The Republic is so violent

Chapter 94 The Wonderful Puppet Show

Chapter 94 The Wonderful Puppet Show (3)
The Advisory Bureau colluded with the army and caused discord, which made Zhao Erxun very angry.So he secretly informed his cronies: Wu Junsheng Wu Datongou, and ordered him to lead his troops to Shenyang to kill Lan Tianwei and Wu Jinglian.

But Wu Junsheng said that after receiving the order, Wu Junsheng was mobilizing the army, when suddenly he heard the sound of horseshoes outside the door, and dozens of horsemen came like a whirlwind.Wu Junsheng was overjoyed when he went out to take a closer look at the people.

If you want to know who is coming, you have to talk about a hero in the three eastern provinces. In the early years, there was a poor child in the three eastern provinces. He was so poor that he had no food or clothing when he was a child, and he couldn't afford to go to school. Books, so the child would hang outside the private school every day, eavesdropping on the teacher's lectures, and while listening, he used a branch as a pen to perform calculations and records on the ground.Seeing this, the teacher was furious, and said: Whose child is this? I told you in the house that you were eavesdropping outside the door, and if you eavesdropped, you would record it on the ground. This is called piracy, you know?This is called Shanzhai, you know?If everyone is like you, who am I going to ask for tuition fees and drink the northwest wind?

So the poor child knelt on the ground and begged, "Sir, please let me listen for a while longer. Although my family is poor, I don't want to be poor for the rest of my life just because I don't know how to read."

The teacher said: first tell me what is your name?
The bitter child said: My name is Zhang Zuolin.

The teacher said: "Okay, Xiao Linzi, since you want to learn how to read, why not just go inside and listen to the class, I won't charge you for the tuition."But the two of us have something to say first, I will teach hard, and you have to study hard, so don't embarrass the teacher.

It is said that this little Zhang Zuolin, originally from Hebei, drifted to the Northeast since his grandfather's generation, and his family background has never been revealed.In Zhang Zuolin's generation, when he was studying in a private school for free, his second brother Zhang Zuofu was shot and killed.Zhang Zuolin was so angry that he found the door of his enemy's house and stabbed in with a stab, avenging his brother.After killing someone, think about it, what will happen in the future?I heard that killing people will pay for their lives, otherwise, I might as well run away.

So little Zhang Zuolin fled. On the way, he happened to catch up with Yi Jun who was recruiting soldiers at the vertical flag, so he went to take charge of Zhao Desheng's men and became a soldier.Afterwards, he honed himself in the army and learned riding and archery. He didn't learn anything about riding and archery, but he learned an amazing veterinary skill. Whenever a war horse has a little indigestion and stagnation, it will be cured immediately after his skillful training.Guan Dai Zhao Desheng was overjoyed and appointed Zhang Zuolin as a horse whistle.

After that, the First Sino-Japanese War broke out, and Zhang Zuolin's Yi Army participated in the battle. However, the Chinese army was not strong enough and soon failed.As a result, the Japanese entered the three eastern provinces, and the Yi army returned to its original station and announced its dissolution.Afterwards, Zhang Zuolin contacted Zhang Zuoxiang, Tang Yulin and Tang Erhu and others, and set up a security team in Sanglinzi to protect the environment and the people, eliminate local banditry, kill the giant thief Du Tianyi, and capture Kuihai Shazi, which made him famous for a while.Slowly, Zhang Zuolin's team grew bigger and bigger, gradually reaching a thousand people, so he was recognized by the court and promoted to the patrol commander of the fifth battalion, and then the patrol commander of Fengtianqian Road, with jurisdiction over the 7th infantry and cavalry battalion, stationed in Taonan.

This time Zhao Erxun, governor of the three eastern provinces, urgently recruited Wu Datong and Wu Junsheng to escort him, but Zhang Zuolin was smarter than Wu Junsheng, and rushed to Shenyang when he got the news. On the way, he saw Wu Datong. He said hello: Lao Zhang, what's the matter, come down to drink in such a hurry, if you don't drink, you will look down on me!

Zhang Zuolin smiled and said: "Old Wu, my brother's house is really a little trouble today, you wait for me to go home and deal with it first, and I promise to drink with you when I'm done."

Wu Junsheng said: "If you don't come, you will be your grandson... Zhang Zuolin has gone away like the wind."

Before Wu Junsheng's army set off, Zhang Zuolin had already arrived in Shenyang, and then he went straight to see Zhao Erxun, saying: "Because of the critical situation, I was worried that you, the governor, would be in danger, so you came here without following the military order. Your Excellency, please!" If you think it's inappropriate, just scold me severely, scold me casually.

Zhao Erxun was dumbfounded, and said in his heart: This little Zhang is quite powerful, with this kid around, it will be a trivial matter to settle Lan Tianwei and Wu Jinglian.

(10) More powerful than the Revolutionary Party
After Zhang Zuolin came, Zhao Erxun, governor of the three eastern provinces, immediately summoned the senior military generals to hold an emergency meeting.Lan Tianwei, a party member, has secretly contacted everyone and is preparing to openly challenge him at the meeting.

While waiting for the meeting, Zhang Zuolin followed Zhao Erxun, holding an extra-large bomb in each hand, deliberately sitting in a conspicuous position, making everyone stunned and staring at him without blinking.At this time Zhao Erxun spoke, he said:

Ladies and gentlemen, ah, now, there is a rebellion in Wuhan, a small group of bad people with ulterior motives, ah, gathering people who don’t know the truth, ah, mass incidents, ah, disharmony, disharmony.Our three eastern provinces are the hometown of the emperor. What I mean is, let them make troubles about Wuhan. If the rebellion in Wuhan is settled, then we have nothing to do with it. Ah, if Wuhan wins, we won’t be too late to respond if they win. Could it be that if we respond a little late, can they still eat us up?Ladies and gentlemen, do you think my opinion makes sense, ah, does it make sense?

Party member Lan Tianwei hastily rolled his eyes at Commander Lu, asking him to launch an attack according to the prior arrangement. Before Commander Lu spoke, Zhang Zuolin smiled, holding two big bombs, stood up and said: Ladies and gentlemen, Governor Your Excellency has already made an important and far-sighted speech. The three northeastern provinces will not make a statement and will not intervene in political disputes. The most important thing is to protect the environment and the people. Everyone quickly raise their hands to agree.I'm not kidding, I really lost it.

Everyone looked at him stupidly, and Zhang Zuolin repeated his words: Don't think that only revolutionaries can drop bombs, I, Zhang Zuolin, can also drop bombs, and the bombs I throw will definitely be louder than those of revolutionaries. Do you want to try it?
Zhang Zuolin hadn't finished speaking, and the Deputy Governor Lu had already raised his hand to speak: I firmly support the Governor-General's speech, and must study hard, understand the spirit of the speech, and implement it in practice...He takes the lead, and everyone is tall They raised their hands and expressed their opinions: firmly support the governor's resolution, and must study the spirit of the governor's speech seriously.Even Lan Tianwei, the revolutionary party, was forced to raise his hand along with the crowd.

As soon as the meeting broke up, Lan Tianwei grabbed Lu Daiguanzhi angrily, and punched him twice: "Fuck you, what did you say when we came here?"You ask for independence first, and others agree, and I will make the decision. Why did you take the lead in supporting Zhao Erxun at the meeting?
Commander Lu was furious: Lao Lan, you are short-sighted. You can’t see the two bombs in Zhang Zuolin’s hand. How big are they? Look at his eyes again. I'm polite to you.What's more, when I raised my hand, I just raised my hand to the root of my ear to express my half-support for Zhao Erxun's words, and only support his policy of protecting the environment and the people. Old Gao, why are you holding it so high?You're blaming me for raising your hand so high?

The many revolutionaries who were poorly concentrated in the three northeastern provinces were all settled by Zhang Zuolin's two bombs, and they couldn't make trouble anymore.

The Revolutionary Party was settled, and Wu Jinglian from the Consultative Bureau was about to make trouble again, and issued an ultimatum to Zhao Erxun: the independence conference of the three eastern provinces is scheduled to be held on September 9 (the old calendar), and Governor Zhao Erxun is requested to arrive on time.Zhao Erxun hurriedly called Zhang Zuolin: "Look, they are coming at you, what can you do?"
Zhang Zuolin said with a smile: "Soldiers come to block, water comes and soil floods, I will go with you, you see how I can deal with them."

So Zhang Zuolin followed Zhao Erxun to the conference room of the Advisory Bureau, and saw the members of the House of Representatives clamoring and voting. After a while, the result of the referendum came out: the independence draft of the three eastern provinces was unanimously approved.

So Wu Jinglian asked Zhao Erxun with a smile: Governor, this is public opinion, and public opinion cannot be insulted, so please Governor Governor declare the independence of the three eastern provinces.

Zhao Erxun shook his head decisively: I support autonomy and oppose independence.Why support autonomy?Because self-government is to protect the environment and the people.Why are you against independence?Because independence invites disaster.Therefore, the governor believes that your referendum on voting today is illegal, violates procedures, and does not conform to the interests of the broad masses of the people in the three northeastern provinces, so I will not agree.

Wu Jinglian, chairman of the Consultative Council, was furious when he heard the words: Zhao Erxun, we are a revolution, and the revolution is to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty. There cannot be conditions or discounts. For the sake of the revolution, I, Wu Jinglian, will not care about life or death!

Zhao Erxun was surprised: Hey, old Wu, why do you speak more powerfully than the revolutionaries?
Wu Jinglian: Do you care?You just need to follow the public opinion and sign it.

At this time Zhang Zuolin suddenly took out a pistol from his arms and slapped it on the table.Following this signal, many officers who followed him took out their pistols from their pockets at the same time. There was a loud bang, and the movements were uniform. Dozens of pistols slammed on the table at the same time, which made the congressman's scalp go numb.I heard Zhang Zuolin complain: "Old Wu, why don't you know how to respect the leader?"The Governor-General said clearly that the three provinces in the Northeast are recuperating, protecting the environment and the people, not being a young bird or a pig that is fattening up, and everything is based on the people's livelihood. What's wrong with this?You are clamoring for a revolution. I didn't mean you, Old Wu. If it was a revolution, would you be able to beat me?
Are you not convinced?If you don't accept it, let's try to beat each other and see who beats the other!
Unexpectedly, Wu Jinglian was so frightened that he slipped from the chair to the floor in fright.

Therefore, under the leadership of Zhao Erxun, the three eastern provinces passed a slippery resolution: not to declare independence, but only to protect the country and the people.In this way, the impression given to the revolutionary party is that the three northeastern provinces have become independent.The impression given to the court is that the three eastern provinces are protecting the environment and the people, and they can advance or retreat with ease.This is also the ruling style of the strongman Zhang Zuolin in governing the Northeast in the future.

(11) Brand awareness is everything

Zhang Zuolin was not enough to be a buddy, so he robbed Wu Datong of the cheese and assisted Zhao Erxun to settle the three northeastern provinces, thus laying the foundation for him to control the three northeastern provinces.He and Zhao Erxun were elated, chatting and laughing, and left the Advisory Council. Wu Jinglian, the chairman of the Advisory Council, got up from the ground in shame, and said in his heart: Zhang Zuolin is too powerful, he is more fierce than the revolutionaries, and he cannot be provoked. Ah, why don't I go to Shanghai to attend the National People's Congress, so I won't be idle with these savages.

So Wu Jinglian took the road to Shanghai to attend the provincial congresses across the country.

He was the last one to come, and there were sixteen houses ahead of him.

Which sixteen?
Zhi, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Jin, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Shu, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, plus Wu Jinglian's Feng, there are [-] families.

There are different religions, seventeen families gather in Shanghai, and Sun Yat-sen dominates Nanjing.The revolutionary party slaughtered each other, and the Junxian faction cherished each other.Accompanied by the intensifying gunshots in Wuchang, along the Yangtze River, a great storm of power struggle is unfolding.

At this time, the political power competition in Great China is divided into three camps:

One camp, Li Dafat Li Yuanhong's camp, this person occupied the political resources of Wuchang Shouyi and led the national revolution. The governors of all independent provinces were all appointed by him, and the independent funds of each province were also provided by him. The leader of the group of people is famous all over the world, so far he has no second thoughts.

The second camp, the Zhao Fengchang Xiyintang Junxian faction camp, is the most powerful political camp. It is composed of members of the Advisory Bureau from all provinces in the country. Nearly 100% of the middle class are older and more mature. They do not want war to happen.At present, the leader they have launched is Yuan Shikai, but most of the Junxian faction do not know about this, only a few insiders such as Zhao Fengchang, Zhang Jian, and Huang Yanpei are in control of the overall situation.

The three camps are the revolutionary party camp composed of passionate young people. This camp is currently attached to the Junxian faction, and the party leader Sun Yat-sen has not yet appeared.At first, this camp was centered on Tao Chengzhang, but because Tao Chengzhang was assassinated by Jiang Zhiqing, a student who had returned from Japan, it cleared the way for the resources of Sun's unified party.Despite this, this camp is still not favored because they lack sufficient influence.

The current situation is like this, Li Yuanhong's territory is in Wuchang, and the headquarters of the Junxian faction is in Shanghai.The struggle between the Revolutionary Party and the Junxian Faction for Shanghai territory was obviously weak, so Chen Qimei chose the newly conquered Nanjing as the party's home.

That is to say, if Li Yuanhong could bring the representatives of the provinces to Wuchang, then the Li family would win without a fight, and thus gain stronger legal authority.However, the Junxian faction is too powerful, so the representatives of the provinces are still on the sidelines.At any time, they will not change the most steadfast law in their hearts: whoever wins, they will help.They will vote for whoever is most powerful.

Therefore, after the representatives of the various provinces arrived in Shanghai, they first made acquaintances, and then immediately set off for Wuchang, where the gunfire was rumbling, to see if Li Yuanhong was the real man.

However, when the representatives arrived in Wuchang, they were extremely disappointed, with cold from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet.

What did the representatives of the provinces see in Wuchang?
First of all, the road is not easy to walk. If you want to go to Wuchang, you must first catch up with Feng Guozhang when he is in a good mood and not block the river.Moreover, the ferries had stopped running. If they wanted to go from Hankou to Wuchang, they had to sit in a small boat and cross the Yangtze River.

When they arrived in Wuchang, what they saw was even more emotional.Mr. Ren Hongjun from the Old League Association described what he saw:
... Needless to say, the main hall of Hongshan Temple is full of troops sleeping all over the place.The soldiers guarding each gate of the military mansion wear long gowns with round collars and narrow sleeves, four-legged headdresses on their heads, and a hero's knot tied in front, holding long knives or sabers with handles in their hands. One wonders if these people just came off the stage...

Mr. Ren Hongjun’s feeling is by no means unique. At that time in Wuchang City, Cheng Qian, who helped Li Yuanhong to fight cannons and graduated from the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer Academy, also recorded:
... I also saw a young man in the market, wearing a blue satin warrior robe, a blue satin warrior scarf on his head, a red Rong flower on the left side of the scarf, and a pair of blue satin thin-soled boots, dressed just like Wu Song and Shi Xiu on the stage, Swaggering, commuting to and from the market...

Seeing these two records, we can't help but sigh from the bottom of our hearts: brand, brand, without a well-built brand, even if you are as fat as Li Yuanhong, you can't win the hearts of the people and the market.

Li Yuanhong's missteps lie in his lack of clear brand awareness and a complete and systematic corporate culture. He didn't even design the LOGO of the Wuchang Revolutionary Army. The inconsistent clothing of the Wuchang Revolutionary Army brought people deep confusion and confusion. Doubts—not even thinking about the unified identification mark of the Revolutionary Army, what is this big fat man thinking about?
On the other hand, Sun Yat-sen, in the period when he had no soldiers and soldiers, he was thinking about making a blue sky and white sun flag every day.This is the clearest brand awareness, which can make people recognize him at a glance in the crowd.

One careless move, the whole board is full of mistakes.The delegates who were disappointed with Li Yuanhong paddled their canoes and returned to Shanghai.

Li Yuanhong was out of the competition just like that - in a situation where he himself knew nothing about it.

(12) Pointing to Allah's head
Representatives of many provinces believed that Li Yuanhong's Wuchang Revolutionary Army, wearing a blue satin headband with a trembling red pompom on its head, was a unique symbol of flower picking thieves. The Yangtze River has returned to Shanghai.

After returning, the representatives of the provinces went to the financial office of the military government to report the accounts, saying: Go to Li Yuanhong’s side, the Wuchang military government will cover the board and lodging, and reimburse the travel expenses. Tickets, you can figure it out for yourself.

Speaking of Shanghai’s military government, there are six departments, including an intelligence department: the person in charge is Ying Guixin, a native of Shaoxing, who was originally the leader of the salt lords, a Jianghu group that smuggled salt, and later brought the whole group of brothers to join the organization established by Jiao Dafeng. of the joint progress meeting.His brothers are all over the banks of the Yangtze River.The representatives of the provinces are most willing to go with him in the rivers and lakes—no matter where he goes, he will be received by local brothers and eat and drink for free.

At this time, the department that the representatives of the provinces called to report the accounts was the Finance Department, and Shen Manyun was in charge.All the representatives were clamoring, when a person came outside the door, slapped a pistol on the table, and shouted: Listen, give me 3000 yuan, I want to use it to dismiss my brothers.

The representatives were startled, and when they looked at the man intently, it turned out to be a militia leader named Wang Zhongsheng.There are dozens of people under him, and they also followed Chen Qimei and hacked and killed in Shanghai, making great contributions to the revolution.However, there are too many people who have done meritorious service, and the funds for the revolution are too little. Wang Zhongsheng is not a member of the League, and has nothing to do with Wuchang Li Yuanhong, so his brothers can only support themselves with their own money. Now Wang Zhongsheng's army is broken and unable to continue operating. Had to find the military government to make trouble.

However, Shen Manyun from the financial department saw too many people like Wang Zhongsheng, so he smiled and said: Wang Zhongsheng, you are an old revolutionary, why don't you know the financial system of our military government?What we practice is that one person has one pen. You must first go to Chief Governor Chen and ask him to sign it, and then find a way to find a sum of money for you.If you don't believe me, look at me, it's empty, and there is no money.If you search by yourself, even if it is a penny, it will belong to you!

Sure enough, Wang Zhongsheng fell into the trick: Well, I will go find Chen Qimei!
Wang Zhongsheng rushed out of the financial office angrily, and first sent his brothers to inquire about the whereabouts of the governor Chen Qimei, and soon the news came: the governor Chen was eating at a big restaurant on Mahuo Road.So Wang Zhongsheng first asked his brothers to buy the ferry ticket to Tianjin, then rushed over, and slapped the pistol in front of Chen Qimei: Chief Governor Chen, do you recognize this?If you recognize it, pay your mother quickly, little red guy! 3000 yuan in severance pay, even a cent less.

Chen Qimei wiped her mouth with a napkin and said, "Old Wang, you are really boring. Isn't it just 3000 yuan severance pay?"My old Chen is still short of these two pennies?Just a word of gossip, come and give Lao Wang the money.

(End of this chapter)

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