Chapter 336 Can't Persevere
Hearing the words Ouyang Hanting, Xia Yumo trembled instinctively.

His already pale face suddenly turned pale.


Seeing her reaction like this, Lin Jie'er couldn't help becoming worried.

Xia Yumo shrank into the corner of the sofa, her eyes were red, and she smiled miserably, "What should I do, Jie'er...I...I want to give up, I can't hold on anymore, what should I do?"

If it's only because of Dai Lisi, she can still insist and fight for it.

However, the sharp sword that hurt her was Ouyang Hanting, and it was in the most intolerable way!
Three years ago, he forced her and used all kinds of means to force her. She could put aside the past and love him, because at that time, although he was cruel and cruel, at least he didn't use such despicable words to hurt her.

Not to mention forcing her to do that kind of thing in such a beastly way in that public place, and this time...

The human heart is made of flesh, not steel or iron, and can withstand repeated injuries and tramples.

"What happened?"

Xia Yumo's reaction frightened Lin Jie'er, she quickly got up and sat next to Xia Yumo to comfort her.

But Xia Yumo seemed afraid of being touched, even if Lin Jieer wanted to hug her, she shrank and instinctively moved back.

Lin Jie'er's outstretched hand froze in the air, and she withdrew it for a moment, looking at Xia Yumo with a serious expression.

"Did someone do something to you? Han Zirui... or Ou Jun?"

She knew about Han Zirui and Ouyang Jun's pursuit of Xia Yumo.

At this time, apart from Han Zirui and Ou Jun, she didn't think about Ouyang Hanting because she felt that according to the current situation, it was impossible for Ouyang Hanting and Xia Yumo to have that kind of relationship.

Given her eight brains, she would never have imagined that Ouyang Hanting would do such beastly things to Xia Yumo in that kind of place.

So when Xia Yumo spoke intermittently, Lin Jie'er immediately exploded, greeted all [-] generations of Ouyang Hanting's ancestors, and shouted to find Ouyang Hanting to clarify.

"Jie'er, don't go!"

Xia Yumo suddenly grabbed her and shook her head, "Don't go, I don't want to bring shame on myself. In his eyes, I am no longer his wife, but a good-for-nothing whore. Besides...he wants to marry Dai Liz, I don't want to embarrass myself any more."

If someone obstructs or hurts her, she can resist to the end.

Only Ouyang Hanting, she couldn't bear it and couldn't hold on anymore.

The more you love the person, the more you hurt.

Before she even started to fight, she was already killed by the person she loved deeply.

"Momo..." Lin Jieer looked at Xia Yumo distressedly, not knowing how to comfort her.

At this time, no matter what he said, he seemed so pale.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just a little uncomfortable right now, and I'll get better soon." Xia Yumo seemed to want to laugh, but she twitched the corners of her mouth and didn't laugh.

Lin Jie'er turned around and hugged Xia Yumo, but she cried even more sadly than Xia Yumo.

They are best friends, except for the two years when Xia Yumo married Ouyang Hanting quietly and lost track of them, they were almost inseparable.

Even the emotional setbacks and betrayals were so similar, Xia Yumo was first betrayed by Jiang Yihan, and now she was hurt by Ouyang Hanting.

Although she hadn't dated so many people herself, and there was only one Shao Kai from the beginning to the end, Shao Kai did not hurt her at all.

She gave Shao Kai's prodigal son a chance to turn around, and Shao Kai did turn around, but he was still looking for a woman outside, and that woman... She only found out later that it was actually Xia Yichen who had undergone plastic surgery.

(End of this chapter)

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