Chapter 330 Misunderstanding
In the women's bathroom, Xia Yumo looked at the red wine stains on her crotch and wanted to cry.

Drinking is better anywhere than here.How can you meet people like this now!
She covered her face in depression, there was nothing she could do.

He took out his mobile phone and looked through his contacts. It seemed that there was no better way than to call Lin Jieer for help.

But Lin Jie'er is too far away, the far water can't save the near fire!
You can only wipe off the traces of the wine with paper towels as much as possible.

She was extremely sad and angry, thinking that every time she came into contact with Han Zirui, nothing good would happen.

After cleaning up in the bathroom for nearly half an hour, the situation is still a bit horrible.

And Han Zirui seemed worried, so he called her a few times.

She was very angry, and the result was that she didn't answer any of them, and asked him to call her if she wanted to.

It was about 45 minutes into the women's bathroom before she had to come out. It was humiliating anyway, and the next time Han Zirui dared to force her to come out again, she would kill him!
While making up her mind viciously, she walked out of the bathroom with the courage of a strong man breaking his wrist.

As soon as she went out, she heard someone talking on the phone. The voice was all too familiar to her.

Looking back, Jiang Yihan was also hanging up the phone to look over.

Both of them were stunned.

It has been less than half a year since the last time they met. City A said it was big or small, and it was here that they met for the first time in half a year.

"What a coincidence."

Jiang Yihan recovered first and said.

Xia Yumo nodded, "Yes, what a coincidence."

Maybe it was really letting go. Seeing Jiang Yihan, Xia Yumo's heart no longer fluctuated. The feeling for Jiang Yihan was like seeing an old friend.

The expression in Jiang Yihan's eyes fluctuated a little, but they all returned to calm in the end.

Looking at Xia Yumo, when his eyes swept over her pants, he was stunned for a moment.

Xia Yumo noticed his expression, blushed in embarrassment, and explained, "I accidentally spilled red wine on my pants."

When Jiang Yihan heard this, something flickered in his usually indifferent eyes, and he looked away unnaturally, and murmured, "It turns out that this is too easy to be misunderstood."

After speaking, he immediately realized that saying this would embarrass Xia Yumo, so he coughed dryly, "I'll ask someone to bring you a suit."

Xia Yumo's heart moved for a moment, but thinking of the past of the two of them, she finally shook her head, "No need, it's nothing."

Jiang Yihan wanted to say something more, but his eyes suddenly fixed, and then he showed an expression of disbelief, and looked straight behind Xia Yumo.

Noticing the change in his expression, Xia Yumo looked behind him suspiciously, was also taken aback for a moment, then frowned, her face became cold, but a look of entanglement and pain flashed in her eyes.

"Ouyang Hanting, you... are still alive!"

Jiang Yihan opened his mouth first.

Ouyang Hanting's eyes were originally on Xia Yumo, but he was a little surprised when he heard Jiang Yihan call out his name. After seeing Jiang Yihan, his eyes sank.

He was sure that he didn't have this man in his memory, but this man called out his name, and from the look on his face, he clearly knew him...

Moreover, with just one glance, he felt that he didn't like this person from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of dislike is strange.

He knew that he was never the kind of person who would decide whether he liked someone or not based on a first impression.

His eyes turned away from Jiang Yihan and fell on Xia Yumo, with a hint of deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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