Chapter 301
In the kitchen, it became very quiet for a moment, only the boiling pig's trotter soup in the pot made the sound of "嗤嗤嗤嗤".

"If" Ou Jun said suddenly, "I mean, if Ouyang Hanting is still alive, but he doesn't want you anymore, what will you do?"

Xia Yumo froze for a moment when the voice sounded abruptly, as if she didn't understand what Ou Jun said.

It took a while to react, and shook his head, "No, he won't."

"So sure?"

"Yes, that's for sure. He won't want me."

If he could really abandon her, he wouldn't risk his life to protect her!

In this life, she will never doubt him again!
After hearing Xia Yumo's reply, Ou Jun suddenly fell silent. Maybe he would not have abandoned you, even if he lost his life.

But what if he has forgotten you?
Ou Jun naturally didn't say such a thing.

He knew that this kind of result was too cruel for Xia Yumo.

He was unwilling to show her this kind of cruelty, so he chose to remain silent.

After having a full meal, Ou Jun didn't really stay by their side but left soon.

When I walked to the fork in the square, I answered a phone call. As soon as I got through, a woman's voice shouted through the microphone.

"Ouyang Jun, are you dead outside! I called you several times and didn't answer, and I can't find anyone anywhere!"

"You just died! Ouyang Jingxian, when will you be a lady! Be careful no man wants it!"

"It's not your turn to worry about this, get out of here quickly! The old man can't find you, he's on fire, why should I suffer for you!"

After finishing speaking, I quickly hung up the phone!
Ouyang Jun looked at the phone in his hand, paused before putting it in his pocket.

one year later.

Xia Yumo carried a large stack of documents and distributed them to various desks. She checked the time, it was 25:5 in the afternoon, and there were still [-] minutes to get off work.

Admiring how quickly he finished his work, he returned to his seat to pack up his things and prepare to leave work.

At this moment, all the female employees in the office area came to the window, and the originally quiet office area suddenly became lively.

Female staff, you speak to each other.

"Look, that handsome guy is here again!"

"Yes, yes, I don't know who will pick up our company!"

"Oh, no matter who it is, we have no part anyway!"

"Tsk tsk, if you pick me up, I will pass out from happiness!"

"You, try to have a good pregnancy in your next life!"

Xia Yumo was just one step away from the window, and when she heard the chattering of the female compatriots, she turned her head and glanced out the window.

At this look, I almost jumped!
Outside, a man in a red shirt was leaning on a bright red sports car, ostentatiously poking there, without the slightest intention of showing off his wealth!

Staring at the black lines all over her head, Xia Yumo decided to take a detour!

Thinking that today is the day when the company headquarters comes down for inspection, there should be no one behind, and everyone ran to the front to see the group boss who is said to be extremely handsome.

If you slipped through the back door 2 minutes earlier, it shouldn't be a big problem!

After making up her mind, Xia Yumo immediately put it into practice, packed her satchel, carried her coat, and walked quickly to the back door, not even taking the elevator, and went directly to the stairs.

When she got down, she called Lin Jie'er and asked her to swipe her card during off-duty hours.

She and Lin Jie'er work in the same company. Speaking of which, the company's treatment is very good, and there is an internal childcare area.

When they were admitted, they were all excited for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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