Chapter 317
Although all her performances were just right, the phalanges of her fingers turned white.

This is not at all like the reaction you should have when you see a stranger.

He didn't poke at Dai Lisi, "Maybe. Since we don't know each other, we don't need to bother."

Hearing what Ouyang Hanting said, Dai Lisi breathed a sigh of relief, and her heart returned to its place instantly.

He really forgot about Xia Yumo!so far so good!
If he still had the slightest impression of Xia Yumo... Then, she would have to act ahead of time and wipe out the roots!
It doesn't matter what the agreement with someone was!

Everything must be based on your own interests. After weighing the pros and cons, of course you must choose the one that is most beneficial to you!
"Well, let's go and sit over there."

If she knew that Xia Yumo was here, she wouldn't say anything on a whim, and she would have to drag Ouyang Hanting to the staff cafeteria for lunch!

Here, Xia Yumo had already regained her composure, she withdrew her gaze and ate quietly.

Lin Jieer sat back facing Xia Yumo again, but her eyes were still full of concern and worry for Xia Yumo.

After a while, Xia Yumo looked up at Lin Jie'er and smiled slightly, "Jie'er, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine, even the news of his death didn't knock me down, so what if he lost his memory ?As long as you are alive, there is hope."

Hearing what she said, Lin Jie'er stared at her for a while, and felt relieved when she saw that there was nothing unusual about her.

"It's best for you to think like this. I think Ouyang Hanting loves you so much, and he will think of you one day. Don't be too sad, and don't give up easily. Remember, I will always be by your side and support you!"

Xia Yumo smiled and nodded heavily.

She felt that God still cared for her very much, even though it gave her many hardships, but gave her such a good friend as Lin Jie'er.

When she was saddest and saddest, Lin Jieer was always by her side to support and encourage her.

During this period of time, the two of them have encouraged and supported each other. Today, the deep friendship has prevented them from expressing their gratitude with polite words like thank you.

In the afternoon, Xia Yumo was still busy fighting with the pile of materials.

Maybe when you are busy, you always feel that time flies by, and in a blink of an eye, it is already time to get off work.

Because there was still a backlog of work on hand, Xia Yumo stayed and continued to work overtime.

It wasn't until the lights came on that the work she was doing came to an end. She was so tired that she leaned directly on the chair, and didn't even bother to open her eyes.

At this time, the office area was empty, only she was there.

I don't know how long I closed my eyes and rested, it seemed that I fell asleep and then I didn't.

When she thought of the growl in her stomach, she realized that it was time to leave.

She suddenly opened her eyes and planned to leave, but the moment she opened her eyes, she gasped!

There was an extra person in front of her, who was leaning against the corner of the desk next to her with her arms folded, looking down at her from above, with scrutiny and inquiry in her deep eyes.

The thick black and slender eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and the moment she opened her eyes, the eyebrows immediately stretched, and the eyes looking at her immediately became calm and indifferent.

" are you here?"

Turning his head to look out the window, it was already dark outside, and he didn't know the exact time.

"I was going to leave, but I found that the lights in the office were still on. I thought there was a thief, so I came over to have a look."

Ouyang Hanting took it for granted, still in that leisurely posture.

(End of this chapter)

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