Chapter 175 It's Yours

Ouyang Hanting followed her gaze and glanced at himself, "Well, what you said actually makes sense, it does have its own thoughts. Just like now, you will find that it stands full of energy, waiting for the big battle Three hundred rounds!"

Xia Yumo shuddered, unable to bear the chill, "!"

She seemed to call Ouyang Hanting a big hooligan, but she felt that the word "rogue" was not enough to describe him at all!
Putting these two words on Ouyang Hanting's body is indeed too light!

"Do you not believe what I said?" Ouyang Hanting suddenly took her hand and put it there.

Xia Yumo suddenly jumped up as if she had been burned, "You are shameless!"

The voice was inadvertently raised high, echoing in the dining room, causing the servants who were busy in the kitchen to look here suspiciously.

But those servants didn't seem to understand Chinese, so they didn't show too many expressions.

But Xia Yumo's whole face turned red and red, like a big red shrimp braised in oil!

Ouyang Hanting looked at her embarrassment and embarrassment, he was in a good mood, he smiled very happily, his mouth was still bad, "If I want to face you, how can I catch you?" He raised his eyebrows and said with some complacency , "Isn't there a saying that men are not bad and women don't love them?"

No matter what Xia Yumo thought, she never thought that Ouyang Hanting still had such a rascal and shameless side. She didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only snort, "Sperm bugs are in your brain, sooner or later you will be exhausted!"

Ouyang Hanting didn't take it seriously, "If there is such a day, well, I'm sure, I will die lying on your body too!"

Xia Yumo patted her forehead feebly, and realized that keeping silent was the wisest choice, otherwise, no matter what she said, she would be hurt internally by what Ouyang Hanting said.

After dinner, Ouyang Hanting took Xia Yumo to continue walking on the farm. Since the farm occupies a large area, when entering from the main entrance, there are large areas of lavender of different colors, but further south, there is a large area of ​​lawn. There are free-range alpacas that look like dotted white clouds.

She suddenly remembered that when she was a child in cultural class, she compared the clouds to a flock of sheep.

From childhood to adulthood, this is the first time I have seen such a scenery with my own eyes. It is far more vivid and charming than words.

Especially at this time, when the sun is about to set, the sun is shining brightly, but it is not hot.

The scenery in front of me, and the occasional cry of sheep in the distance in the quiet surroundings are even more refreshing, as if all the troubles can be easily washed away here.

Xia Yumo looked at everything in front of her, took a deep breath, and the fresh air went straight into her lungs. This is definitely the fresh air that is hard to breathe in a city full of exhaust gas!

"It seems that you really like it here."

Ouyang Hanting stood beside her, saw all her expressions in his eyes, and said with a move in his heart.

"Yeah, I like it very much, I wish I could spend my old age here peacefully!"

Xia Yumo said sincerely, yearning all over her face.

In her mind, a picture of herself getting old and lying on the lawn watching the blue sky and sunset had already appeared in her mind.

If you can live such a peaceful and peaceful old age, it is also a great happiness in life.

Ouyang Hanting suddenly stepped forward and hugged Xia Yumo's waist, and put his chin lightly on her shoulder, "Since you like this place so much, then, I will give this place to you. From now on, it will be yours."

(End of this chapter)

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