Chapter 162 Baby, don't be ashamed
Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, "My wife doesn't feel well either."

"So... lady?"

Xia Yumo trembled, feeling that after waking up, Ouyang Hanting's whole body seemed to be reworked, completely different from before.

Although it cannot be said that this change is not good, Xia Yumo is really, really not used to it.

"Forget it, you should call me Momo."

Ouyang Hanting suddenly kissed Xia Yumo's lips, and retreated immediately, "But I think it's better to call you baby, so I decided to call you baby in the future."

Xia Yumo's teeth were so greasy and crooked, "Ouyang Hanting, you must have been ambushed and lost your mind, right?"

Ouyang Hanting was not without scoundrels before, but at that time, there was still a limit, at least, within the range she could bear.

Now...Xia Yumo felt that Ouyang Hanting much that she wished to kick him far away.

Just looking at it, everything is wrong.

She thought, she really got used to living tremblingly under Ouyang Hanting's accumulative power, and she felt uncomfortable when he suddenly changed his appearance.

"Baby, what should I do? I just like this name and I don't want to change it."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to pinch Xia Yumo's chin, "Get well soon, dear."

Xia Yumo's face was full of black lines. Is he a three-year-old child? You want him to coax you like this!

However, Ouyang Hanting, an iron-blooded and iron-fisted guy, has always been cold, and it is rare to see him showing a coaxing expression.

"If you want me to get better soon, go back to normal quickly. If you go on like this, I will be terrified."

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes again as she spoke.

Ouyang Hanting laughed, "This is my most normal appearance, don't you like it?"

"Does it mean that if I say I don't like it, you will change it?"

"No." Ouyang Hanting said these two words firmly, "I have decided, I will hold you in the palm of my hand and keep you in my mouth from now on."

Xia Yumo trembled again, "Are you disgusting!"

"I'm only disgusted with you, and no one else dares to think about it."

"Then I should be grateful to Dade, right?"

"That's not necessary, as long as you only keep me in your heart, don't mention things that shouldn't be mentioned, and don't hide your original thoughts." Speaking of this, Ouyang Hanting stared at Xia Yumo, paused, "Baby , don't be shy, and don't deny it, you are in love with me, just like I love you."

After Xia Yumo listened, she suddenly fell silent, neither admitting nor refuting anything.

Now, she doesn't want to compete with herself anymore.

She knew very well that she was stuck again.

After a while, Xia Yumo sighed softly, "I'm hungry"

Ouyang Hanting smiled, and it was rare that a sincere smile appeared on his usually cold and handsome face, "I knew you would be hungry, I already called housekeeper Liu to prepare breakfast." He said and looked at his watch, " At this time, it's time to deliver."

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the ward was politely knocked three times, and Housekeeper Liu's voice came from outside, "Sir, breakfast is here."

Ouyang Hanting turned his head and said to the door, "Send it in."

Butler Liu immediately came in with a large thermos bucket.

When the food was placed on the small table, a warm color flashed in Xia Yumo's eyes, and a warm feeling wrapped her chest.

All her favorite meals.

Butler Liu was on the side, looked at Ouyang Hanting, then at Xia Yumo, and said, "Madam, this is all specially prepared by the master."

(End of this chapter)

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