Chapter 176
Xia Yumo was startled when she heard this, and turned to look at Ouyang Hanting, "Give it to me?"

"Of course." Ouyang Hanting's profile was next to Xia Yumo's, "Why, you don't want it?"

Xia Yumo narrowed her eyes, thought for a while, and then looked extremely happy, "Yes, why not?!"

Someone with a lot of money spends money like water to give her such a desirable gift, she would be a fool if she didn't want it!
Anyway, Ouyang Hanting is not short of this little money, she really likes it, and there is no need to refuse it.

"That's good."

Ouyang Hanting smiled, thinking to himself, this girl is finally enlightened.

In the past, he gave her so many jewelries, which were worth a lot, and I never saw her take them out and wear them.

She put away all of them and threw them into the jewelry cabinet.

This farm was originally built for her, but at the beginning of building this farm, he wanted to find a more suitable opportunity to give it to her.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a series of accidents, so it is better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Right now is a very good time, and he naturally wants to seize the opportunity to send it out.

"By the way, isn't your sister and that Miss Dai also visiting the farm, why haven't I seen them now?"

Xia Yumo looked around strangely, and as far as she could see, except for some hired farm workers, she did not see Ouyang Jingxian and Dai Lisi.

"Then who knows, maybe they left after seeing the scenery."

Ouyang Hanting replied casually.

After Xia Yumo listened, a trace of thought flashed in her eyes, but she didn't ask any more questions.

It's impossible for Ouyang Hanting not to know where they went, but he had to pinch his peach blossoms himself, she thought, as long as she didn't trouble her, she would be happy at leisure.

She didn't have Ouyang Hanting's leisure time to deal with his love debts for him, although thinking of the way Dai Lisi looked at Ouyang Hanting, she always felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

The life on the farm made Xia Yumo feel like she couldn't think about it. She stayed here for more than ten days, and her injuries were not completely recovered, but she was probably healed.

It can be said that this period of time here is the happiest time for her in the past two years.

There is no hustle and bustle of the city, and there is no longer daily upset and depression because of being trapped in Ouyang Hanting.

The days are a bit monotonous, but the good scenery always makes people in a good mood that can't be used up.

Moreover, these days, except for Ouyang Jingxian who brought Dai Lisi here once, no one came again.

She was thinking, just when she was thinking that it would be okay to stay a few more days, Ouyang Hanting brought her a piece of news that made her worry.

Grandma is sick!
"I want to go back to China!" Xia Yumo's first reaction when he heard the news was to say these words.

Ouyang Hanting was not surprised at all, nodded and said, "Well, I have asked Chu Han to book the latest flight for you, so don't panic. Grandma's situation is not as bad as you imagined."

Xia Yumo frowned, on the surface she didn't remember to go around in circles, but in her heart she wished she could grow wings and fly to grandma's side immediately.

Now, her mother died of illness, and her father was sent away by Ouyang Hanting.

Only grandma is the closest and most concerned person to her.Now that grandma is sick and hospitalized, it's no wonder she's not in a hurry.

"Okay, I'm going to pack my things right away!"

He turned around and quickly entered the bedroom, only to realize that he didn't have any luggage or clothes to pack when he saw the neatness of the bedroom.

As expected, if you care about it, you will be chaotic!
Xia Yumo patted her forehead to calm herself down.

(End of this chapter)

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