Chapter 199
He was not angry at all, just raised his eyebrows and asked, "If you want to eat it right away, there are only two ways. One is to go to the restaurant. You know, this time is impossible. The other is to eat instant noodles. Unfortunately, I These things are never prepared here. So, please bear with your grievances."

Xia Yumo glared at Han Zirui angrily, "Don't disturb me, I'm running all the way, I'm tired, go to bed first, and call me when I wake up!"

After speaking, he turned over, faced the back of the sofa and fell asleep quickly.

Han Zirui sat by the side without moving, but stared at Xia Yumo without blinking, as if he wanted to see her through.

This is the third time they have met. Every time they meet, there are surprises, and every time they meet, they can find changes in her.

"Sure enough, she is a woman with a strong adaptability." Han Zirui said something to himself, raised the corner of his mouth and stood up. As expected, his movements were very light and did not disturb Xia Yumo.

Xia Yumo was also really sleepy, she fell asleep so dazedly while lying on the sofa in the living room.

When she woke up again, it was from starvation.

Stomach growled and hurt like cramps.

Scanning around, there was no one in the living room, Han Zirui was not there.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the weather was not good, it was gray, and it looked like there would be rain or snow.

"Han Zirui!"

Xia Yumo bluntly opened her throat and yelled, and immediately someone ran out of the independent restaurant.

At a glance, he knew it was a servant of Han Zirui's family, "Miss Xia, you are awake, the meal is ready, hurry up and eat."

Xia Yumo was not at ease, not only because she was hungry, but also because she was in Han Zirui's hands again.

I don't know what tricks he will play this time.

The soldiers came to cover the water and soil, Xia Yumo thought of this, no longer entangled, and decided to fill his stomach first.

Xia Yumo entered the dining room, and Han Zirui came down from the upstairs study room. When he reached the living room on the first floor, he heard two earth-shattering sneezes from the dining room.

Turning his head to glance at the sofa where Xia Yumo slept, Han Zirui smiled, then shook his head again.

At this time, a man who looked like a housekeeper came in, "Mr. Han, the young master of the Jiang family is here to visit."

When Han Zirui heard this, his elegant face froze for a moment, he turned his head and glanced at the dining room, there was silence for a second, and the corners of his mouth immediately raised, "Dear guest, please come in!"

Xia Yumo ate very satisfyingly. She felt that after eating for more than 20 years, today's meal was particularly delicious. She didn't know whether it was because the chef of Han Zirui's family was too skilled, or because she was really hungry.

Putting down the job, the dining room is the living room.

The conversation between Han Zirui and Jiang Yihan immediately entered his ears.

She paused slightly in her casual steps, and then continued to walk out as if nothing had happened.

In the living room, Han Zirui and Jiang Yihan were sitting face to face.

From Xia Yumo's point of view, Han Zirui was facing her, while Jiang Yihan was facing her.

So, as soon as she came out, Han Zirui saw her immediately, but Jiang Yihan didn't notice her existence at all.

This was the first time she saw Jiang Yihan since that nightclub, and seeing that Jiang Yihan was fine, she actually felt relieved.

Without trying to dodge, she swaggered out and sat down on another single-seater sofa.

(End of this chapter)

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