Chapter 262 Want to Talk to You

What did Qin Liya do that Ouyang Hanting hated so much that Ouyang Hanting was so vicious?

Regarding Ouyang Hanting, Qin Kaiyue did not dare to say how much she knew, but one thing was very clear, that is, he would not be as knowledgeable as a woman easily.

There was no time to think about it. The one in front of him was, after all, a blood-related sister. Enduring his nausea, he took off his coat and stepped forward to criticize Qin Liya.

Qin family.

Qin Liya sat in front of the window like a broken rag doll, looking at the snow-white sky outside, and remained so dull for several days.

Those marks on her body have faded, but the fear engraved on her heart and the imprint deep in her soul will never disappear.

Like the filth that melted into her flesh...

Because of this incident, Mr. Qin was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

But after learning from Qin Kaiyue that it was Ouyang Hanting who offended Qin Liya, she just slapped the table helplessly, daring to be angry but not daring to speak.

After all, their Qin family had no strength, so they had a head-on confrontation with Ouyang Hanting.

This is a loss, and it can only smash the front teeth and swallow blood.

Xia Yumo lived in her grandmother's small courtyard for half a month.

Ouyang Hanting never came to look for her, not even a phone call.

And she didn't contact Ouyang Hanting either.

These days, grandma would remind her almost every day to stay away from Ouyang Hanting.

Such a person is not suitable for her.

Grandma often said that she would rather demolish ten bridges than get married, but if her Momo's husband was Ouyang Hanting, then she would insist on their divorce.

Hearing such words every day, Xia Yumo couldn't say she was disgusted, but she had heard enough.

So every time grandma mentioned it, she would quickly hide out.

Surprisingly, as soon as she went out that day, she ran into someone unexpected to her.

Dong Lingshu was leaning on the front of the car, wearing a black mink trench coat, with oversized sunglasses covering almost her entire oval face.

The hair is loose, the ends of the hair are permed into big waves, and the black hat on her head makes her look glamorous. Coupled with the ice and snow, the feeling is even colder.

However, Xia Yumo just stood quietly at the door, staring at Dong Lingshu, without going over.

Dong Lingshu saw her, stood up straight from the front of the car, and walked over.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Xia Yumo felt that Dong Lingshu was very strange. If it was snowing like this, if you really wanted to find her, you could just knock on the door, or make a phone call.

She didn't believe that Dong Lingshu would not be able to get her phone number if he wanted to find her.

It's in Ouyang Hanting's mobile phone.

Based on her fan relationship with Ouyang Hanting, it should be easier for her to get Ouyang Hanting's mobile phone than her real wife.

Thinking of this, Xia Yumo's mouth twitched into a sneer, and suddenly felt that what grandma said might be right, Ouyang Hanting was indeed not suitable for her.

Sometimes, love is not everything.

Just like, she and Jiang Yihan used to be.

"What's the matter with me?"

"Just wanted to talk to you."

Dong Lingshu pursed his lips and smiled like a famous star.

Xia Yumo looked at Dong Lingshu seriously. This person is not only beautiful on screen, but also has a certain temperament off screen.

No wonder it caught Ouyang Hanting's eyes. Presumably, the women that old man Ouyang gave him should all be of Dong Lingshu's level, right?
"Are we familiar?"

(End of this chapter)

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