Chapter 335 Injury
"No!" She wanted to shake her head, but Ouyang Hanting let go of her lips and pinched her chin.

"Why not? Don't you always like to seduce people? It's fine if you seduce me. There's another one in front of the bathroom door. That's not counting. There's also a well-dressed one sitting on the dining table... Does Ah Jun know about all this? Tell me, if She knows that you are such a slutty person...would she still like you? "

Seeing Xia Yumo's eyes widen, with obvious fear and sadness in his eyes, he thought it was because his threats had worked.

Not only did I not feel happy in my heart, but even more panicked.

And this kind of heart block made him feel a suffocating pain, and he urgently needed to vent it!
For him, the wide-eyed, frightened and pitiful woman in front of him is naturally the best object to vent!

The next moment, under Xia Yumo's terrified gaze, a devilish smile appeared...

There is a kind of injury that comes from the person you love the most, even if it is not from the original intention, even if you know it is excusable, you still cannot accept it and cannot forgive it.

Because the hurt is there, the pain is there too.

Pain doesn't go away because of extenuating circumstances.

In the dark corner, under the misty vision, the swinging lights shattered before her eyes, Xia Yumo felt like a driftwood in the waves, being lifted up and fell down again and again on the cusp of the waves.

Every time I felt that I was going to be smashed to pieces, that I was going to die in pain, but every time I was still alive, I found that I was still breathing, and I was still lingering in a dark and deserted corner.

I don't know how long it took, the devil who seemed insatiable was finally satisfied.

Then he trapped her against the wall, breathing heavily.

And she was like a crushed doll, her eyes were empty and her face was stained with tears.

There were new bloodstains on the corner of her lips, it was because she bit her lower lip forbearing him time and time again.

Afterwards, Ouyang Hanting's emotions completely calmed down. Seeing that the person in his arms was hollowed out and crushed, he was stunned for a moment, and a feeling of regret and distress surged up, and he was a little at a loss for a while.

I wanted to say something, but I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

He himself didn't expect to do such a thing that was inferior to a beast in this kind of place in a fit of rage!
And the whole process, you will be so devoted, you will feel hearty and comfortable!

Xia Yumo suddenly pushed him away like clockwork, and timidly straightened her clothes.

"Ouyang Hanting, I hate you, I hate you!"

After gritting her teeth, she stumbled away in a panic.

It's just that she didn't go back to the restaurant, but ran directly down the walking stairs.

Ouyang Hanting was stunned, and after a while he came back to his senses, Xia Yumo had already run away without a trace.

After this incident, Xia Yumo didn't go to work for three consecutive days, and directly asked for sick leave with her boss.

Lin Jie'er heard that she was ill, so she ran to see her immediately.

When I entered the door, I was shocked to see her pale and thinner.

"Momo, how did you make it like this?!"

Xia Yumo smiled weakly, and sat on the sofa with her knees hugged, "It's nothing, I just feel tired and tired, and I can't figure out a lot of things, so I think about it again now. Maybe it was too exhausting of brain cells, so it became like this .”

Lin Jie'er heard this, looked at Xia Yumo seriously, and said seriously, "Is it related to Ouyang Hanting?"

Hearing the words Ouyang Hanting, Xia Yumo trembled instinctively.

His already pale face suddenly turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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