Chapter 160
"BOSS" Chu Han watched Ouyang Hanting come to guard Xia Yumo's bed as soon as he treated the wound, and couldn't help feeling worried, "You'd better rest, or if Madam doesn't wake up, you might fall down again."

Ouyang Hanting didn't even look at Chu Han, but stared at the unconscious Xia Yumo without blinking.

For a while, there was only the beeping sound of complicated medical equipment in the ward.

Chu Han couldn't help sighing, knowing that if he said more, he would be thrown out by Ouyang Hanting unceremoniously, so he could only keep his mouth shut.

After another ten minutes, Ouyang Hanting suddenly stood up, "Where is the person?"

Chu Han immediately realized that what Ouyang Hanting was asking was the person who fired the hidden gun that night.

"In the cell"

"Treat him well!"

Chu Han pushed his glasses and replied, "Yes!"

After speaking, he turned and walked away immediately.

Ouyang Hanting sat back on the edge of the hospital bed again, although his handsome face was gloomy, it was also obviously pale.

That afternoon, he single-handedly took down a dozen ambushers with guns. Although he killed all his opponents, he was actually seriously injured.

He was shot in the left shoulder, and there were gunshot wounds of varying degrees elsewhere.

Those people had their heads smashed by him, and it was absolutely impossible for them to survive, but what he didn't expect was that there was another fish that slipped through the net, and it... killed his favorite woman!

"Momo, wake up quickly, as long as you wake up, I promise you whatever you want to do."

Ouyang Hanting took Xia Yumo's hand and kissed the back of her hand affectionately.

" know, I've never cared so much for anyone in my life. You are the first and the last, so you must survive! I won't allow you to make any mistakes, have you heard that? ?”

Clenched her fingers tightly, but her fingers were very cold, which reached the bottom of his heart, making him feel uneasy involuntarily.

He hated this feeling of powerlessness!
No matter what he said or what he did, Xia Yumo was still unconscious and did not give him any response.


He leaned over, kissed Xia Yumo's forehead lightly, and sat up straight after pausing for a while. At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a male doctor walked in with two nurses.

"Mr. Ouyang, please avoid it, we need to change the patient's medicine."

Ouyang Hanting glanced at the male doctor and frowned, "You showed Momo's injury?"

The male doctor nodded.

Ouyang Hanting immediately darkened his face, "Call your dean!"

The male doctor saw that Ouyang Hanting's face suddenly changed from expressionless to full of hostility, he was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to say something, but Ouyang's voice became more stern, "Go right away!"

The male doctor was startled by his aura, turned around and left.

After a while, the dean rushed over, met Ouyang Hanting, smiled all over his face, and asked carefully, "Mr. Ouyang" glanced at Xia Yumo, and carefully said, "Don't panic, Miss Xia is already out of danger. Period, after resting for a while, you will wake up naturally."

Ouyang Hanting still had a gloomy face, but he didn't have an attack, he just said, "Change the doctor for me"

The dean was taken aback, "This...why? Doctor Zhang sees it very well..."

"I said change, change it for me immediately, change to a female doctor, if there are no female doctors with excellent medical skills, then transfer me elsewhere."

Only then did the dean realize Ouyang Hanting's intentions, and immediately nodded, "Okay, Mr. Ouyang, don't worry, our doctor Hu just came back, and her medical skills are also top-notch in our hospital. I will arrange for her to come right away."

(End of this chapter)

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