Chapter 114 Just Follow Orders
After receiving the confirmation information, the four people in the car looked at each other two by two, and finally the man sitting in the co-pilot stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers.

Therefore, when the car passed by Xia Yumo, Xia Yumo only felt a sudden strong air flow brought by the car rushing towards her. Being grabbed and mentioned on the ground, the whole person left the ground...

15 minute later.

Xia Yumo was pinned in the car and couldn't move.

The whole person was dizzy and dizzy from the super high speed, and the food in his stomach was constantly rolling, and he would spit it out at any time.

She felt that she was going to faint from the pain.

Some even prayed that they would pass out. If they fainted, they would not know anything, and it would not be so difficult.

A Qin family's birthday banquet, she experienced kidnapping again and again, it can be said that she just came out of Longtan and entered the tiger's den.

And she herself had no idea what was going on with all this!

At this moment, she had no energy left to think about it.

The car was driving at a high speed on the winding mountain road with nine turns, which made her dizzy so much that she wanted to die...

When Ouyang Hanting got the news, a terrifying aura suddenly emanated from his body.

"It's only been a month since the last sneak attack, and I can't wait to do it again..."

Tighten your fingers, "This time, I'm going to kill the grass!"

Qin Kaiyue frowned, "Every guest attending the birthday banquet has an invitation letter, their invitation letter..."

Having said that, he didn't go on talking.

Although Qin Kaiyue wasn't completely on the road, the Qin family's bright appearance was somewhat stained with gray.

Therefore, how those people got in, you can guess with a little thought.

"What are you going to do next?"

Anyone with a discerning eye would know that those people were here for Ouyang Hanting.

Ouyang Hanting didn't answer his question, but only sneered and said, "Just take care of your sister, I hope you can hide her well."

After saying this, Ouyang walked away with a cold body.

Xia Yumo looked at the environment in front of her, and was surprised to find that this was a high-end suite with a spacious interior and was spotlessly clean.

She was a little confused for a while, and her mind was still dizzy.

Just when she was in a daze, the door of the room was opened, and a person came in from outside.

When Xia Yumo saw this person, she was stunned.

The person who came was wearing a leather jacket with a gloomy and chilling aura, but she remembered clearly that he was the ring man who had come to strike up a conversation with her at the previous birthday banquet!
At that time, she scared him away with the ridiculous lie about being HIV positive!
"Miss Xia, I'm sorry to invite you here in such a way."

The man said and sat down opposite Xia Yumo.

Xia Yumo was actually very scared in her heart, but she still tried her best to maintain her superficial composure, "We shouldn't have any problems, right? It's really disgusting and hateful for you to invite me like this."

Nobody likes the thrill of an "invitation"!
The man smiled, "Miss Xia, I'm really sorry about this, I'm also obeying orders."

Xia Yumo noticed that the dazzling golden ring on the man's hand was nowhere to be found. Thinking about it, it should be that there is no need to use that thing to disguise herself now.

She had to admit that this man was really good at hiding himself. When he was pretending, every detail was well done.

(End of this chapter)

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