Chapter 325 Too Thick Skin
The smile on Han Zirui's face sank, but it didn't disappear. It still looked like that smile, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"It seems that you don't know that Ouyang Hanting and Dai Lisi are going to get married."

I don't know, yeah, I really don't know.

It turned out that they were already getting married.

If they are really married, then what is she?

A second cousin, a joke?

Han Zirui silently watched Xia Yumo's pained expression, watched her fingers clenched and then loosened, loosened and clenched again.

"Momo" Han Zirui's eyes revealed a look of pain, "I know he is very important to you, and I know that you are not reconciled and cannot accept it. But, how do you make a person who has lost his memory accept your existence again?"

Xia Yumo bit her lip, stared at Han Zirui, and suddenly sneered, "Han Zirui, even if I don't get back together with him, I won't be with you, so don't waste your affection on me."

The smile on Han Zirui's face remained the same, but his eyes darkened a lot, "I won't give up, no matter how much you refuse, it won't stop me from loving you."

In Han Zirui's dictionary, as far as sincerity is concerned, gold and stone can be separated, and the emperor will not disappoint those who work hard.

Xia Yumo restrained her expression and responded calmly, "Whether I accept it or not is my business, and whether I love it or not is your business. Just remember, I won't change my mind."

The corners of Han Zirui's eyes twitched, and he admitted that when he first came into contact with Xia Yumo, he deliberately played with ambiguity, and indeed a large part of it was to anger Ouyang Hanting.

But in the year since Ouyang Hanting disappeared, he still couldn't forget Xia Yumo.

No matter which layer of personality appeared, his attachment to Xia Yumo remained the same, which surprised him.

But he did enjoy the feeling of pursuing Xia Yumo, even if she refused to dodge, he would always find a way to entangle her.

Make it impossible for her to completely hate him and avoid him.

"As long as you don't stop me from pursuing you, that's fine." Han Zirui said with a look of contentment.

Xia Yumo was too lazy to entangle with him anymore, and said wearily, "It's getting late, you go back, I'm very tired today, I want to rest early."

Hearing this, Han Zirui raised his hand and looked at his watch, it was 09:30 in the evening.

He raised his head and raised his eyebrows, "Have you not had dinner yet?"

He knew that Xia Yumo definitely didn't have dinner.

"nothing dealing with you."

Xia Yumo said coldly.

"It doesn't matter, if you starve to death, who will I pursue?"

Han Zirui smiled and had a warm expression, but his words were extremely venomous.

Xia Yumo's face turned pale, she turned around abruptly, and glared at Han Zirui angrily, as if she really wanted to tear him apart.

Seeing this, Han Zirui's smile widened, "You still have the strength to get angry. It looks like you're really fine. But, you're not hungry, I'm hungry."

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the kitchen without looking outside.

Xia Yumo froze for a moment, then chased after her, "What are you doing?"

"Cook and eat."

Han Zirui said.

"This is my home!"

Xia Yumo reminded loudly that sometimes, Han Zirui's face was too thick.

"Yeah, it's your home, and I didn't say it was mine!"

"So, if you want to eat, go back to your own home to eat. I have no obligation to control your food and drink!"

Han Zirui's smile didn't change, "You also ate, drank and stayed at my place for free several times, so there's nothing wrong with me having a meal at your place. Besides, I'm still cooking myself."

It was hard for Xia Yumo to imagine that a person like Han Zirui could actually cook.

However, surprises were surprises, and she did not compromise.

(End of this chapter)

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