Chapter 299
"You pretend less, you are so rich, and you still cry poor, the value of any thing on your body is enough for poor people like us to eat for a year and a half, okay?"

Hearing what Xia Yumo meant, Ou Jun didn't want to take him in, so he immediately took off his coat and shook it in front of Xia Yumo, "Good sister, open your eyes and take a closer look, this is a high-quality imitation, high-quality Is the imitation good? Carefully selected on the street stall!"

Xia Yumo saw that he was only wearing a short t-shirt, and after taking off his coat, the t-shirt was fluttering in the cold wind, making his seemingly thin body feel like he was going to fly, so of course he didn't care. Going to research whether the coat is a replica, he waved it away immediately, frowned and stared at Ou Jun, "Put it on quickly, do you want to freeze to death?!"

"Of course I don't want to!" Ou Jun not only didn't put it on, but also trembled in front of Xia Yumo's eyes, "But it's not bad if you really have a cold or something, and it's just right to blackmail you. At that time, there will be food, clothes and someone to wait on you." , how cool it is!"

This time, not only Xia Yumo, but even Lin Jieer was black, and she gritted her teeth and said, "You are so black-bellied! But let me say something ugly, you are really sick, not only do we not care about food, drink and serving You, will throw you out of the door directly, let you fend for yourself! I want you to be my younger brother because I want to find a free labor force, why not?!"

Xia Yumo rubbed her forehead after listening to Lin Jieer's words, who is more black-bellied? !
Look, what kind of people are there around here!
The three talked and laughed all the way to Lin Jieer's house.

Because there are more people, the house has become much more lively, that is, just a few minutes after entering the door, the sleeping baby woke up.

Xia Yumo and Lin Jie'er were busy in the kitchen and couldn't spare their hands, so the heavy responsibility of coaxing the doll naturally fell on Ou Jun.

Ou Jun himself is still a childlike innocence, he doesn't know how to coax the child at all, he cries while holding the child horizontally, and still cries when holding the child vertically.

In the end, he simply lifted his feet and played with Fuchsia!

This time the child seems to have found a new way to play, giggling happily.

When Xia Yumo and Lin Jieer came out of the kitchen, they saw Ou Jun holding the child's feet, and the child was dangling in the air like a bat, so frightened that his soul almost flew away.

Lin Jieer flew over, hugged the child in her arms, and stared at Ou Jun, "Ou Shuai, do you take care of the child like this?"

Ou Jun saw that Lin Jieer, who had been laughing and joking all the time, had a serious face, and knew that his way of coaxing the child was probably wrong, so he scratched the back of his head, "No matter how I coaxed him, he would cry, and I just made him laugh like this, I thought he liked it."

Seeing that the child was not uncomfortable, Lin Jieer sighed, "I really want to carry you upside down for a few times to see if you are comfortable?"

Ou Jun was a little aggrieved, "If you can mention it, I have no objection."

Lin Jie'er immediately turned black!
Who the hell is this Ou Jun? When coaxing people, he can make you lose your way, and when he's angry, he can really make people vomit blood!

Xia Yumo came over, pulled Ou Jun directly into the kitchen, "Go in and look at the stewed pig's trotters inside, turn off the fire in half an hour, and bring it down!"

Ou Jun looked at Xia Yumo pitifully, "I don't know how to do this, you watch with me." He stretched out his hand and pulled Xia Yumo into the kitchen.

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, "You really are a young master who stretches out his clothes and opens his mouth to eat!"

"How do you know that there is such a poor young master as me?"

Xia Yumo snorted, and looked at him sideways, "Don't be sloppy with me, do you think my eyes are made of glass beads? You want to say that the ones on my body are all counterfeit? I can't even tell the real from the fake! "

(End of this chapter)

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