Chapter 328 Dual Personality
"So, you must eat."

"Why don't I eat it?"

Xia Yumo's chest was full of anger, and she resisted the attack, but asked coldly.

She was not willing to come to this meal, but he insisted on bringing her here.What else did she say that she didn't eat and just sat and watched him eat.

Now at the restaurant, he has to change his mind again, which is really hateful.

Hearing Xia Yumo's question, Han Zirui scanned his surroundings, and many people's eyes fell on them.

Most of them are women, and a small number of men.

"I don't mind feeding you myself, as long as you're not ashamed to be watched by so many people."

Xia Yumo was about to have a fit when the waiter brought up the red wine.

It's top Lafite.

Han Zirui opened the bottle gracefully and skillfully, poured the red wine into the decanter, took out two goblets from the tray, poured some in each, and pushed one of the glasses to Xia Yumo.

"If you are in a bad mood, you can drink some wine in moderation. It is not to let you get drunk, but just to relax your mood. Many things, no matter how difficult or sad, should not be backlogged in your heart. Proper venting can make you feel better. People are strong and cheer up.”

Speaking of which, he held the goblet, shook the red wine in the glass slightly, and then took a sip.

Just a sip.

As if savoring the taste and thinking about memories, he didn't look at Xia Yumo, but turned his head to look at the night outside the window.

Xia Yumo was surprised that he would say such a serious thing.

Very simple exhortation, but extraordinarily loyal and calm.

He spoke in such a solemn tone, with a cautious and earnest attitude, that Xia Yumo would not be able to flare up again.

He listened to the words and understood the truth.

It's really hard to do it.

With a bitter smile, Xia Yumo didn't intend to resist the dinner any longer, and took a sip of the red wine. The difference was that she took a big sip, which couldn't be called a boozy drink, but she definitely didn't mean to taste wine.

When it comes to wine, she is a layman at all. She often drinks beer. To her, those high-end wines are no different from beer except for the taste.

"It's very simple to say, but it's very difficult to actually do it. I also want to make myself less sad, and I also want to be a strong Xiaoqiang, no matter what difficulties or situations I encounter, I can be alive and kicking." The smile is more bitter and more Sarcastically, "But, Xiaoqiang, it's not easy to do. I didn't know it before, but now I realize that to be Xiaoqiang requires a lot of capital."

Han Zirui couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "It's true, Xiaoqiang is not easy to do. But I believe you can do it." Slightly suppressed his smile, his voice became a little longer, "I have dual personalities, because I was too unhappy at that time. I will distract my emotions, and it becomes like this over time. Sometimes, it’s really troublesome. Sometimes, I feel that it’s actually not bad.”

Xia Yumo was stunned, as if she didn't expect him to mention his dual personality so calmly.

He always thought that for Han Zirui's main personality, the existence of a sub-personality was always a blemish.

Seeing Xia Yumo's reaction, Han Zirui knew what she was thinking.This woman's thoughts are often written on her face, making it easy for people to see through.

I was still a little happy in my heart, because she was scrutinizing her own feelings, and suddenly felt warm and soft. That feeling made him smile more sincerely, instead of hanging on his face to confuse people eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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