Chapter 113
Qin Liya felt relieved and happy, thinking, I knew that with the backing of the Qin family, you wouldn't do anything to me!
But Ouyang's next sentence made the fluttering Qin Liya fall into hell, causing her to have nightmares for several nights in a row.

Ouyang said, "However, I will make you regret coming to this world."

Then, she saw the corners of Ouyang Hanting's lips grinning slightly, as terrifying as the entrance to hell.

Xia Yumo was in a mess. Walking in the manor, she attracted the attention of many guests who hadn't left yet.

When the woman looked at her, she had a look of contempt, as if she had really been fucked.

When the man looked at her, he used another kind of gaze that made people feel uncomfortable all over. Without thinking about it, he knew that it was lewd and full of some kind of fantasy.

Xia Yumo gritted her teeth and held on until she reached the gate of the manor, only to suddenly remember that she was with Ouyang Hanting when she came. Without Ouyang Hanting's car, it would be impossible to find a taxi in this ghostly place. !
If she wanted to walk back with her legs, it would be even more wishful thinking. She was sure that if she relied on her legs, even if she was disabled, she would not be able to reach the city!
At this moment, she suddenly felt so helpless that she wanted to cry.

There was grievance and fear, and there were many indescribable emotions that were suppressed in her chest, but now they all surged up.

Once a person breaks out of weak emotions, he will miss the person who treats him best, his (her) shoulders and arms.

Xia Yumo is, the person she misses is her grandma, she wants to throw herself into her grandma's arms, cry like she did when she was in trouble when she was a child, and continue on the road after crying.

But here and now, she was just thinking about it.

Standing at the door of Qin's Manor with a blank face, a flat road outside extends completely along the mountain to the courtyard.

She didn't know what to do, anyway, she didn't want to see Ouyang at all, let alone take a car with Ouyang...

She didn't know why she reacted so strongly this time. Similar words had been said between them before, whether it was in jokes or irony.

She never cared about it.

This time when Ouyang said that she was pestering Jiang Yihan, she couldn't figure out what was going on. Suddenly, she became very angry, very angry, and even a little... sad.

Xia Yumo touched her hair, and when she touched the hairpin, she was slightly pleasantly surprised.

Immediately spread out the hair, took off all the hairpins hidden in the hair, and put them on the cheongsam one by one, finally the loss of hair was not so serious.

Afterwards, she kept worrying about how to get out of here, and she felt very frustrated when seeing high-end sports cars whizzing by, but there was no one she knew.

In the garage, a car drove out, and there were four people sitting in it, five including the driver.

When the four people except the driver got into the car, they were all wearing suits and leather shoes.

But as soon as he got in the car, he quickly took off his suit and shoes.

In the blink of an eye, he changed into a suit that looked particularly in line with the image of a killer in a foreign action blockbuster.

The clothes are all made of pure leather, soft and simple, and extremely suitable for the needs of large-scale movements.

In addition to changing clothes, the people in the car also put on miniature headsets.

When Xia Yumo was only about 15 meters away from Xia Yumo who was standing at the door, a clear voice suddenly came from the headset, "It's her!"

(End of this chapter)

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