Chapter 248 It's an honor
Amid Xia Yumo's depression, Ouyang Hanting carried her into a small high-rise building in the west of the residential area.

From the outside, this small high-rise looks no different from other residential buildings, but once inside, one finds that the inside is a completely different world!
A simple summary here is that catering and entertainment are integrated.

Xia Yumo was amazed for a moment, thinking that although the outside looks the same as other residential buildings, the inside is probably because of the special design, and it really is a different world.

Ouyang Hanting took her directly to the basement floor.

In her impression, the underground is usually dark, no matter how much light is used to illuminate it, it can't change the cold air in the basement.

But here, it's completely different. Due to the lighting, it looks much brighter than the outside.

In addition, the temperature is suitable, and there are a lot of green plants, and it feels as warm as spring when you walk in.

Inexplicably reminded her of the huge greenhouse in Han Zirui's house, she thought to herself, this is probably another masterpiece of a nouveau riche!
It's just that the outbreak was not as deep as Han Zirui's.

"Is there food here?"

Xia Yumo looked at the lush green color in his eyes, these flowers were not weak in the dark at all, instead they were thriving one by one, blocking the situation in the basement floor like a green wall, couldn't help but ask .

Ouyang Hanting put her down, patted the snowflakes on her body thoughtfully, and then patted on his own body. Hearing her question, he raised his eyebrows, "If there is nothing to eat, then you can eat me. "

Xia Yumo blushed a little, and took a sip, "You really are a rascal to the bone."

"Only you have this honor, let me be a rogue."

"Yes, I am truly honored!"

Turning around the plant green wall, Xia Yumo discovered that there were many small spaces separated by green plants, which looked like private rooms, which was ingenious.

This kind of creativity makes the originally gloomy basement, in this winter, completely rendered with unique warmth by the vitality of plants.

Sitting in such a private room will make people feel that the seasons are reversed and misplaced.

"The owner of this restaurant is really good at designing."

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you like it very much"

Xia Yumo nodded, "Yes, I like all new things, including people."

Ouyang Hanting squinted his eyes when he heard the words, "Including people?"

With provocation in Xia Yumo's eyes, she leaned over, "That's right."

Ouyang Hanting grinned, "Okay, I actually like it too."

Xia Yumo instinctively believed that Ouyang Hanting had deep meanings.

But he stopped talking and walked towards the innermost part holding her hand.

The innermost part is even cleaner. The diners on the basement floor are already very self-conscious, and their voices are very small, as if they are afraid of breaking the peaceful atmosphere here. A couple can be described in whispers.

In the innermost position, even their whispering voices could hardly be heard.

It is rare to see such a quiet and peaceful dining environment in that restaurant, and she likes this atmosphere very much.

"What do you want to eat?" Ouyang Hanting pushed over the menu, "Order yourself."

Xia Yumo opened the menu and looked at it. They were all farm dishes. She raised her eyes and glanced at Ouyang Hanting, then suddenly closed the menu and pushed it back to him, "I like anything you choose except milk."

(End of this chapter)

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