Chapter 178 Please Let Her Go

Hearing the word "Australia", grandma frowned without a trace, it was a very subtle movement, Xia Yumo didn't notice it, but Ouyang Hanting saw it in his eyes, a faint flash of darkness appeared in his eyes mango.

"So that's the case, no wonder."

Grandma didn't continue to ask, but looked at the wall clock on the wall, "Oh, it's almost noon, Momo, grandma is a little hungry, and I want to eat beef bibimbap from Dongtingxuan, go and bring me some, by the way Ouyang also brought a copy for him to taste. Your Aunt Hua's craftsmanship is still so authentic."

Dongtingxuan is a store opened by my grandmother's old neighbor. It is an old-fashioned store. It can be said that Xia Yumo grew up eating Aunt Hua's bibimbap.

I also fell in love with the beef bibimbap in the store for 10 minutes. When my grandma said that I wanted to eat it, I immediately nodded and agreed, "Okay, I'll go right away."

Seeing that Xia Yumo was about to leave, Ouyang Hanting wanted to stop her and send someone else to do it, but after glancing at grandma's expression, he stopped at the tip of his tongue.

When Xia Yumo went out for a long walk, Ouyang Hanting stared at grandma, and calmly said, "If grandma has anything to say, just say it, Momo has already left."

Grandma quietly glanced at Ouyang Hanting, with an extremely shrewd and sharp light in her eyes, "Hanting, I just want to ask you a question."

"Grandma, please tell me."

Ouyang Hanting was sitting opposite to grandma, with a tall and straight figure. When he looked at grandma, he was neither humble nor overbearing, and also somewhat respectful as a junior.

Grandma stared at Ouyang, "I want to know what is the relationship between you and Ouyang Yinuo."

Ouyang Hanting was silent for a while, and slowly leaned back on the sofa, "Grandma, after so long, you finally asked."

Ouyang Hanting was not at all surprised that his grandmother asked such a question.

"Since you say that, you must know everything about me."

"Yes" Ouyang Hanting said bluntly.


Hearing grandma's question, Ouyang Hanting suddenly smiled very slightly, "Grandma, you gave that painting as a thank you gift, wasn't it the best temptation for me? If I didn't follow the vine, it wouldn't be a waste of your life." Thoughts?"

When Ouyang said this, grandma didn't feel angry or angry at all, she just squinted her eyes, "We've come to this point, then, let's open the skylight and speak brightly."

Ouyang Hanting looked at grandma with an expression of all ears.

"Since you have checked my affairs, I think that with your ability, you will not be able to find out everything. You must know the grievances and grievances of the previous generation. I don't want you to let these old grievances Bring it to the next generation, and I don't want Momo to have anything to do with your Ouyang family, so..." Grandma paused, looked away from Ouyang Hanting, and looked at the lawn outside the window of the ward. It's just that it's cold after all, and a withered scene has appeared on the lawn.

"So, grandma wants me to divorce Momo?"

Grandma suddenly withdrew her gaze, her eyes were extremely firm, "That's right"

"You know, it's impossible."

Even if he gave everything, he would not let Xia Yumo go.

In this life, and even in the next life, he will be with Xia Yumo in the next life.

"Is there anything impossible in this world? You should also know that Momo is just an ordinary person, and her life should be ordinary and safe. If she is by your side, the danger she will face It's about life. If you really have a little heart for her, you should let her go. Let her go back to her own world and live her own life."

(End of this chapter)

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