Chapter 338 Very Appetite
He thought, he understands what's going on.

However, the emotion in his eyes was quickly suppressed.

He returned to that gentle, spring-like appearance.

"Momo, some people can hurt you once, and they can hurt you twice or three times. If you don't want to be hurt again and again, you'd better think about what you should do. Whether you want to save it or want to break it completely , if you need my help, I will spare no effort."

Speaking of this, she paused, "Also, I'll wait for you, no matter how long."

Xia Yumo froze for a moment, looked at Han Zirui and said nothing.

Lin Jie'er also looked at Han Zirui in surprise, as if she didn't expect his confession to be so straightforward.

Lin Jie'er didn't have much contact with Han Zirui, so she didn't know that Han Zirui had a dual personality, but sometimes when she met Han Zirui at Xia Yumo's place, she would feel that he was a bit weird, giving people a very different impression.

Xia Yumo knew very well that if it was his sub-personality now, what he wanted to say would definitely not be waiting for her, but would say "I want you, if you don't agree, you have to agree, and whoever stops me will be killed!"

Han Zirui didn't care about not getting Xia Yumo's response, but just said to himself, "You haven't eaten yet, have you? Seeing you like this, it's not suitable for you to go out to eat. I'll send someone to deliver food."

Xia Yumo finally reacted, frowned her delicate eyebrows, and said hoarsely, "Han Zirui, this is my home."

"I know it's your house, so why can't I eat at your house?"

Not having the strength to bicker and get angry with Han Zirui, she simply stopped talking.

And although Lin Jie'er felt that Han Zirui was rather weird, she was never the kind of person who would wrong her stomach.

So he said on his own, "It's okay, let's order a takeaway. I happen to be hungry too, and Momo is even hungrier. She didn't eat anything last night."

Han Zirui nodded and went directly to the balcony to make a phone call.

Sitting next to Xia Yumo, Lin Jieer persuaded, "Momo, I know you are uncomfortable, but people are like iron and steel. You can't punish yourself for Ouyang Hanting's mistakes. He hurt you, you can't Hurt yourself again. Others have no obligation to treat us well, but we must be worthy of ourselves, if we don’t feel sorry for ourselves, how pitiful it would be!”

Xia Yumo smiled wryly, took a deep breath, and nodded, "You're right."

In this world, if you don't feel sorry for yourself, you really can't help yourself.

When the takeaway that Han Zirui ordered was put on the table, even though Xia Yumo was in an extremely bad mood, she could only endure it.

And when the so-called takeaways were displayed one by one, she suddenly felt that Han Zirui was so extravagant and inhuman!
Looking at those dishes, it is impossible to be a masterpiece of a takeaway shop.

"Did you put your royal chef to use?"

Han Zirui raised his eyebrows, "Is there any problem?"

"Your home is far from here, isn't it?"

For a meal, as for such a toss?

Han Zirui replied nonchalantly, "It's far away, but isn't the job of a chef just to cook, isn't the job of a royal chef to make me eat happily? So, it's far from a problem."

Xia Yumo is powerless, this kind of person should really throw him into the bubble of the office worker's life circle, let him experience the feeling of an office worker who has to settle for breakfast on the bus.

Lin Jie'er was also very surprised. Seeing the delicacies being brought in one after another, she rubbed her hands in a useless manner, smacked her lips and said, "It looks very appetizing!"

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes speechlessly and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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