Chapter 300 Treasure Her
After all, he has been immersed in Ouyang Hanting's side for two years, and he can't be said to be an expert in distinguishing gemstones and luxury goods, but he is absolutely [-]% sure that he will not miss them.

Thinking of Ouyang Hanting, she felt a pain in her heart, she couldn't help but frowned, and shut up.

As if caught in some kind of thoughts, unable to extricate themselves.

Ou Jun also calmed down strangely, staring at Xia Yumo's dazed face intently, then suddenly asked, "Is it so important that Ouyang Hanting is in your heart?"

Xia Yumo pursed her lips subconsciously, and suddenly woke up for a moment, her eyes shrouded in Ou Jun's body.

"Do you know Ouyang Hanting? Do you know about him?" Xia Yumo was suddenly very excited, and asked Ou Jun's hand obsessively.

Ou Jun froze for a moment, his eyebrows twitched slightly, he was silent for a while, and said, "How did I know him, let alone know about him, didn't it mean that he was killed in the bombing in the Dynasty tragedy?"

The expectations in Xia Yumo's eyes were suddenly shattered, turning into a deadly despair.

After a while, as if thinking of something, he suddenly asked, "No, if you don't know him, why did you suddenly ask me like that just now?!"

Ou Jun choked for a moment, as if he didn't expect Xia Yumo to react so quickly.

After two or three seconds of silence, he said, "When you were drunk that time, you kept grabbing me and calling Ouyang Hanting's name. I'm not a fool, and I can guess that you have an unusual relationship with Ouyang Hanting. Shouldn't you Could it be... that Xia Yumo, right? I've been hearing your grandmother call you Momo, it seems that Ouyang Hanting's wife is called Xia Yumo."

Xia Yumo suddenly lost her voice, like a dead tree suddenly regaining its vitality and suddenly withering.

Seeing her situation, Ou Jun frowned indistinctly, the light and shadow in his eyes changed, he didn't know what he was thinking.

It took a while to hear Xia Yumo saying to herself, "Yeah, he is so important, but... when he was around, I didn't know how to cherish it at all. Until the last moment, I was still arguing with him." temper."

Maybe it was because the person was gone, so she only remembered the kindness of that person, but forgot how hurtful what that person said at that time.

In the end, I still love more, so the loss will hurt my heart.

Ou Jun seems to be the first time to see a woman so painful and sad for a man.

He suddenly didn't know what to say.

Speaking of which, he and Xia Yumo met only twice in the real sense, and the first time was at the bar mentioned in the conversation.

Xia Yumo was drunk, grabbed him and called Ouyang Hanting's name, hugged him desperately, and kept saying things like "Don't go, don't leave me".

Another time, and now.

Xia Yumo, who was drunk, seemed to be condensed from pain, and anyone close to her would be uncontrollably infected by her pain.

And Xia Yumo, who was awake, was agile, with a sense of vicissitudes.

If it weren't for the current emotions that revealed the dead pain in her heart, then no one would have noticed that she had experienced life and death.

What a contradictory person, thrown in the crowd, you may not spot her at a glance, but as long as you notice her, you can't look away.

Just like a pearl covered in dust, as long as you carefully wipe off the layer of dust on the surface, you will find that she is so dazzling, so people can't take their eyes off.

The feeling of being unable to let go, uncontrollable concern, uncontrollable attraction, wanting to be nice to her, wanting to cherish her is really a strange feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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