Chapter 339 Unconscionable
Han Zirui got up, "I'm going to wash up, I won't be able to eat well if I don't tidy up."

Lin Jie'er didn't think there was anything wrong with her words, she just continued to rub her hands together, "Then hurry up, I'm starving to death. If it's too late, Momo and I will fight first."

Not waiting to be seen at all.

Han Zirui smiled, "No problem, ladies first."

Xia Yumo glared at Lin Jieer, looked at Han Zirui, and frowned, "There are no toiletries for you here, and there are no spares."

The implication is that he doesn't want him to borrow her bathroom.

Han Zirui raised his eyelids, and his handsome face showed a hint of success, "Don't worry, I called just now, and someone brought it to me. You don't have to worry about me being useless."

Xia Yumo's face turned dark immediately.

It is really unwise to compare cunning with foxes.

Seeing that Xia Yumo was blocked, Han Zirui was in a good mood and took his toiletries into the bathroom.

Being disturbed by Han Zirui, Xia Yumo's stomach growled twice, she was hungry.

Lin Jie'er leaned over to Xia Yumo's side, turned her head and looked carefully at the bathroom, making sure that Han Zirui would not come out again, and would not listen to the corner, then said, "Momo, Han Zirui has been chasing you for a year. He This guy seems nice."

In addition to sometimes suddenly changing a person, it feels weird.

However, no matter how it changed, she had seen Xia Yumo's affection for Xia Yumo in the past year.

"What do you want to say?"

Xia Yumo leaned on the sofa and turned to look at Lin Jieer.

"I want to say, instead of loving someone who always hurts me, I'd rather choose a man who treats me well and won't hurt me. If I were you, I would choose Han Zirui."

Xia Yumo felt very speechless about Lin Jieer's defection. She glared at Lin Jieer angrily, "If you want to choose, then you choose. Anyway, I have no feelings for him."

Lin Jieer pretended to regret, "I want to choose too. This is the best man, and I'm chasing you. I don't have a chance!"

Xia Yumo snorted, "Give me a side to cool off, don't think I don't know, who was the man who intercepted you in the underground garage that day? You better tell the truth, or...hehe"

Lin Jie'er suddenly froze for a moment, and fell silent.

Seeing her expression, Xia Yumo didn't press her further.

However, there is still a faint worry about Lin Jie'er in my heart.

She saw that man half a month ago when the company was off work. Originally, she wanted to go to the food stall with Lin Jieer, but when she was waiting for someone in the underground garage, she accidentally saw Lin Jieer being dragged into a relationship. car.

Although the distance was relatively far, the man's face could not be seen clearly, but the dark aura on his body was very similar to that of Ouyang Hanting and the others who were mixed in the gray band...

She couldn't help worrying, she wanted to go up, but the car passed her quickly, and then she found that Lin Jie'er had no intention of resisting, and the man didn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

Later, she called Lin Jieer and asked insincerely. Although Lin Jieer's tone was evasive, she didn't mean to be hijacked.

She was probably sure they were acquaintances.

After a while, Lin Jie'er looked up with a smile, "So you saw it that day."

"Yeah, I've seen it all. You are heartless, have you done a good job underground!"

Lin Jieer's smile became dry, "It's not what you think."

(End of this chapter)

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