Chapter 280

Maybe Xia Yumo was right, whether it was a misunderstanding, helplessness or other difficulties, if you miss it, you miss it.

But, why do I still cling to some shadows of the past and refuse to let go completely?

"I'm here to surprise you"

Seeing Xia Yumo's gesture of not being surprised by her arrival, and the appearance of having completely forgotten the previous unhappiness and planning to let it go, the expression in Ouyang Hanting's eyes changed several times. Finally, with a faint smile, he said such a sentence.

Xia Yumo paused for a moment because of his words, and continued to move forward. When she walked a step in front of him, she stopped and said with a smile, "What surprise?"

Ouyang Hanting's eyes narrowed, and his gaze calmly swept over Jiang Yihan behind Xia Yumo, and fell on Xia Yumo's body. His warm and cool eyes made her feel as if she was wrapped around her body by a snake.

As his gaze tightened inch by inch, she had the illusion that she was about to suffocate.

"you guess?"

Raising eyebrows, those two simple words made Xia Yumo's heart skip a beat.

This kind of beating is not a heartbeat, but a shock!
He saw the blackness in his eyes as thick as ink, as if he was about to swallow something.

The next moment, she suddenly stepped forward, stretched her arms around Ouyang Hanting's waist, and hugged him tightly together with his arms in his pockets.

"I guess you came to pick me up. It's Christmas."

Ouyang Hanting was hugged by Xia Yumo, his eyes became colder, and his face became colder.

Feeling Ouyang Hanting's icy gaze, Xia Yumo squeezed her arms slightly, hugging Ouyang Hanting even tighter.

The two fell into a silent confrontation.

After a while, Ouyang suddenly smiled and stretched out one hand, while the other was still in his pocket.

Touching Xia Yumo's hair, he raised his lips and smiled, but the smile was always on the corner of his mouth, but the look in his eyes became colder and colder.

"You're right, I did come to pick you up. Today, it's Christmas, why don't you accompany me well, but come to have a tryst with your ex-boyfriend?"

Hearing his words, Xia Yumo trembled slightly, and managed to keep her smile, "In this case, let's go, it's very cold here, it's boring to stay here."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Ouyang Hanting and wanted to go down the mountain.

Ouyang Hanting stood still, his eyes swept over Jiang Yihan again.

At that moment, she once again felt the fierce murderous aura from Ouyang Hanting.

Almost subconsciously, she hugged his other arm tightly, fearing that as soon as that arm was pulled out, Jiang Yihan's life would be killed immediately.

Although she has never seen Ouyang Hanting kill someone, whether it is out of intuition or what she has heard about Ouyang Hanting before, she is sure that as long as Ouyang Hanting wants Jiang Yihan's life, then he Even if it is a life-saving cat demon, it is not enough to harm Ouyang Hanting.

Just because she doesn't love Jiang Yihan doesn't mean she can tolerate Ouyang Hanting killing him.


She looked up, with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

Ouyang Hanting's pupils shrank, almost gnashing his teeth, "Okay, let's go down the mountain!"

After speaking, the outstretched hand wrapped around Xia Yumo's waist instead, then turned and walked down the mountain.

Xia Yumo only felt that her waist was about to be strangled into two by Ouyang Hanting.

But she knew very well that at this moment, Ouyang Hanting was in a fit of anger, and one accidentally offended him, either throwing her down, or turning back to kill Jiang Yihan.

So, despite the pain, she endured it silently.

(End of this chapter)

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