Chapter 281 Features
The mountain road is so long, with more than 700 steps, Ouyang Hanting didn't even stop, he half dragged and half hugged Xia Yumo down, and he didn't feel short of breath.

It once again proved that Ouyang Hanting's physical fitness is amazing.

At the foot of the mountain, Ouyang Hanting's car was parked next to the stairs, only a few steps away.

But instead of letting go of Xia Yumo, he dragged her over and stuffed her into the car like a sack.

Then he walked quickly to the other side and sat on it!


The driver had been with Ouyang Hanting for so many years, he naturally sensed that Ouyang Hanting's aura was not right, he swallowed secretly, and asked very carefully, "Boss, where are we going?"

Ouyang Hanting's eyes were as cold as ice, and he shot at the driver.

The driver only felt that he was almost impaled.

Fortunately, Ouyang is not a person who loses his temper, so he replied coldly, "Dynasty"

This answer not only froze, even Xia Yumo was startled, and suddenly turned to look at Ouyang Hanting.

Pursing the corners of her lips, she asked after a while, "Aren't we... going home?"

Ouyang Hanting didn't even look at her, pretending he didn't hear her.

The look of turning a blind eye to her made her understand that if she continued to ask, she might be thrown out of the car window by him.

Simply do not ask.

At the gate of the Dynasty, the doorman stood upright.

From the outside, apart from the luxurious facade, there are only two figures of doormen, and basically no one can be seen.

However, occasionally driving in and out of the underground car park for luxury cars makes it easy for people to guess what kind of people can afford it.

As soon as he arrived at the place, Xia Yumo was pulled out of the car by Ouyang Hanting arbitrarily, and was dragged inside in a stumbling manner.

Xia Yumo didn't like this kind of place, but she had to come because she offended Ouyang Hanting today.

She was a little nervous, not knowing what program Ouyang Hanting would arrange for her today.

Inside Dynasty, it was more special than any entertainment place Xia Yumo had ever been to.

The place she thought would be noisy, turned out to be very quiet after entering.

However, the area of ​​the separated rooms inside is several times that of private rooms in other entertainment venues.

Ouyang Hanting didn't give her time to look around, and directly dragged her into the elevator.

Xia Yumo couldn't keep up, and finally couldn't help but say, "Let me go, I'll go by myself."

Ouyang Hanting suddenly turned his head, poking at her with a sword in his eyes, "If you dare to say one more word, I will make you regret it immediately!"

Xia Yumo was stunned by his rolling and suppressed anger, and was speechless in a daze.

She was taken into the northernmost room.

As soon as she entered the room, she was stunned by the scene inside.

Inside the room, it turned out to be a small world.

It's almost like a miniature bar, with everything in it.

She suddenly understood, perhaps... One of the unique features of this dynasty is that it has concentrated the essence of many entertainment venues in different rooms according to the needs of different customer groups.

For example, this room, although it is a miniature entertainment venue, has everything, but because Ouyang Hanting needs personal needs, so, apart from the bartender and all the service staff, the pure guests are only Ouyang Hanting and her. Two people.

As soon as he entered the door, Ouyang Hanting let go of her, and strode towards the bar, "Bring out all your special services."

The person who looked like a bartender seemed to glance at Xia Yumo, then nodded to Ouyang Hanting, turned around and walked away from the door behind the bar.

After a while, a row of people came out from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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