Chapter 125 Your ambition has come true

"But, I'm very interested and want to know what your ambition is. Momo, tell me."

Ouyang Hanting hugged her from the side, and when he turned his head to talk to her, the hot breath hit the side of her face, which was very itchy.

There are customers passing by from time to time, and when they see them, they can't help but take a second look.

Male talent and female appearance, such a match is rare, so it is natural to take a second look.

But Xia Yumo felt uncomfortable being watched, and tried to break free from him.

After Ouyang Hanting understood her intention, he immediately became malicious, "Momo, if you don't tell me, I don't mind kissing you here until you tell me."

Xia Yumo was so angry that she almost vomited blood, you are shameless, I want more!
I complained like this in my heart, but I didn't say it out of my mouth, but my face became more red because of embarrassment, "You let me go first."

Ouyang Hanting didn't make things difficult for her, and let go immediately.

"'s just what I said casually when I was talking nonsense at that time..."

After Xia Yumo finished speaking quickly, she took a peek at Ouyang Hanting, and saw Ouyang Hanting smiling cunningly like a wolf, looking at her like a big bad wolf looking at a little white rabbit.

Xia Yumo couldn't help but ask, "Why are you looking at me like that? It's creepy!"

Ouyang stretched out his hand to pinch Xia Yumo's chin, leaned over and bit her side face, and quickly stood up straight, "I just feel very happy."

Xia Yumo secretly rolled her eyes. This mentally retarded ambition is indeed worthy of his ridicule, but judging from his expression, it doesn't seem like a mockery.

Immediately afterwards, Ouyang Hanting said, "Unexpectedly, at that time, you missed me, and now I have to tell you, congratulations, your ambition has come true, the legendary local tyrant is right in front of you, Congratulations on becoming a wealthy lady."

Xia Yumo was dumbfounded for 20 seconds, and she was still in disbelief when she finished shopping and checked out.

When returning to the parking lot to pick up the car, Ouyang Hanting opened the door of the cockpit to get in, but for some reason, his movements suddenly froze and he didn't move for a long time.

Xia Yumo looked at him suspiciously, only to see that he was always looking in a certain direction, following his gaze, and only saw a yellow mini trot driving out of the parking space.

When the car passed by, the speed was very fast, and it was vaguely visible that the driver's seat...was a woman.

It's very rare for a woman to be so proficient at driving, comparable to a race car driver. Xia Yumo looked away and looked at Ouyang Hanting again, but he was still staring at the direction the car was leaving, with feelings in his eyes that she couldn't understand.

Curiosity mixed with some unexplainable unhappiness rose from her chest, causing her to frown slightly, and asked, "You know him?"

When her voice sounded, Ouyang Hanting seemed to have just come back to his senses. He glanced at Xia Yumo calmly, and answered with a concise and concise answer, "Yes."

It was a very simple word, but Xia Yumo seemed to hear a lot of flavors, but at the same time, she didn't seem to hear anything.

There were many guesses floating in her chest, and at the end she was horrified—does he know that woman, or does he have anything to do with that woman...doing his own business?

Realizing that she paid too much attention to Ouyang Hanting's affairs, she immediately forced herself to restrain her thoughts, lowered her head and fiddled with the latest mobile phone.

Ouyang Hanting fell into a rare silence, from the time he met that person to the door of his grandmother's house, he didn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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