Chapter 124 Not too great ambition

Xia Yumo often had nightmares, and would wake up from her dreams almost every night covered in cold sweat.

Then, the man beside him would hug her tenderly every night and coax her to sleep like a child.

However, the severe insomnia still caused her to lose weight quickly, and her already pointed chin looked even thinner.

Ouyang Hanting asked her private doctor to see her several times, and even invited a psychologist to give her psychological counseling and treatment, but she still had nightmares all night long.

He always boasted that there was nothing he couldn't do, but this time he felt powerless towards Xia Yumo's situation.

"Momo, what do you want me to do?"

Sitting opposite Xia Yumo, Ouyang Hanting stared at her eyes that had turned black due to insomnia, and the impetuous feeling in his heart almost swallowed him.

"I will work hard to overcome it." Xia Yumo smiled, as if she had no resistance to Ouyang Hanting.

Since Ouyang confessed his love, she never mentioned asking him to let her go. No matter what gesture Ouyang Hanting made, she seemed to be able to accept it and smiled.

Ouyang Hanting frowned slightly, stared deeply at Xia Yumo for a while, and only looked away when he felt uncomfortable looking at her, "Get up and tidy up, let's go for a walk."

Xia Yumo shook her head, "I don't want to go anywhere."

Ouyang Hanting frowned. In the past, he wanted to lock Xia Yumo up and let her stay in the villa honestly, but she tried her best to run out.

Now, he desperately hopes that Xia Yumo can take the initiative to go out to relax, but Xia Yumo is always bored in the room, refusing to go anywhere.

If this continues, even if he is really not sick, he will drive himself crazy little by little.

After a while, Ouyang Hanting stretched his eyebrows, "Really? Are you sure you don't want to go? I miss my grandma very much, and I plan to go for a stroll at grandma's house today."

When grandma was mentioned, Xia Yumo's calm eyes moved slightly, "Okay, I'll go."

Before going to grandma's house, the two went to the mall first.

In a city where every inch of land is expensive, this shopping mall occupies a huge area. When Xia Yumo visited this place before, she often thought that the owner of this shopping mall was probably a veritable local tyrant.

At that time, she and Lin Jie'er were still brazen and set a grand goal without any shame - to turn into a vixen and bring this big local tyrant under Pomegranate's skirt!
Of course, that was purely a joke for self-entertainment.

At that time, they all had their favorite people, and they all thought that they could grow old together with them.

"What did you think of? You seem to be in a better mood?" Ouyang Hanting couldn't help asking when he saw Xia Yumo's mouth curled into a faint smile.

Xia Yumo raised her eyes, saw Ouyang staring at her with burning eyes, subconsciously looked away, and replied, "I think of some 'big words' from the past."

When Ouyang Hanting heard this, he became interested, raised his eyebrows, and put his arms around her waist, "Oh? Tell me about your ambition, have you realized it?"

Xia Yumo blushed a little when she was asked, not because she was shy, but because she felt ashamed when she recalled her words at that time.

And judging from the current development trend, she will never have a chance to realize her "ambition" in her whole life.

"It's not a great ambition, and it hasn't been realized anyway, and you don't know it."

Not only is it not great, it is a bit unspeakable.

Ouyang Hanting was not willing to let go. These days, he managed to pry Xia Yumo's mouth open and let her say a few more words, but of course he would not just let her turn back into a clam shell.

(End of this chapter)

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