Chapter 324 He's Getting Married

Xia Yumo was extremely tired, her head was buzzing, she stretched out her hand and rubbed her forehead uncomfortablely, "It's up to you!"

Xia Yumo opened the door and walked in without any intention of letting Han Zirui in.

But Han Zirui was not polite at all, Shi Shiran followed Xia Yumo, Xia Yumo wanted to close the door, and others had already followed into the house.

It was impossible to drive him out again, so she simply left the door alone, walked directly to the sofa, and threw her coat and bag on the sofa.

Seeing this, Han Zirui raised his eyebrows, "It's still an old problem."

"I'm not as particular as you, and I'm not like a big boss like you. There are a lot of people waiting for you at home, and everything is tidy."

Xia Yumo said coldly, and directly took a cup to pour water for herself.

Han Zirui was not angry either, and sat directly on the sofa, picked up Xia Yumo's clothes, folded them neatly and put them aside skillfully.

Xia Yumo was not surprised by his behavior at all, because he often did this kind of thing.

After getting along for a year, she still knows him better.

Han Zirui is a very particular person, and he can't tolerate any flaws when it comes to clothing.In this respect, he is very similar to Ouyang Hanting.

It's just that Ouyang Hanting never arranges clothes by himself.

Sometimes, she often wonders, if she hadn't met Jiang Yihan or Ouyang Hanting, but met Han Zirui directly, would she have fallen in love with this person, would her life have become simpler? some.

But life has no ifs.

Moreover, she believed that without Ouyang Hanting, Han Zirui... wouldn't have noticed her at all.

In fact, until now, she felt that Han Zirui's pursuit of her was actually directly related to Ouyang Hanting.

"Then you marry me. If you marry me, what's mine is yours. Naturally, someone will tidy up your things."

Xia Yumo took a sip of water from her cup and looked at him, "I wouldn't sell myself just for the benefit of having a servant to take care of me, that would be too cheap."

Han Zirui shook his head disapprovingly, "The advantage of you marrying me is definitely not the benefit of being served by a servant, is it? You see, the servant's service is only the most insignificant benefit. First of all, there is my service, and secondly , everything about me is yours. Again, I will unconditionally support whatever you want..."

Han Zirui began to show Xia Yumo the many advantages of marrying him, and he explained everything in an orderly and logical manner.

Xia Yumo didn't interrupt, after a long time, she pushed a glass of boiled water in front of Han Zirui, "Drink water"

"I'm not thirsty"

"You're thirsty. After talking endlessly for half an hour, how could you not be thirsty?"

Han Zirui smiled, "So I've been talking for so long, then, what did you think about what I said, did it impress you?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't listen to any of it." Speaking of which, she shrugged her shoulders to express her helplessness, "Ouyang is still alive, you know"

"It's because he's still alive, but he doesn't remember you." Speaking of this, Han Zirui's expression was still warm, and his tone of voice was even gentle.

But what he said was extremely cruel to Xia Yumo, "You know, in a few days, it will be the day when Ouyang Hanting and Dai Lisi get married. The marriage between the Ouyang family and the Dai family is inevitable. Okay, even if Ouyang Hanting remembered you right away, it is impossible for you to regret the marriage with Dai Lisi."

Xia Yumo suddenly froze there, staring fixedly at Han Zirui, as if struck by lightning, dumbstruck.

(End of this chapter)

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