Chapter 198 The Best Proof

Han Zirui said enough was enough, and changed the subject, "No matter what, I saved you from Qin Liya in time. If I don't save you, what will happen, do you know?"

Xia Yumo thought of Qin Liya's look of extreme hatred, and pursed her lips, "It should be very miserable, I don't know if I will be ripped off."

Han Zirui tapped the coffee table in front of him with his fingers, "It's not a big deal to be peeled off, but I heard from my subordinates that Qin Liya ordered them to prepare a video camera and enough CDs... Do you understand what it means? Bar?"

After hearing this, Xia Yumo trembled slightly, feeling scared.

Although Qin Liya could tell from her words that she wanted someone to QJ her, she didn't expect to record the process.

Qin Liya really hated her to the bone, so she could think of such a shameless and obscene method!

Looking for death over and over again, it really is boring!A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and Xia Yumo bit her lower lip.

There are things in this world that are impossible to avoid!
"Since you have chosen to accept this world full of darkness and blood, you must face everything with a serious attitude and means. Xia Yumo, are you ready?"

Han Zirui kept staring at Xia Yumo, so, of course, he wouldn't miss a single bit of the expression on her face.

When he saw the cold light flashing in her eyes, he suddenly said something like this.

Xia Yumo froze for a moment, although he had prejudice against Han Zirui and was wary, but what he said was absolutely correct.

Different worlds have different rules of survival.

What she is accepting is another world, which is completely opposite to the world she lived in before. If she follows the previous way of living and living method, she can only be passive or even wait for death.

Qin Liya's two shots are the best proof!

But after all, she was just an ordinary person with no background or influence... Thinking of this, she frowned, and suddenly laughed again after a few seconds.

There is a saying that leaning against a big tree can enjoy the shade.

Although there was some awkwardness with Ouyang Hanting, she felt that this big tree was still very tight.

It was because of him that I left my peaceful life, so I can't do without him!
Thinking of this, she suddenly relaxed, with a smile on her brows and eyes, "Of course I'm ready."

The woman in front of him, with her high spirits and confident posture, made Han Zirui slightly stunned. Soon, he restrained his expression and nodded, "That's good."

Staring at Xia Yumo seriously for a moment, "I seem to really like you, what should I do?"

Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows when she heard this, "You really like it?"

Han Zirui nodded with a smile, "I really like it."

"That's your business, does it have anything to do with me?"

Han Zirui didn't expect her to say that, and shrugged helplessly, "It really doesn't seem to have anything to do with you..."

How heartless this woman is!
"That's it." Xia Yumo was not bothered by Han Zirui's love at all, "Why is your food so slow? Even if I was robbed halfway by you, you can't make me wait so long hungry, right? ?”

Xia Yumo complained that she didn't look outside at all, as if she and Han Zirui were very familiar old friends.

Although Han Zirui didn't know why Xia Yumo changed so quickly and at such a large scale, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all when Xia Yumo complained.

(End of this chapter)

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