Chapter 263
Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows, "Why are you talking to me?"

Dong Lingshu froze for a moment, as if he hadn't expected Xia Yumo to be so thorny.

But soon, she recovered her demeanor, and said calmly, "Why? Because we are all women, because... I am Ouyang Hanting's confidant, how about it?"

Xia Yumo's heart ached from the words "confidant" that Dong Lingshu said.

Suddenly he turned around and said as he walked, "You are Ouyang Hanting's 'confidant', so you should chat with Ouyang Hanting, I have nothing to say to you."

Dong Lingshu hit a wall, but was not angry. He just raised the corners of his mouth and said to himself, "She is indeed a woman with a very temper and personality. No wonder she keeps the boss away from the dynasty. Not everyone has this It's so bold that you can lose face. If only we had met earlier, we might be able to be friends."

Xia Yu Mowo drank at Lin Jieer's house.

While coaxing the child, Lin Jieer raised an eyebrow at Xia Yumo, "That's no wonder Ouyang Hanting is angry."

Lin Jieer suddenly said, "Put it on me, and I'll be angry too."

Xia Yumo found that Lin Jie'er's temperament became more and more rigid.

"Just be angry when you're angry, does it take that long?"

"Why didn't you get angry for so long? Don't you even think about it. If you really love someone, would you have the idea of ​​killing him because his relatives object to your being together?"

"Of course not. At best, I feel angry and angry."

"That's it. Everyone can see that Ouyang Hanting really cares about you. Otherwise, even if his brain is flooded, he won't block a gun for you. But you doubt that he will Your grandma made the move, still have ambiguity with Jiang Yihan, that's all, but let him catch you again and again! Tsk tsk...I really suspect that your head was squeezed by the door."

Xia Yumo threw an empty beer bottle into the trash can, flattened her mouth, "I also felt that I was squeezed by the door afterwards."

After finishing speaking, he sighed, "But what can I do? He is really angry. It's been more than half a month, and he hasn't even called. I went back to ask, but he didn't go back. Now, I even Can't find it anywhere."

"Did you call and ask?"

"The phone can't get through."

"Then just wait until he calms down."

Xia Yumo bangs, and opened another can of beer, "I didn't wait for him himself, but I waited for his pink powder!"

Xia Yumo took a sip, burped, and said.

"His pink?" Lin Jieer frowned. '

"Well, you should know. It's the actor who played the second female role in "Killing God"..."

"Dong Lingshu?!"


Lin Jie'er suddenly excitedly said, "Hey, Momo, you're near the water, why don't you help me get her an autograph?"

Xia Yumo's black line, this girl completely missed the point!

"Your good friend is about to become an abandoned wife, and you still have the mind to ask her to help you get an autograph from the junior candidate?!"

Even though Xia Yumo said that, the beer can in her hand was still brought to her mouth in a chic manner.

Lin Jie'er rolled her eyes, "Keep your voice down, startle the child."

Get up, put the sleeping child into the bedroom, and then say, "I don't think you're in a hurry at all! You don't care too much about the red pink turning into a mistress"

"Where do you see that I am not in a hurry?"

"If you were really in a hurry, you would have already thought of a way to find someone, and you still have the mind to find me here for a drink?"

(End of this chapter)

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