Chapter 161 Don't Hurt Her
Only then did Ouyang Hanting's expression soften.

When Dr. Hu took the nurse to change Xia Yumo's dressing, he asked him to go out just like Dr. Zhang.

But Ouyang Hanting didn't cooperate with them, he got up and sat down in the rest area of ​​the ward, "I'll just stand here and watch you change."

Dr. Hu had already received instructions from the dean. Seeing that Ouyang Hanting was a strong man with a domineering aura that made people submit uncontrollably, he knew that he was not to be messed with, so he didn't dare to say anything more.

He could only let Ouyang Hanting stay in the ward.

Although Ouyang Hanting was sitting on the resting sofa not far away, his eyes were fixed on Dr. Hu changing Xia Yumo's dressing without blinking.

When he saw the gunshot wound on Xia Yumo's collarbone, he frowned in pain, which was more painful than being shot himself.

Although Xia Yumo was in a coma, when the dressing was changed, the severe pain still made her brows wrinkle.

Ouyang Hanting was confused when he was concerned, and couldn't help but say, "Take it easy, don't hurt her!"

Dr. Hu didn't expect him to make a sound suddenly, and his hands shook slightly. He felt very unhappy at the moment, so he stood up straight and turned to stare at Ouyang Hanting.

Although he knew that Ouyang Hanting was not to be messed with, Dr. Hu was a person who was strict with himself and very responsible for his patients.

If she hadn't been instructed by the dean Qian Dingwan, she would never have agreed to Ouyang Hanting staying in the ward to disturb her changing Xia Yumo's dressing.

Now, he suddenly made a sound, which annoyed Dr. Hu.

"You'd better keep your mouth shut, if you don't want her to hurt. Do you know that I almost lost my hand because of your interruption?"

Dr. Hu had a straight face, and his complexion was also very bad.

It was rare for Ouyang Hanting to listen to the training obediently, "Then take it easy, she frowned in pain just now."

Dr. Hu's complexion was still not good, and he snorted, "If you are so afraid of her pain, why did you let her get hurt?"

An unintentional sentence hit Ouyang Hanting's sore spot.

For Xia Yumo's injury, he always blamed himself very much.

He secretly blamed himself for not protecting her well.

Before, he had told Xia Yumo brazenly that by his side, he would not let her get hurt.

But this time, it was Xia Yumo who almost lost his life trying to protect him!

His face changed a few times, Ouyang Hanting didn't say anything in the end, but secretly swore in his heart that he would never let this kind of thing happen again.

As soon as Xia Yumo opened her eyes, she saw Ouyang Hanting's face close at hand, she was startled, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to push him away.

But as soon as he moved his hand, he gasped in pain, and his whole face was wrinkled into a ball.

Ouyang Hanting didn't back away just because Xia Yumo opened his eyes, he still kept a close distance, his pitch-black eyes stared at Xia Yumo's eyes without blinking.

Such a distance gave Xia Yumo a feeling that as long as she blinked, her eyelashes could reach Ouyang Hanting's facial skin.

And Ouyang's deep black eyes, like a whirlpool, seemed to be able to suck her into it at any time. The feeling was dangerous, but it made people extremely addicted.

Xia Yumo stared into his eyes for a long time as if in a daze.

"Baby, are you obsessed with me?"

Seeing Xia Yumo staring at him for a long time without speaking or blinking, Ouyang Hanting couldn't help laughing, and slightly distanced himself.

Xia Yumo was given goosebumps all over by his lingering "baby", and said coldly, "Can you stop calling me baby, people who listen will feel uncomfortable."

After hearing this, Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you still like me to call you wife."

(End of this chapter)

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