Chapter 241 Instinctive Resistance
Ouyang Hanting snorted, "Why didn't I see how miserable you are? Mierer can still be alive and kicking, sleepy the delivery man, and play with the golden cicada to get out of the shell by yourself?"

Xia Yumo choked for a moment, "The way I express my misery is quite special, can't I?"

"Okay, why not!"

Xia Yumo stared, "Don't change the subject, I'm asking you, your future daughter-in-law bullied me, what are you going to do?"

Ouyang Hanting put his arms around Xia Yumo, "My future daughter-in-law? Why can't I remember? All I know is that no matter before, now, or in the future, I have only one daughter-in-law, and her name is Xia Yumo."

Xia Yumo felt refreshed when she heard it, and the depression and anger from earlier were swept away.

She thought Ouyang Hanting was really incredible.

I never knew that he could talk about love so naturally and so touchingly!

Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows and pinched Ouyang Hanting's waist, "Don't fool me with such sweet words, I won't be fooled."

After a pause, he continued, "Tell me about your romantic past, look at your photos, it is really a concubine's love, quite affectionate. Look at her affectionate eyes, it makes my bones shudder. It's crispy, the skin of the meat is numb, and the goose bumps are against the sky."

Ouyang Hanting's eyes darkened, his voice was dark, "Do you really want to listen?"


Xia Yumo nodded heavily.

"Then you promise me, after listening to it, don't take it to your heart, and don't allow any pimples. Just ignore it, and forget it after hearing it and understanding it. Those are things in the past."

Xia Yumo was noncommittal, when Ouyang Hanting said that those were all things in the past, an indescribable feeling spread in her heart.

Because she knew that Ouyang Hanting's words were watery.

If it really passed, then there would be no begonias planted in the back garden of the villa. If it really passed, when the Jinjiang villa was turned into flat ground by his big hand, he would not let people bring out nothing. The crabapple flower that was worthless at all was removed alone.

"She and" Ouyang Hanting rarely chose his words carefully, "we came out of the same place."

Xia Yumo raised her eyelids in surprise, "What do you mean coming out of the same place?"

Ouyang Hanting sat on the sofa with Xia Yumo in his arms, pulled her to his side, pressed her on his lap, and explained, "The same place means the same training base."

When he said this, Ouyang Hanting's eyes sank, as if he was recalling but not.

The training base, as the name suggests, is a place where people are trained.

Xia Yumo was not an idiot, she would not think that the so-called training base that Ouyang Hanting said had the same meaning as the training base she usually heard.

The background of the Ouyang family meant that the place where Ouyang Hanting could be trained was definitely not an ordinary place.

Her intuition told her that it should be unimaginable there.

Seemingly unwilling to mention the so-called training base, he just explained briefly, and then continued, "I was sent to the training base when I was five years old, and that year happened to be the time when my parents died unexpectedly."

Xia Yumo's heart suddenly ached. She knew very little about Ouyang Hanting. Even after spending two years together, he was still mysterious and dark in front of her.

I didn't understand it before because she resisted instinctively and didn't want to get close.

(End of this chapter)

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