Chapter 242
As if born instinctively, subconsciously, he knows that this kind of person is poisonous, and if he gets close to the mild one, he will be poisoned, and the serious one will be crushed and ashes, and he will never recover.

Now that she has come to this point and opened her heart, she is not afraid of anything, she is willing to be poisoned, and she is happy for it.

So, she wanted to know him, to know more.

So he pursed his lips and asked, "At that time, you must have been in pain, helpless, and even... a little terrified, right?"

After all, he was only five years old, even at that time Ouyang Hanting, no matter how young and mature, no matter how deep-minded, he was only a five-year-old child.

From Xia Yumo's tone of voice, Ouyang Hanting's heart, which had always been indifferent, was suddenly wrapped in a soft warmth, and his whole heart became soft.

Hugging Xia Yumo tightly, resting his chin on her shoulder, he said in a low but calm voice, "It was indeed painful and helpless, but frightened... not really, even though I saw them turn into ashes with my own eyes. At that moment, I just feel that the sky is gray and black, and there is nothing but hatred in my chest."

Xia Yumo's heart ached even more. What kind of pain and baptism was there for a person to express such a bloody and cruel thing in such a calm and indifferent tone.

Clenching Ouyang Hanting's hand, she suddenly didn't want to listen anymore. What's the difference between this and exposing his scars?

"Hanting, stop talking. I don't want to hear any more."

Ouyang Hanting naturally knows that she loves him, and doesn't want to recall those painful things by himself.

There was never a moment when I felt so close to her heart.

Although there are many people in this world.There are many people who love him, admire him, and fear him, but it seems that no one has ever made him feel so warm and happy when he is loved.

The Ouyang family has no tenderness, and can't tolerate tenderness. Even family affection is pitiful.

Therefore, even though there are actually many blood relatives, he has never felt real affection.

He was always cold. A person who was sent to the training base at the age of five and understood that as long as one of them was not good enough would mean death, it was impossible not to be cold and iron-blooded.

He thought that in this life, it would only be so cold, in the dark world, calling the wind and calling the rain, climbing high and looking down.

But her arrival disintegrated his coldness and loneliness little by little.

He has never been like this before, in addition to benefiting from power, he is also desperately trying to win a woman's heart!
"It's all over. It's nothing if you listen to it. It's rare that you are interested in my affairs. Of course I can't wait to dissect myself and spread it out in front of you."

Xia Yumo spat and squinted at him, "It's even been dissected, you want to die without a whole body!"

After she finished speaking, she poohed herself again, and muttered, "What am I talking about!"

Ouyang Hanting was funny, and suddenly kissed her on the ear, "This is the happiest moment since my parents passed away."

Xia Yumo snorted twice, not forgetting her original intention, "Don't use sweet words to fill me with ecstasy soup, you haven't mentioned you and your fiancee yet!"

Ouyang Hanting laughed, "I smell vinegar, but I like it very much, and I don't mind if you get sour every day!"

"You don't think the smell of vinegar is bad, but I still feel sour and tired every day! Don't be poor, get to the point!"

"Actually, that's what happened to me and her. You met in Australia. When you came back this time, she came to you again. We met twice. You should know her a little bit, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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