quickly, let us talk, look at me How to beat him!

Li Yuanhong said: If you win him, wouldn't I lose?
Tang Shaoyi said: Look at you, old Li, winning or losing is just a symbolic statement. Aren't we all doing this for the nation and the country? Hurry up and send a telegram to Wu Tingfang.

So Li Yuanhong followed the advice and immediately sent a telegram to Wu Tingfang in Shanghai, offering him a high salary as a business representative of the military government of the Republic of China.But Wu Tingfang refused without even thinking about it.

Forgive me, please find another master, thank you, thank you.

Thanking you for this, Li Yuanhong's nose was almost crooked: Xiao Tang, the person you recommended is not good, let alone he can't do this job at all.

Tang Shaoyi: Impossible, maybe your salary is too low, if you double his salary, I don’t believe that Xiao Wu is not short of money.

Wu Tingfang called back: It's not about money, what you asked me to do was to create the Republic of China.No Chinese can do this job. Unless you promise me a condition, otherwise, I will not be the business negotiator. Let Xiao Tang talk alone.

No price, if you don't come, who will I talk to alone?Tang Shaoyi fooled Li Yuanhong: Fatty, promise him first, and then ask Xiao Wu what the conditions are.

Wu Tingfang replied: You only need to agree to this condition, but I won't tell you.

Tang Shaoyi fainted: Xiao Wu, a street boy, is acting weird again!
(9) Please scold me severely
Chen Qimei, a member of the Communist Party of Shanghai, gathered representatives of thirteen provinces and organized a provisional government in Nanjing. First, Huang Xing was elected as the generalissimo, and Fatty Li was elected as the deputy marshal. , One after another, representatives from four provinces came late, and they all went to the address of Jiangsu Education Federation in Shanghai to register.

The last provincial representative who ran over was Wu Jinglian, who represented the three eastern provinces by himself.

This old Wu, he is the chairman of the Fengtian Advisory Bureau. After the Revolution of [-], he led the Fengtian Advisory Bureau to call Zhao Erxun, the governor of the three eastern provinces, and strongly demanded independence.The governor of the three eastern provinces, Zhao Erxun, and the governor of Sichuan, Zhao Erfeng, are brothers. After that, he will devote himself to rehabilitating his brother, but there has been no result.In addition to Wu Jinglian's troubles, there is also the Second Confederate Association, party members, and Lan Tianwei, who is also known as the three outstanding non-commissioned officers along with Wu Luzhen and Yan Xishan, is also moving the army and preparing to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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