Chapter 318
Seeing Ouyang Hanting at this time, Xia Yumo felt mixed emotions in her heart, and she couldn't describe in words whether she was more sad, hurt, or more joyful and surprised.

Just after hearing what he said, the corners of his mouth raised coldly, "Really? So you thought it was a thief. However, the thief in your consciousness is too arrogant, you dare to turn on the light even if you steal something. I have never I have seen such a blatant thief."

Ouyang Hanting was not angry when he heard this, he seemed to think about it and raised his eyebrows, "There are many such thieves."

Xia Yumo got up, tidied up her desk and was about to leave. Hearing what he said, her hands paused for a moment before continuing, but she didn't look at him, and just asked casually, "Oh, what thief is so flamboyant, I'm very interested to hear Listen, and learn a lot by the way."

If there are really such arrogant thieves, it is estimated that the term guilty conscience will not be used in the future.

"Heart Thief"

Ouyang Hanting said with a little playfulness, his eyes looking at Xia Yumo at this time were a little darker and darker.

In fact, he came here on purpose. At this time, he didn't expect Xia Yumo to be still in the office, but she was actually there.

Ever since he lost his memory, he has always been guarded and alienated when getting along with others, keeping a distance neither far nor close.

Even for the family members, including Ouyang Yinuo.

This kind of vigilance and alienation seems to be innate, and it cannot be changed or abandoned.

Xia Yumo was the first person he felt wanted to know and get close to. Getting along with her gave her a sense of comfort, and she would involuntarily relax.

Intellectually, he knew that this kind of relaxation was actually very dangerous, but somehow, he just wanted to get close to her.

The greater the number of contacts, the stronger this impulse will be.

Therefore, he was even more eager to know what kind of past they had.

At this moment, when he told Xia Yumo that heartthieves were the most arrogant, he wasn't just joking.

He felt that Xia Yumo had the potential to be a heart thief. At least after losing his memory, counting the meeting at this moment, he had only met Xia Yumo four times.

He was so interested in four meetings without in-depth contact and conversation, and she was the first one.

Xia Yumo paused because he said the word "heart-stealer", and turned her head to look at Ouyang Hanting in a daze.

There was a bit of hope in that gaze, but unfortunately, she didn't find any desired information on Ouyang Hanting's face.

So that hope turned into gray disappointment, and the corners of his mouth raised in self-deprecating manner, "That's right, the heart thief is indeed arrogant, stealing people's hearts unknowingly, and has the capital to show off his power."

After speaking, he withdrew his eyes and filed the documents in his hands, locked the drawer, took the coat on the back of the chair and left.

At this time, she was very confused, because she still didn't know what kind of posture she should use to face Ouyang Hanting after amnesia.

He didn't even know how to face the fact that he had Dai Lisi by his side.

No matter how calm she looks on the surface, she has to admit that as long as she sees Ouyang dangling in front of her eyes, her heart hurts.

There is an urge to say everything in one go.

But she knew she couldn't do that.

If she really said it, then in Ouyang Hanting's eyes, she might become a lunatic.

A delusional crazy woman!

She is now a small employee, in front of Ouyang Hanting whose memory is blank, she is not his wife but an irrelevant stranger.

Just imagine, a stranger suddenly ran up to you and told you that you are husband and wife, how would you react?
The answer is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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