Chapter 177 Young Heart
Ouyang Hanting looked at Xia Yumo, who was so helpless, and couldn't help but feel distressed. He walked to her side, held her shoulders, and said in a calm and calm voice, "Baby, believe me, even though grandma is in the hospital , but it is indeed not a serious illness. I have arranged for the best doctor to go, and I will definitely return you to a healthy and tough grandmother."

If he had known that Xia Yumo would be so worried and flustered, he would not have told her, and would have taken her back to the country to meet grandma.

Hearing Ouyang Hanting's voice, Xia Yumo finally felt more at ease.

Looking at Ouyang Hanting, he smiled and nodded, "Well, I know, grandma will be healthy."

Seeing that she had finally calmed down, Ouyang Hanting couldn't help but sighed, "Well, I'll go back with you."

Xia Yumo looked at Ouyang in surprise, "Aren't you very busy recently? If you go back to China, it will affect your business affairs, right?"

Recently, although Ouyang Hanting has been living on the farm and his injuries are not completely healed, he leaves early and returns late every day.

Ouyang Hanting smiled, suddenly pinched her chin, and kissed her lightly on the lips, "You don't have to worry about this, there is nothing more important than you."

Knowing that these words were very sweet words, but she still couldn't help feeling a little sweet in her heart.

Returning to city A again, really feels like a world away.

To sum up, Xia Yumo was the only one who had the deepest experience of this inexplicable trip abroad.
She thought, she must be a person with future blessings, everyone said that if you survive a catastrophe, you must have future blessings!
After returning, she went straight to the hospital where her grandmother was.

As soon as she entered the ward, grandma was leaning on the bed and reading a magazine. Apart from her pale face, there was nothing wrong with her.

"Grandma!" The first thing Xia Yumo did when seeing grandma was to rush to hug her, and bury her face in her arms.

Grandma patted Xia Yumo's shoulder amusedly, and sighed helplessly, "You're an adult, and I'm not afraid of people laughing at you!"

Although the words were words of reproach, the tone of his voice didn't seem to imply any trace of reproach, but was full of compassion.

Xia Yumo hugged grandma's waist and did not let go, rubbing her face in grandma's arms before she raised her head, looked at grandma, and acted like a child, "No matter how old I am, I am still a child in front of grandma. So, I I don't feel ashamed at all."

Grandma petted Xia Yumo's forehead with her finger, "You little brat! When will I be able to make people feel less worried. You're already married, and you're still so childish."

Xia Yumo didn't feel ashamed at all, "Childishness means I have a young heart!"

Grandma smiled speechlessly, and glanced at Ouyang Hanting who stood aside, always smiling at their grandparents and grandchildren, "Hanting, don't stand, sit down."

Ouyang Hanting nodded, "Grandma, are you feeling better?"

Grandma nodded kindly, "Well, it's much better. It's just acute appendicitis. It's not a serious problem. It will be fine after surgery."

Speaking of this, a deep light flashed in her eyes, "But you, where have you been these days? You can't even make a phone call."

Xia Yumo's heart skipped a beat, afraid that her grandma would find out that she was worried, so she put on a smile, "Don't worry, grandma, Ouyang took me to Australia for a trip."

(End of this chapter)

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