Chapter 356

She thought, when she was with Ouyang Hanting when she first met Ouyang Jingxian, she was never like this.

Who made her change?His eyes fell on Han Zirui, Han Zirui noticed her gaze, and Danfeng's eyes were shining brightly.

"Momo, are you jealous?"

The tails of the phoenix eyes slightly hooked, "There is nothing between me and Jingxian."

His words of disregarding the relationship made Xia Yumo blush.

Ouyang Jingxian didn't change much, just took a sip of the juice with a smile, and then praised, "Brother Han is really good at picking, the grape juice is delicious, it was newly airlifted from the French manor this morning, and it is specially prepared for grandpa's birthday banquet For juice."

After speaking, he looked at Xia Yumo again, his smile unchanged, "Miss Xia, don't be jealous, Brother Han and I really have nothing to do."

Xia Yumo didn't speak, but just looked at Jingxian, the lines on the corners of her lips deepened a little.

Ouyang Jingxian walked away after drinking the juice, Xia Yumo glanced around, everyone went their own way, didn't look at their corner, and immediately kicked Han Zirui.

Han Zirui didn't expect her to be so ruthless, and she dared to lay her foot in front of so many people. She was kicked firmly, and the corner of her mouth twitched in pain.

"The one surnamed Han, you got into debt with yourself, don't always use me as a shield! You're going to kill yourself, don't drag me!"

Han Zirui finally adjusted his expression to the original position, "I'm afraid you'll misunderstand!"

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, misunderstood you big-headed ghost!

Han Zirui was surrounded by several couples, who didn't know what they were talking about.

From the beginning to the end, Han Zirui didn't speak much, and there was always that unshakable smile on his face.

Xia Yumo was on the side, glanced at Han Zirui for a while, and looked at the other guests boredly for a while, quite bored.

If it wasn't because this is the territory of the Ouyang family, and Ouyang Yinuo's old thing was there again, she would be happy to slip away first.

For now, for her own safety, she has to sit and be bored.


Ouyang Jun came back to his soul at some point, and came to Xia Yumo's side, which surprised her.

"Master Ouyang" Xia Yumo raised her head, the corners of her mouth curled up, her tone of voice was alienated.

Ouyang Jun froze slightly, "Momo, are you still angry with me?"

"How could it be? Why should I be angry?" Xia Yumo's smile didn't diminish, her words were not necessarily sharp, but in Ouyang Jun's ears, they were full of sarcasm.

He knew that she should be angry if she deliberately concealed her identity and information about Ouyang Hanting.

At the beginning, I had expected such a result, thinking that I could bear it, but when this day really came, I felt terribly uncomfortable in my heart.

"Momo..." Ouyang Jun didn't know what to say for a moment, he just frowned and looked at Xia Yumo sadly.

In my impression, Ouyang Jun has always been a happy and sunny person, and I have never seen him get entangled in anything.

Ouyang Jun in front of him was thinner than before, and Xia Yumo couldn't bear the tangled expression.

No one in the world is obliged to treat you well, so what qualifications do you have to ask others?
After persuading herself in her heart, she breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm really not angry. Today is your grandpa's birthday, you must be very busy, right? Just ignore me."

Seeing that she seemed to really let go, Ouyang Jun was relieved, pulled up a chair and sat beside her, "It's fine if you don't get angry, in fact, I was also..."

Xia Yumo frowned, apparently not wanting to bring up the past again, "If you really want me not to be angry, then stop mentioning the past. Talk about something else."

Ouyang Jun was stunned for a moment, and quickly changed the subject, "Okay. I have nothing to do. Naturally, my father and others will take care of grandpa's birthday party, and I will be responsible for accompanying you throughout the whole process."

Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows, she wanted to say something, but before she could speak, Han Zirui's voice had already cut in, "Momo is the female companion I brought, and the person who will accompany me the whole time is naturally me, young master Ouyang, or Pay attention to first come, first served."

Ouyang Jun looked at Han Zirui unexpectedly, and didn't budge, "Since it's on the territory of the Ouyang family, of course I want to be a landlord. Besides, Momo is not only your girlfriend, but also my friend, we It's my job to take care of it." Turning her head to Xia Yumo, she said, "You think so, Momo?"

Xia Yumo was not very happy to come with Han Zirui, let alone take on the role of his female companion.

Although Ouyang Jun chose to conceal the matter of Ouyang Hanting, the relationship in the past year was not covered up.

Hearing his question, she immediately nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes."

With Xia Yumo's cooperation, Ouyang Jun raised his chin at Han Zirui provocatively.

He was several years younger than Han Zirui, even young.

It tastes like a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Han Zirui felt that he was being provoked by a brat, which was a very fresh experience. Except for Ouyang Hanting, no one had dared to post a war post to him like this for many years.

Glancing at Ouyang Jun, and finally staring at Xia Yumo's face, he said leisurely, "It turns out that your friendship is already so deep. Well, it's very good. Momo, tell me, when I go back, I will further our friendship with Jie'er." How about deepening and consolidating?"

Xia Yumo's heart tightened, her eyelids twitched, and she almost spit fire when she stared at Han Zirui.

"Hehe, you are willing to deepen your relationship with Jie'er, but she may not be willing to deepen your relationship with you!"

"Whether you like it or not, she has the final say, right?"

Han Zirui shook the red wine in his hand, and spoke in a casual tone. In Danfeng's eyes, there was deep meaning in Danfeng's eyes.

Xia Yumo took a deep breath, and said to Ouyang Jun apologetically, "I suddenly felt that as a human being, I should persevere to the end. I came with Han Zirui, so I should accompany him to the end. It would be disrespectful to leave him alone."

A certain person was quite satisfied with Xia Yumo's understanding of current affairs, Ouyang Jun rolled his eyes, leaned close to Xia Yumo's ear, with an ambiguous gesture, but said with a disdainful tone, "Look at you, when did you become so useless! "

Xia Yumo felt aggrieved, Han Zirui grabbed her seven inches, what could she do to find out!
It's not all because of Lin Jie'er's foodie!

At the other corner of the banquet, Ouyang Hanting's face was unhappy, and he stared in a certain direction with heavy eyes.

Qin Kaiyue, who was sitting next to him, had already sensed his emotions, and was quite surprised.

Since Ouyang Hanting lost his memory, he didn't have much contact with him in the first few months, but since Ouyang recovered, the Qin family naturally dealt with him more and more because of business relationship.

Regarding the friendship between the two, Qin Kaiyue did not deliberately mention it, but perhaps because of their similar temperaments, they did not alienate because of Ouyang Hanting's amnesia.

This time Ouyang Yinuo held a birthday banquet in China, so he naturally became the guest of honor. [It's even later, two chapters combined into one chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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