Chapter 249
Repeated experience told Xia Yumo that as long as Ouyang Hanting is around, no matter where he eats, he can always conjure up a glass of milk. She has grown from hating milk to hating it.

Ouyang Hanting knocked on the table, as if he was considering whether to agree to Xia Yumo.

"So you hate milk?"

"Yeah." Xia Yumo nodded vigorously, "It's very annoying!"


Xia Yumo was stunned for a moment, "If you don't like to drink, what else could be the reason?"

Ouyang Hanting's eyes darkened for a moment, then lightened again, "If you don't drink, then don't drink."

Xia Yumo didn't seem to expect him to let her go so easily, she was a little surprised.

After simply ordering a few dishes, Ouyang Hanting stopped talking and felt in his pocket, as if he was looking for something.

Xia Yumo immediately stretched out her hand to hold him down, "No smoking."

Ouyang Hanting paused and looked at her.

Stared at by such eyes, Xia Yumo suddenly felt that she was completely seen through, and pressed Ouyang Hanting's hand and froze for a moment.

Ouyang Hanting took the opportunity to remove her hand and took out the cigarette case.

"Grandma said that you used to love milk the most."

While talking, Ouyang Hanting slowly took out a cigarette and lit it, and then said, "Two years ago, when you and Jiang Yihan said goodbye, you drank a glass of milk alone, right?"

Xia Yumo's face suddenly turned pale as paper, and it took her a while to recover, "You know all about it?"

"Yes, I know."

Ouyang Hanting's tone was flat, "Even if my original intention of marrying you was to deal with the old man, the woman I want to marry will naturally learn everything about her."

Xia Yumo's heart turned cold, and she sneered, "So, it also includes her last dinner with her ex-boyfriend, right?"

She suddenly understood why he forced her to drink milk for the past two years, just to make her remember that last dinner every moment, remember that she gave up her favorite thing?
Or rather, the person I once loved the most.

However, at that time, it was not giving up, but just forbearance.

It's just that during those times of forbearance and dedication, there are some things that I always don't want to think about in depth, and even force myself to think about something better.

For example, she is willing to give up everything for Jiang Yihan, including her freedom, self-esteem and love.

So why did Jiang Yihan have the heart to really let go?Really let her pay and bear?

If you really love deeply enough and thoroughly enough, you should not part with forbearance, but hold hands and share weal and woe!
In a materialistic society, they drifted with the tide after all.

I don't know who changed first, but by now, everything has changed.

Ouyang Hanting quietly watched Xia Yumo's changing face, his expression remained motionless, and he just smoked quietly.

When the waiter came over with the dish and saw him smoking, he dutifully persuaded him, "Sir, I'm sorry, smoking is not allowed here."

Hearing this, Ouyang Hanting cast his eyes coldly at the waiter.

The waiter suddenly felt a cold and oppressive feeling, and couldn't help but twitch his palms and wrists. The tray held firmly in his hand tilted immediately, and the dish fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

The restaurant was originally relatively quiet, so the sound of plates falling was particularly ear-piercing.

Many people poked their heads out of curiosity and looked this way, only to see the waiter hastily squatting down to pick up the pieces of the plate.

Ouyang Hanting withdrew his gaze, but graciously pinched the cigarette butt.

(End of this chapter)

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