Chapter 197 No guts

When Xia Yumo got angry, she wanted to open her mouth to respond, but when the words came to her lips, she suddenly swallowed them back.

Han Zirui is definitely not a simple person, he is the one who suffers when he gets angry for a while.

"I have no guts."

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, and said bluntly while moving her numb hands and feet, "I'm hungry and want to eat."

Han Zirui obviously didn't expect Xia Yumo to admit that he didn't have the guts to defeat his aggressive method in one fell swoop.

What's more, Xia Yumo's posture was so casual this time. When she came to him, it was as if she was on her own territory, and she completely lost the vigilance she had when she was kidnapped by him for the first time.

Xia Yumo like this... unexpectedly makes people feel very comfortable to get along with!
"Steward Zhang, go prepare meals immediately."

Han Zirui turned his head and gave instructions to the housekeeper who followed Han Zirui as soon as he entered the living room.

Butler Zhang nodded immediately and turned to leave.

Han Zirui glanced at Xia Yumo, and suddenly called Steward Zhang, "Go and call Dr. Huang."

"Yes!" Butler Zhang responded and went out immediately.

Xia Yumo's numb hands and feet finally regained consciousness, and at the same time as she regained consciousness, the pain also surged.

She thought, the collision with the car was really serious, and the injury caused by defending Ouyang Hanting from the bullet was not done well, so after such a toss, it would take another week or two to recuperate.

"You're not even curious, how did I know you were kidnapped by Qin Liya?"

Xia Yumo rolled her eyelids, leaned on the sofa relaxedly, and sighed in satisfaction, "The sofa here is still soft and comfortable to lie on." After sighing, she looked at Han Zirui, "The leader who kidnapped me is yours. Underhand?"

When Han Zirui heard it, a bright light flashed in his eyes, a little fierce and admiring, but it disappeared quickly.

He was still smiling, looking gentle and elegant, as if he had never shown such a sharp look.

"How would you know?"

"He's too calm, such a steady person doesn't look like someone who would listen to orders just for a little money."

Moreover, as a kidnapper, the leader of the kidnapper is too moral, which is abnormal in itself.

Combined with the appearance of Han Zirui now, after a little thought, she knew that the leader of the kidnappers had delivered the news to Han Zirui.

She was originally a smart person. Before, she just didn't care and didn't want to think about it.

Now, she knew that she couldn't escape the entanglement with these people, so she could only try to accept it and work hard to adapt.

If you no longer choose to escape, your eyes will naturally become sharper, and your mind will become transparent.

Therefore, it was perfectly normal for her to deduce that it was the leader of the kidnapper.

"You are very smart."

Xia Yumo's expression remained unchanged, "Thank you for the compliment, I'm an idiot compared to the twists and turns in your minds."

Han Zirui smiled, "You are so humble. If you are an idiot, will Ouyang Hanting take a fancy to you? Besides, I will be very sad. For my glass heart, you can't be an idiot."

Xia Yumo felt cold, "Han Zirui, can you be normal? Do you know that you put on a gentle posture and say such nasty words, which makes me feel weird?"

Han Zirui smiled brighter, "Even if you think it's weird, you can't deny my sincerity. I'm telling the truth."

Xia Yumo felt that talking to him was a waste of energy, so she stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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