Chapter 120

Ouyang Hanting's face became more and more cold, and he felt a sudden vibration of his personal mobile phone, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Why do you think she is different from other women because she is my wife?" Ouyang Hanting suddenly flicked the agreement in front of him, and directly bounced it back to Han Zirui, got up and strode away.

Han Zirui couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes, could it be... he really guessed wrong?

However, if he really guessed wrong, according to Ouyang Hanting's habit, he must not even bother to leave this trip.

There must be something wrong!
Han Zirui frowned periodically, thinking about possible loopholes.

Just when something was about to come out, the phone rang suddenly.

"Boss, it's not good! The island has been attacked..."

That's it!

Han Zirui stood up abruptly, a trace of coldness flashed in Taohua's eyes, but the smile on his face remained undiminished.

His order was only one sentence, "I must keep Xia Yumo!"


Xia Yumo was sleeping in a daze when the door was kicked open suddenly.

The chaotic voices from outside came through the open door. Before she could figure out what was going on, she was already wrapped in a blanket, put on her shoulders like a sack, and quickly left the room!

There is a group of people outside the door, all dressed in realistic versions of action movies.

Swish gunshots rang out non-stop from the three directions of the island, east, west, east, west, no matter how confused Xia Yumo was, she probably guessed that the island was under surprise attack at this time...

"Hey, put me down, I have my own feet and can walk!"

Because her hands and feet were bound, she couldn't kick and beat her, so she could only talk.

"To shut up!"

The ring man's voice came. It was obvious that the situation was very serious at this time. The ring man also threw away his previous amiable cloak and became irritable and rude.

Xia Yumo pursed her lips, thinking that even if she really broke free from them, she would probably become a living target, so she shut her mouth.

However, being carried like this, she felt that her ribs were about to be broken by the ring man's shoulders.

The taste is really uncomfortable!
The sound of gunfire approached, and the small group of people quickly dispersed to stop the attackers.

In the end, there were only two people left to protect the ring man and retreat to the north of the island.

When they finally stopped, Xia Yumo's eyes flashed deep surprise. In the north of the island, there was actually a small airport with three helicopters parked inside.

There are special guards in the airport, and they are ready at this time. As soon as they arrive, the electronic gate will open immediately.

The pilot who brought them here before led them quickly towards the helicopter. Just when Xia Yumo thought she was about to be tied up on the plane again, there were a few strange sounds piercing her eardrums quickly, and then there was a It was eerily quiet.

The driver, the two people following them, and the ring man who was carrying her stopped like a robot whose control switch was suddenly pressed.

About five seconds later, she felt the ring man's body fall backward again, and in the blink of an eye, she fell to the ground with the ring man's fallen body!
Unlike people who have practiced boxing and kicking, although she has the habit of running in the morning and her physical fitness is not bad, she is just an ordinary person who lives a well-behaved life after all.

This fall made her dizzy and felt that her bones were broken several times!

She turned her head and was about to scold the man in the ring for being okay and crazy, but the scene intruding into her eyes stuck all her voice in her throat!
She stared uncontrollably at everything in front of her eyes, and then her body trembled!

(End of this chapter)

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