Chapter 243 Come, Peach Blossoms Everywhere
Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, "That's right, very good, otherwise I wouldn't have known she was your default fiancée. I'm curious, you and her are childhood sweethearts and have a good relationship to death, so why did you marry me?" Married" At this point, Xia Yumo paused, guessing, "In addition to using me to deal with your old man, you are also deliberately marrying me to anger your childhood sweetheart, right?"

After hearing this, Ouyang Hanting's eyes sank, and he said arrogantly, "In this world, there is no woman worthy of my marriage to anger her"

Xia Yumo pursed her lips, obviously in disbelief.

Ouyang Hanting didn't care too much, and continued, "But I admit, I did date her for a while. In the training base, life is not only training but also training. Every day, life and death struggle, crawling out of the dead, there will always be some gloomy."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Xia Yumo, saw Xia Yumo listening with pricked ears, and said cautiously, "She was sent to the training base when I was most gloomy, um, I don't deny it, that period We have a good time."

Xia Yumo's face was dark, although she knew that it was Ouyang Hanting's past, and she had it too, such as Jiang Yihan.

Those who have passed should not care about it, but I still couldn't help feeling sour, so I pursed my lips and didn't speak.

"Later, I broke up with her because of certain things. This is what it is now."

Ouyang Hanting didn't say what it was about.

Xia Yumo didn't intend to ask in detail, but just sullenly said, "I'm very sour, what should I do?"

Ouyang Hanting was funny, "What can you do with acid? You and Jiang Yihan are inseparable, and I am also sour!"

"I've said it all, it's a coincidence, there is no connection!"

"Okay, no, no. Now we are sour on each other, let's even it out."

Xia Yumo thought for a while, then shook her head, "I suddenly feel that it's not worth it."

"Huh?" Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows.

"Look, at that time, you had a first love like a flower like a moon." Xia Yumo admitted without hesitation that Dai Lisi was indeed an astonishingly beautiful woman. , that stinky old man in your family is still stuffing you with women, you can say that you have gone through a thousand sails now. But for me, from the beginning to the end, only Jiang Yihan's part passed, speaking of it, what a loss!"

Ouyang Hanting narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean by that, if you want Hong Xing to get out of the wall, give me a peach blossom everywhere?"

The voice was cold and tinged with danger.

Xia Yumo shrank her neck, but didn't nod sensiblely.

Ouyang Hanting pinched Xia Yumo's waist with his fingers, Xia Yumo gasped and protested dissatisfied, "It hurts me to death!"

"That's right, I still know it hurts. But your skin hurts so much, so there's no reason for my heartache. I heard that you want to make love everywhere, so I want you to hurt even more. Who told you to make me hurt on purpose?!"

Xia Yumo felt aggrieved, and said angrily, "Then what do you think? Now, you are the only peach blossom by my side, and there are too many pinks around you that I know and don't know. I can't pinch them!"

Ouyang Hanting was funny, "It's okay, you can't pinch it, I will pinch it myself. As long as you promise me that from now on, you will open up in my arms honestly, don't make love, don't attract bees and butterflies, I will definitely treat them It was all handled cleanly.”

When Xia Yumo heard it, she felt happy for a moment, but soon she stepped on the back of his foot in annoyance, and retorted, "When did I attract bees and butterflies!"

(End of this chapter)

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