Chapter 121 Knock Her Out!
The person who was still alive just now was shot in the head with a silencer pistol right in front of her eyes!
Bright red blood dripped down the hole of the gun. This was a bloody scene she had never seen before!
Although she knew that wherever there was gunshots, there must be death, but... She really, really never saw anyone die in front of her.

Such a clear and close contact with death made her retreat uncontrollably, as if the blood shed by these people was a man-eating devil, and would drown her at any time!
At this moment, she even forgot that if the person who shot the gun was still there, he might have shot her in the head, making her end up like these people!

Of course, no one would actually blow her head off, because the person who fired the gun was not far away, and was walking towards Xia Yumo while wiping the pistol.

When he walked in front of Xia Yumo, he had already pinned the cleaned pistol, and so did the people around him.

"Madam..." Chu Han stretched out his slender fingers and pushed the eyes on the bridge of his nose. He knew that Xia Yumo was terrified.

Xia Yumo looked at the corpse in front of her in horror as if she didn't hear it.

Chu Han sighed, and waved to the people around him, "Take her away, remember not to hurt her."

The people next to him got the order, and immediately nodded in unison, so two people came up and planned to carry Xia Yumo to evacuate.

But as soon as he touched Xia Yumo, before he had time to grab her, Xia Yumo suddenly took two steps back like crazy, got up suddenly, and shouted, "Don't come here! Don't come here!"

Her expression was as if she saw a scourge!
Facing Xia Yumo who was agitated and on the verge of collapse, Chu Han not only frowned.

As he is familiar with psychology, he is naturally very clear that Xia Yumo was overly frightened. Now, in Xia Yumo's eyes, they are murderers!Of course, it is true!

"Ma'am, please calm down. We are sent by your husband. Please follow us immediately."

Chu Han tried to calm down Xia Yumo, but Xia Yumo had no intention of calming down at all. She still looked at them with extremely frightened and defensive eyes, and kept backing away.

That posture, as if they were wild beasts that would pounce on her and tear her apart at any time.


Xia Yumo shook her head vigorously. Under the stimulation of the blood, every word Chu Han said was like a devil's trill. Whether it was the murderous demons in front of her, or Ouyang Hanting standing behind them, she avoided it!

As the gunshots approached, if Han Zirui's people realized that they were bluffing, they would counterattack soon. Chu Han frowned, which was an expression he rarely showed.

"There's no time." Chu Han said to the people behind him, "Knock her out!"

Sitting on the sofa, Han Zirui looked at Li Wen, the person in charge of the island defense system who was ashamed, with a strange gleam in his eyes.

"I'm sorry boss, it was my negligence that gave Ouyang Hanting an opportunity, and I am willing to accept the punishment."

Han Zirui smiled, "Punishment is inevitable. However, although I lost a lot this time, I also gained a lot."


Li Wen was puzzled, not to mention the loss of the island facilities, there were 28 personnel losses alone, and [-] of them were elites.

It can be described as a heavy loss. After all, the other party only had ten people attacking the island.

He didn't expect that the other party would use the tactics of attacking the east and attacking the west, deliberately making the noise louder, making people misunderstand that many enemies were lurking in...

(End of this chapter)

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