Chapter 355 Don't waste it
When the waiter passed by, she put the empty juice glass on the tray, dragged her chin in boredom, and watched those people dancing leisurely to the sound of the cello.

In fact, no matter who celebrates the birthday, as long as it is a rich family, the programs on the birthday banquet are basically the same.

Apart from eating, drinking, dancing, talking and friendship, there is nothing new to be found.

Having learned from the old man's birthday banquet last time, Xia Yumo was very careful this time.

Especially Ouyang Yinuo's birthday banquet, although she felt that Ouyang Yinuo would not do anything to her on her own territory, but she thought she was still sailing carefully.

"Sister-in-law?" A voice above his head was very low, but a surprised enough voice reached his ears.

Xia Yumo raised her head and raised her eyebrows unexpectedly.

Ouyang Jingxian.

She was surprised that Ouyang Jingxian called her sister-in-law.

Ouyang Jingxian herself seemed to have just realized that she called her by the wrong name, yes, she immediately covered her mouth, and carefully swept around.

After making sure no one was approaching, he breathed a sigh of relief, put down his hand and stuck out his tongue at Xia Yumo.

Xia Yumo squinted her eyes. She did not believe that members of the Ouyang family would make such heartless mistakes.

Ouyang Jingxian is a member of the Ouyang family, if Ouyang Yinuo has an order to require all members to hide her existence from Ouyang Hanting, it is impossible for Ouyang Jingxian not to know.

Now she calls her sister-in-law, and she doesn't know whether to praise her for her exquisite mind and ability to win over people, or to laugh at her for being clever but being misled by her cleverness.

In short, no matter what it is, Ouyang Jingxian is a guy who can balance all parties and is determined not to offend others.

Such a person should not be underestimated.

Xia Yumo felt that it would be terrible if she accidentally became a rival with Ouyang Jingxian.

"Miss Ouyang." Xia Yumo smiled politely, "Long time no see."

Ouyang Jingxian seemed a little sad for Xia Yumo, pursed her lips, and said in a low voice, "Sister-in-law, my brother...don't blame him, he has lost his memory, and everything he is doing right now is not what he intended."

Xia Yumo didn't expect her to defend Ouyang Hanting, so she smiled, "I don't blame him. Everything is God's will, there is no way. Besides, he became what he is now because of me, I have no reason to blame him. Him, don't worry."

Hearing what she said, Ouyang Jingxian was relieved and smiled, "It's great that you think so."

"What are you talking about?"

Han Zirui's voice suddenly cut in, and the two looked over at the same time, only to see Han Zirui walking over with a glass of red wine and a glass of juice.

Ouyang Jingxian smiled brightly, "Brother Han, I'm reminiscing with Miss Xia."

Xia Yumo also had a smile in her eyes, but the smile was a bit deep.

Han Zirui didn't react when he met Xia Yumo's eyes, he just reached out and handed over the juice in his hand.

Xia Yumo looked at the purple liquid inside, shook her head, "I'm not interested in grape juice."

Han Zirui raised his eyebrows, before he said anything, Ouyang Jingxian had already said, "Ah, brother Han is so courteous for nothing, I like grape juice, don't waste it, give it to me."

At this time, Ouyang Jingxian is like a naive little girl, she looks pure and simple, and the aura around her becomes pure.

Compared to when he talked with Xia Yumo just now, he seemed like a different person.

Xia Yumo sighed inwardly, as expected, everyone has many masks, and when facing different people, they will show different faces.

Xia Yumo admired Ouyang Jingxian's face-changing speed.

(End of this chapter)

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