Chapter 115 The Weight in His Heart

This person is indeed very good at hiding himself. When disguising, every detail is well done.

At least, because of those rings, she preconceived that he was an upstart pretending to be a gentleman.

When the man said that, Xia Yumo frowned, feeling that everything had become weird recently.

The most obvious part of this sense of weirdness is that she feels that her life has been turned upside down.

Life and death racing, kidnapping... All kinds of things that can only be seen in movies have all happened to her...

"I'm just an inconspicuous little commoner. Did you arrest the wrong person? Your boss, did you not give you the photo of the target person?"

Looking at his appearance at this moment, and thinking about their behavior, Xia Yumo already guessed that they were definitely not righteous people.

The fear in her heart deepened, but she also understood that even if she was so frightened that she burst into tears, these people would not let her go just because she was crying.

"Miss Xia, since we made a move, we must have made meticulous preparations, how could we arrest the wrong person?" The man smiled gracefully, "So, Miss Xia, let's settle down as soon as we come, so we all All comfortable."

Comfort yourself!

Xia Yumo was frightened and angry, what kind of shit luck did she have to get into such a thing? !

"Since I've been arrested, I probably won't be able to get out alive. Can you tell me...who is the person who arrested me? Then I'll know when I die."

The man raised his eyebrows in surprise.

From the very beginning, Xia Yumo's performance was completely different from what he had predicted.

He thought that even if Xia Yumo didn't cry out in fright, she would definitely huddle in a corner, unable to speak coherently.

Now it seems that she is calm and relaxed, at least on the surface.

Subconsciously, he raised his lower eyelids and glanced at the roof, where there was a miniature electronic eye.

The other end of the electronic eye is an ultra-clear monitoring screen.

A man with a straight body and a perfect figure propped his hands on the table, staring at the monitor screen without blinking, with a hint of exploration and playfulness in his eyes.

Thin lips raised slightly, "I've always been curious about what kind of woman Ouyang Hanting cares about so much. Now, I seem to understand a little bit."

The assistant standing next to the man also looked at Xia Yumo's expression on the screen, and commented, "She is calmer than expected."

"Being calm and calm in this situation is actually nothing. Many women can do it."

For example, those well-trained women under him, and those killers who have been engaged in spy assassination missions all year round.

What is commendable about Xia Yumo is that she is just an ordinary woman who has never been in contact with the dark world. She can maintain her superficial calmness and speak calmly, which is already worthy of praise.

If the world Xia Yumo lived in since childhood was the same as theirs, then she would definitely be able to grow into an outstanding... woman.

The kind that lurks in the dark.

"What the boss said is true." The assistant nodded, "Then what do you plan to do next, boss?"

The man hugged his chest with one hand, pinched his chin with the other, stared at Xia Yumo's face on the big screen, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said solemnly, "Next, let me see how much he has in Ouyang Hanting's heart." It's important."

The assistant only had a moment of doubt, but soon understood what the boss meant, "Yes, the subordinate will carry it out immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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