Chapter 329 An awkward position

"Actually, before I met you, I was really annoyed by my dual personality. But after I met you, when I chased you and forced you to pester you, looking back now, I feel very fulfilled." He hated Everything I did when my sub-personality appeared, and when my master personality returns, I always feel like a fool, rogue and reckless, and every sentence I do is pleasing to the eye. Every word spoken is heard in every sentence.

Every time I come back from the main personality state, I have to worry about the words and deeds during the time when the secondary personality appeared for a long time.

But after Xia Yumo appeared, he felt very gratified by the domineering pursuit and entanglement of his secondary personality, and even the overlord's strength.

The sub-personality has done things that would not be done or allowed to be done in the state of the master personality.For the first time, he didn't feel annoyed and angry because of what the sub-personality did. Instead, he felt elated and praised.

Xia Yumo heard the explosion of the small universe, regardless of the occasion, regardless of Han Zirui's current state, raised her foot under the table and kicked Han Zirui.

There is absolutely no appeasement and ambiguity in this kick.

However, Han Zirui's muffled snort didn't appear as expected, because he quickly dodged away, and Xia Yumo kicked it hard.

It was nothing at all, but Xia Yumo kicked so hard that she leaned forward and swung the table around, shaking the red wine out of the glass.

Cups and plates collided, making a crisp and piercing sound.

In this kind of high-end restaurant, the voices of the diners are relatively low when they talk, so the voices here are extraordinarily loud.

The surrounding eyes were successfully attracted, and they all looked at their table in surprise.

And the red wine spilled on the table flowed down the tablecloth and directly onto Xia Yumo's body, the position...was quite embarrassing.

When Xia Yumo realized that the red wine had spilled on the crotch of her slacks, she wanted to kill her.

What's the difference between that and shooting yourself in the foot?
Depressedly froze, he quickly wiped off the wine with a napkin, but it still left glaring marks on the light-colored slacks.

Xia Yumo blushed, feeling a little helpless.

Han Zirui saw that Xia Yumo didn't look up for a long time, got up and wanted to go to help, but Xia Yumo quickly raised her head, looked at him and said, "Sit there, don't move!"

Han Zirui raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, his eyes were full of doubts, "What?"

Xia Yumo blushed even more, "Anyway, don't move!"

If he saw it, would he laugh at her to death secretly? !
She didn't want to see him look proud!

Sitting stiffly for a long time, feeling unbearably uncomfortable, looking around, everyone has looked away, slightly relieved, she said awkwardly, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

Then he almost trotted to the women's bathroom.

Han Zirui looked at Xia Yumo's back, even though she was covering up and moving quickly, she still didn't escape Han Zirui's eyes.

Resisting the urge to laugh out loud, she raised the corners of her mouth, shook her head helplessly, and then dialed a phone number.

As soon as the phone was connected, he said directly to the other side, "Prepare a set of women's clothing."

Something seemed to be said over there, Han Zirui thought for a while, and then said, "Let's put on a dress, and add a coat by the way..."

Then he reported a set of sizes accurately, then hung up the phone, poured another glass of red wine for himself, and tasted wine in a good mood while admiring the night view.

(End of this chapter)

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